Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexandria Zambrano

  • Thread starter Alexandria Zambrano
  • Start date

Alexandria Zambrano


| Social Information |

| Name | Alexandria Diana Zambrano
| Titles |
  • Darth Victrix [Sith Moniker]
| Faction |
  • The Sith Empire (as Darth Victrix)
  • The Republic Remnant (as Alexandria Zambrano)
| Rank |
  • Sith Lord
  • Senator
| Homeworld | Panatha
| Current Location | Secret
| Sexual Orientation | Heterosexual
| Marital Status | Wed
| Family |
  • Husband: Marius Zambrano [née Aztez]
  • Father: Julius Zambrano
  • Mother: Ariana Zambrano [presumed dead]
  • Uncles: Braxus Prazutis [Darth Prazutis]
  • Cousins: Venthis Zambrano
  • Other: Kaine Zambrano [Darth Carnifex]
  • Family Tree
| Languages Known |
  • Galactic Basic - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
  • Epicant - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
  • Sith - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
  • High Sith - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
| Voice Sample | Cate Blanchett


| Species | Epicanthix
| Age | ~50 GSY (young)
| Gender | Female
| Height | 6 Feet 4 Inches
| Weight | 186 Pounds
| Eye Colour |
  • ​Calm Ultramarine
| Hair | Blonde
| Skin | Pale Caucasian
| Scars | Deep gashes along her spine.

  • | Force Sensitive | Yes (hidden)
  • | Force Rank | Master
  • | Force Alignment |
    The Bogan (hidden)

| Personality |

Alexandria Zambrano is a fiery beast, and deep behind her angelic facade bubbles a dormant volcano, eager to erupt and smother the masses in her wrath and ruin. However for the most part, she is approachable, calm yet not afraid to voice her opinions. She is a master of trickery and deceit, and her hidden sensitivity to the Force aids her in deceitful practices.

| Appearance |

Great beauty had been bestowed upon the Angel since her first moments in the world, and to some the very air around her shimmers as if in awe of her beauty. Her face, though slightly aged, bears the beauty of a freshly bloomed flower, with near symmetrical features a small, pointed nose, near-elfish ears and two entrancing blue orbs delicately placed below her brow. Her lips, vermilion red and often enhanced with a dash of some cosmetic glow like cool embers before fizzling out into the paleness of two small dimples on either side of the lip.

Locks which glisten like morning's first light tumble swiftly down her back, reaching to just below her shoulder blades and dance in curls down her back. Upon her temple there rests a silver crown of delicately entwined metals which serves as a simple reminder of who she was and her desire to restore herself as the woman she had always dreamt of being - a Queen.

| Biography

Born out of wedlock and the result of a forbidden, tempestuous affair,hostility greeted the young Lady in the moments after her birth. Her mother died during labour, and Alexandria was quickly removed via c-section to preserve her life. Her father never disclosed this information to her, instead being raised by her father's wife, and the woman with whom she would hold a deep bond with - her name was Diana Zambrano. The young Lady dealt initially with the pressures of conforming to Panathan royalty standards: she didn't particularly wish to be waited on, nor look down upon her servants as her mother had tried to instil into her.

From a young age it came apparent to the Dark Side orientated family that yet another Force Sensitive had been produced, and as such Alexandria began to be sculpted into a Sith, or as best as a young girl could be.

Soon, the time had come and the young lady was sent to the One Sith where, under the tutelage of the Sith, Alexandria was sculpted into a promising young acolyte with an infamous skill of manipulation, and she gained a reputation of a sort of seductress amongst the whispers of the neophytes. Lexa excelled in her knowledge and practice of the Force, and quickly became obsessed with the Dark Side and its use to her, and how she could excel herself using the Force and her fellow Sith as a pawn. Those early years were probably her biggest influence in becoming the woman she is today.


Alexandria Zambrano

I am sorry BUT it's not for long
[member="Venthis Zambrano"] @Elani [member="Saeth Zambrano"]

Stephanie Swail

[member="Alexandria Zambrano"] If it's not for long....why you want to join the Silver Jedi if not to reign destruction and death on us all!

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