Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexa Morgyn

'My soul is in the sky.'
B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n

Full Name: Alexandra Kynereth Morgyn

Preferred Name: Alex, Lexa

Alias(es): En

Age: 19

Home Planet: Bastion

Allegiance(s): Sith Empire

Rank: Pilot

Species: Near-Human

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Various

Voice Sample: Sypha Belnades

Orientation: Bisexual

Force Sensitive: No

Force Alignment: N/A

P h y s i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Height: 61 cm or 5'0''
Weight: 46.3 kg or 102 lbs
Body Type: Thin and Fit build
Complexion: Fair skinned
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Blue with Green surrounding the Iris
Markings: Light Freckles

  • (+) Skilled Pilot: Though she is new to aerial combat, piloting around for fun was a hobby of young Alex. Flying around for the past 3 years of flyingthrough the often busy skylines of Bastion, she learned the ins and outs that the academy hadn't taught their students.
  • (+) Speedy: Even not in the air, the young Bastionite enjoys the feeling of adrenaline she gets from high speeds. In place of driving due to her lack of license, Alex takes up many high speed sports to allow her to get that rush she enjoys.

  • (/) Mediocre Aim: How she exceeds in flying is compensated by her slightly below average aim, a skill that she more or less ignored training as she never got joy out of shooting asteroids like she did taking a joyride.
  • (/) Good Natured: The harsh teachings of the Sith Academy never managed to pierce Alex down to the bone, the lessons of coldness not quite able to cool her warm heart. While she knows her obligations as part of the military, the Bastionite has always preferred the option of mercy when available.
  • (/) Unliscensed: While the girl is an exceptional flyer, she never quite bothered to fully learn how to drive on the ground. This leaves her at a loss when forced to drive a ground vehicle, try as she might to relate it to a fighter it never quite clicks.

  • (-) Poor Fighter: Despite the military training to keep her fit and the training she receives, Alex was never much of a combatant outside of her fighter. Instead of fight or flight when it comes to close combat the girl is a deer in headlights, unable to move as an opponent draws near her.
  • (-) Inexperienced: Though her time in the military has given her some clue as to how battles are truly fought, she has only recently been given permission to go out on duty. This inexperience can lead to moments of panic if situations get dangerous.
  • (-) Gullible: As part of her good-nature Alex is fairly easy to trick with false acts of weakness, not willing to attack an enemy when they are down or injured. This can lead her into being caught off guard fairly often.

Personality: Alex has lead most of her life carefree, allowing her head to stay in the clouds both literally and figuratively. On the positive side of this, the young girl still has an innocence to her that can endear her to others. She is also good-natured and kind to others, including her enemies. Her obsession with flying came at a young age with her grandfather being a flying ace for the local Bastion military, a time long before the Sith Empire had founded themselves on the planet under the Zambrano Banner. With the change in regime came her grandfather's retirement, a change not brought on by anger but the old man decided the times were changing and that was a sign his time was over. In the same breath however, he left a light for Alex to go out on her own and follow the dreams he had as a young man. Her main drive is that feeling of lightness in her chest that the Bastionite gets from doing exciting things, the weightless feeling that she gets from flying. This has led her to many other sports, though flying has always been her true passion. This innocence however does make her far less effective when it comes to real war, her kindness and focus on flying over battle leaves her as below the top level of pilots. She is also very warm towards strangers, especially if they return the feeling mutually whether it be false or true.

Appearance: Alex is rather petite for her age, standing at ever so slightly above five foot tall. This height combined with her thinner, fit build makes the young girl quite a bit physically smaller than most others around her, though she is still clearly physically able. Her long red hair is often kept rather messy, constantly leaving it loose instead of bothering to tie it up or cover it. Her eyes are a soft blue with green coming up in flames around her iris, lit up even more by the ever present gleaming in the young girl's eyes. For outfits Alex constantly wears the black bodysuit that pilots wear under their uniform though she has the wherewithal to cover it up, most commonly with a hoodie of some sort. Though not entirely against formal wear, the free-spirited girl does tend to avoid dresses and doing up her hair.

F a m i l y

Adrian Morgyn
  • [ Father ]
Dwyer Morgyn
  • [ Paternal Grandfather ]
Johanna Morgyn
  • [ Mother ]
Seran Morgyn
  • [ Older Brother ]
Breia Morgyn
  • [ Younger Sister ]


O t h e r R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Significant Other:

Friends and Allies:

Rivals and Enemies:


Bounties Collected:

I'll do this later, idk
P e r s o n a l

O t h e r

C o d e x S u b m i s s i o n s

F a c t o r y S u b m i s s i o n s
Total: 1 | Completed:
T h r e a d T r a c k e r

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 0 | Incomplete - 0

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 0 | Incomplete - 0

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 0 | Incomplete - 0

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 1 | Incomplete - 0

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 0 | Incomplete - 0

Completed - 0 | In Progress - 0 | Incomplete - 0

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