Smile and Wave

Name: Alessia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Diathim Hybrid
Rank: None
Faction: None
Homeworld: Commenor
Parents: Unknown (presumed deceased)
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Right; Blue. Left; Turquoise
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 Lbs.
Force Sensitive: Yes
Calming Presence- Alessia has always been able to calm people's nerves merely by being around them. It's usually fairly subtle, unless the people being affected are either expecting it or able to sense the Force that emits from her being when it occurs.
Limber- Alessia's tall, thin frame allows her to bend, stretch and move about loosely and freely. This makes it easier for her to dodge and avoid things in many scenarios.
Agile- Yet another useful talent is Alessia's speed. She's always been a fast runner. Not inhumanly fast, of course. But it always pays to be quick on your feet.
Slight Hypnosis- Because of her Diathim lineage, Alessia has the ability to hypnotize other people. It isn't strong enough to do any serious damage. For instance, she can't make someone into a mindless slave. She can however get someone slightly drowsy.
Physically Inept- Though she's fast and flexible, Alessia isn't what you'd call strong. She doesn't have any trouble lifting things or throwing things of course. She's just not amazing at it.
Nose For Trouble- Alessia has a tendency to get into trouble. A lot. She has fun with it for the most part. But it's only a matter of time before it puts her in very serious danger.
Walled Off- Talking to people and being friendly has never been a problem for Alessia. It's the part when they expect her to talk about her feelings and all that intimate stuff that she hates. She doesn't open up like that for anyone. Not unless they get close enough for her to actually consider trusting them first.

Alessia is extremely beautiful. Her Diathim lineage is most apparent in the very subtle goldish glow that radiates from her skin. It's by no means bright or blinding. Just a slight glimmer, more noticeable in dark places.
She was born with heterochromia, meaning that one eye is a different color than the other. This is why one of her eyes is a crystal blue while the other is a light turquoise.
Her hair is a very light platinum blonde that falls with a slight wave to the small of her back. She mostly wears it down, though she does braid it every so often. She rarely wears it up, but if the need arises, she'll have it in either a bun or a ponytail. Her skin is very fair. Her body is slim and a bit lanky, but it makes her appear graceful and almost fragile.
She doesn't care much for fashion, so she usually wears fairly casual attire, such as a simple shirt and pants with comfortable shoes. She dresses up on occasion, but even then, it's a simple blouse and skirt or a dress with either small heels or flats.
Alessia is a very free spirit. She always finds a way to have fun, even if that means breaking some rules (and/or laws). She isn't a high-stakes criminal. She's not crazy. She just... takes things from time to time.... and does things that are often questionable to the authorities....
She likes to laugh, which often means she'll do things that are rather amusing to her, regardless of what others might think. People often enjoy her company as a result of the friendly persona she possesses. Though they're initially drawn to her for her striking beauty.
Alessia doesn't like to be bossed around by strict or pushy people. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She can get pretty snarky if she's mad enough.
Alessia isn't sure where exactly she was born. She has very little memory of her mother beyond the gold of her hair. The girl spent most of her life in the Charity Memorium Orphanage. It was a fairly large establishment, housing over 3,000 children.
Alessia had a few friends here and there. But as time went by, more and more of them were adopted and new children took their place. The orphanage was strict, and a bit crowded. Often times, she would sneak out in search of entertainment as well as a bit of freedom. But it wasn't long before her entertainment got rowdy. She would be brought back by the police many a time for minor offenses. Stealing sweets and little things, loitering in restricted places and causing small disturbances. She was a bit of a nuisance for the orphanage staff at times. But they still liked her nonetheless. They couldn't really explain why. Something about her just made them feel... Calm. Happy, even.
Eventually, Alessia was adopted. It was supposed to be a solution. A nice occasion for the orphaned girl with a nose for trouble. But it wasn't long before she was returned to the orphanage. She went through one family after another, but in the end, she was always returned. The reasons that each family gave were slightly different, but similar in one aspect. She was simply too much trouble.
Nevertheless, more families continue to try and have her as their daughter.