Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexander Ghost

Name: Alexander Ghost

Age: 24

Height: 6'2

Weight: 220lb

Species: Human

Hair: None (Bald)

Eyes: Pale Blue

Skin color: White

Body Style: Muscular

Tattoos: Arm sleeve tribal (right arm),Triple X (back of the neck), Rose (on top of left hand), Stacked skulls sleeve (on left arm)

Bio: Alexander Ghost and his younger brother Devan Ghost have spent most of their lives in juvenile detention and jails before and after the foster home that has taken care of them. They were adopted by a group of mercs and the leader assumed role as their father, training them in weapons and combat warfare. Alexander Ghost was the smart ass of the two, sarcastic, and slick trying to get away with things any chance he had. He grew up to be an adrenalin junkie, he loves doing anything stupid on something fast and dangerous. He would learn to parkour anything, being able to climb and jump to impossible places there isn't a building or a ledge he cant get to using only his hands and feet. He is still learning more about the art and getting better, yes he considers it an art and hell of a work out. He has an attitude towards the law, not stopping when being chased. He hates force users considering it a sissy way of fighting instead of using your own two feet and fist.

Strengths: Quick with his parkour and elusive, his adrenaline gives him a high pain tolerance.
Knife expert - throwing and hand to hand using knives. Learns quick about droids and star ships.
Adept in explosives of any kind.

Weakness: Slick smart ass, doesn't think twice about what he does or has done, uses his body as a weapon mostly because of his parkour, talks a lot of poodoo, of all weapons he cant stand using snipers and doesn't know how.

Force Sensitive: No (He hates force users)

Ship: Freighter

Weapons: random assorted weapons - pistols, knives, machine guns, blasters etc.

Gear: Black leather biker jacket, black short sleeve shirt, olive green cargo pants, and black armory boots going half way up the calves.

Pet: Howl runner

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