Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Alexa Keel



Force SensitiveYES (minor)


Alexa is an average sized woman, blond hair that's usually tied back in a bun or ponytail, and amber yellow eyes.


Plastoid Armor
Carbine Blaster Rifle
Blaster Pistol
Vibroblade Combat Knife


Alexa is a problem solver, willing to cut a corner or two to achieve the ultimate goal. She maintains her morals however, and has a number of lines she will not cross, such as unsolicited murder. She's more than willing to take the lives of a few criminals, even if the grounds upon which she killed them were shaky.

She's a passionate woman, who cares deeply for the people she serves and is unwilling to let harm come to them, or let those who brought them harm do so without consequence. She has a habit of not arresting high profile targets, and instead opting to kill them, knowing that they could buy the favor of the system and walk away with little more than a fine and a not-so-stern talking to. She has yet to get in trouble for it, and keeps a tally on her rifle of how many high-profile criminals she's killed, priding herself on every kill and relishing each memory.

Most of all she sees herself as responsible for the safety and well being of those around her. The abduction of her youngest sister when she was young leaving a feeling of failure in her gut that would never leave. Ever since then she'd make everyone else's safety her chief priority, often to the detriment of her own safety or health.


Markswoman: Hours upon hours spent honing her skill with a blaster has made her a crack shot. She's not the best in the galaxy by any stretch, but do not underestimate her aim lest you be laid low.
Actor: Her job has required her to go undercover on a few occasions, and she knows how to play the role she's assigned. Able to play a helpless and terrified slave girl or an incompetent mafia goon with ease.
Instincts: Her sensitivity to the force is uncultivated. No professional training, not even a suspicion of it from her or her peers. But it speaks to her. Warning her that something is waiting around the corner, or urging her to pull the trigger, letting her hit improbable shots.


Hothead: She's easy to tick off. And once she's angry she's hard to reason with. This has lead to incidents in the past, occasionally requiring her companions to physically restrain her so she doesn't kill someone she's not allowed to.
"Strong you are young one, but not that strong": She is utterly unaware that the force speaks to her, and consequently cannot use it actively. Trained force sensitives would have an easy time locating and overpowering her.
Guns: Her primary weapon is the blaster, and she's average at best when it comes to other weapons. If you separate her from her blasters then she's the equivalent of a sitting duck.


Alexa's life started like any other. Loving parents, bothersome younger siblings whom she cared for dearly, an average person's home on Coruscant, an open future that was hers for the taking. Until the day that her youngest sister went missing.

Ever since that day she'd felt personally responsible for it. As the eldest sibling she was told that she was in charge of her sisters when her parents weren't around. And she carried the guilt of her sister's disappearance for the rest of her life, even today. When she was old enough to truly understand duty to its fullest she made a vow that no one would ever be lost on her watch again, and she took it to heart. She felt it was her penitent duty to save everyone she could. And that motivation pushed her into the military, where she joined as an enforcer of law. Obtaining the skills necessary to succeed in her mission to protect the helpless and the innocent from the filth that clawed from the black pits of the galaxy.

She has, since her graduation from training, been involved in the busting of a few trafficking centers. And she has had the pleasure to kill three high profile criminals so far. Keeping memorabilia from her missions, and a tally on the buttstock of her rifle for each high profile target she's put down so far.
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