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Approved Ranged Weapon Alexa's HB-42 Disruptor Pistols

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Manufacturer: Tampson Consolidated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
  • Offensive Power - Modified from stock, the weapon is now an extremely powerful Class-D disruptor pistol that is capable of inflicting atomic deletion on its targets. Each high-intensity bolt is produced by an ultra-dense, unstable Ethaerium gas solution, giving the sufficient power to dematerialize exotic materials the likes of beskar, phrik, neuranium, and other similarly resilient materials with a single shot. The bolt also strikes with a savage amount of kinetic force, with the potential to shatter bones, rupture organs, rattle components, blow out body cavities, and throw targets off their feet even in the event that annihilation or penetration fails. In addition, the explosive effects of the bolt render it generally impractical to defend against with a lightsaber.
  • Utility - The pistol has a laser sighting unit integrated under the barrel. This can be supplemented with an optic as well.
  • Rapid Fire - The weapon has an excellent rate of fire and can be toggled from three different firing modes—rapid fire for fully automatic operation, standard for semi-automatic, and burst for a two shot burst discharge per trigger pull.
  • Laser Beam - A very low recoil and excellent firing characteristics facilitates accuracy under sustained fire. The pistol is match grade-accurate out to its furthest range increment.
  • Unseen - When utilizing Ethaerium X gas cartridges, the bolts fired by the pistol are invisible. This greatly diminishes muzzle flash as well.
  • Clear Leather - Due to the pistol’s weight, quick draw techniques are considerably less effective. Albeit powerful, this is a poor weapon for a gunslinger, who might prefer a lighter, more agile armament that is capable of quickly clearing leather for duels or unexpected engagements.
  • Concealability - The pistol is a large-framed, offensive handgun, more at home on a battlefield than in a concealed holster. Thus, the weapon is quite difficult to conceal on a person.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the pistol will likely be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other technological failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Burn Out - The pistol can burn through its entire cartridge in less than two seconds if fired continuously at the maximum rate. Thus, ammunition levels can be a concern, especially if the shooter is undisciplined or lacking in restraint.
A unique, personalized modification of the HB-42 Blaster Pistol (which itself is a reproduction of the original weapon produced by BlasTech Industries during the Second Great Hyperspace War), Alexa’s HB-42 Disruptor Pistols can be accurately surmised as a breakneck alteration of a previously-standard blaster weapon into something with far more potential firepower and lethality. In that regard, these are weapons designed with brutal, uncompromising objectives, to fulfill brutal, uncompromising missions. Target annihilation is designed to ensue instantly and explosively upon impact, often affecting targets within the explosive radius (~1 meter from the impact point) of the bolt as well.

However, the pistols were not only improved in terms of raw firepower, but also utility and shooting performance. A recoil reduction module makes the recoil to be even less than the stock variant in spite of a clear increase in firepower. The autosteady-gyrogimbal further improves weapon handling as well. For easy, compact storage, the pistols can be made significantly smaller via the collapsing mirrors. To improve accuracy for shooting, the weapon comes with a laser sighting unit, which may be deactivated. And to facilitate accuracy and rapid fire and accuracy, a hair trigger is included as well.

All in all, Alexa’s HB-42 Disruptor Pistols represent an uncompromising expression of violence and terror, reflective of the approach of the Empire that she serves in the wake of its Emperor’s merciless slaying.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make a personalized version of an existing weapon for Alexa.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Alexa
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Durasteel, Dallorian Alloy - Barrel Reinforcement, Reinforced Duraplast Electronic Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Anti-Corr 113 Treatment, Protective Liquid Coating Treatment, Blaster Components, Disruptor Components
Ammunition Type: FAE/AM-01-S2 Energy Weapon Cartridge
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Pistol
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