OOC Account
NAME: Alida Nerys Ember / Na'varro
ALIAS: Véspera
RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6''
EYES: Light Brown/Golden
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Milky-White/Fair
Reserved, introverted, but highly observant. Sees beyond the functional to understand symbolic meanings. Her empathetic nature has made her highly aware of how her actions and gestures will be taken. This sensitive nature makes her crave harmony and peace, though these are things that have long eluded her. As a young child she followed her mother, and internalized those softer values. When she was taken by her Father she assimilated his values and traits as well, tapping into dormant aspects of her personality that brought out her headstrong, willful and hot-temperament - creating a more complex identity and galactic view. Although she is primarily driven by the future, when she is put under stress she can get wrapped up in her immediate problems. Alternatively, she transitions well from one environment to another, and rarely reflects back on how different she was living before. Her focus is on where she is going and seeing her personal goals through.
+ The Force Is A Tool - It only has purpose if she wills it.
+ Knock-Down Drag-Out Brawler - She is unassuming and often underestimated, but the girl can hold her ground.
+ Upper Class Education - There were a few 'perks' growing up with the Na'varro brood.
+/- Whose Side Am I On? - Struggles between the light side and the dark.
+/- Can't Hear Myself Think! - Highly sensitive to the energy and the emotions of the people around her.
- Willfully Ignorant - Determined to do as she wants, follow what she believes, and refuses any ideal that doesn't line up with her own.
- Run, Run, Lost Girl - Tries desperately to do what she believes is right, but has largely lost sight of what that is.
- Those Who Crave Power - Has an ambitious and sometimes violent nature and is likewise attracted to those who seem to have direction.
Described by those who know her as being a dark beauty, Alida possesses very little characteristics of her Father's bloodline. Her hair is thick and dark, with large almond-shaped brown eyes and a long oval face. Her skin is pale and spattered with freckles. As a child she was very plain, skinny, and awkward, with wild features that she eventually grew into.
Alida Ember is the illegitimate daughter of Alen Na'Varro and a cantina waitress named Damita. She was born on the savage world Rattatak in the outer rim.
She was ten years old when her mother died, subsequently leaving her parentless, penniless, and homeless. Months after surviving in the gutters and trash, Alen Na'Varro found her. Having received news from Damita that she was dying, along with the revelation of having a daughter, Alen headed to Rattatak for the truth.
What he found was a feral little girl, with a severe mental scarring; but, underneath the dirt and grime he saw a hardy constitution and resourcefulness in her, that impressed him enough to take the girl under his wing.
And although he did save her from living life in the sewers, the Sith Lord also introduced new challenges and hardships to her life. She was given some comforts, but they few beyond the ground beneath her feet.
Together the two of them traveled across the Galaxy for a time. She received some martial and mental training through a personal instructor, with Alen deeming it necessary for her to learn the basics, while he sought revenge against those who had purged his family from Ascension. Their travels were mostly unsuccessful in that regard, with her father killing a number of men who brought him no closer to his goal. Spending this time around Alen, and in his company, saw Alida became increasingly hardened, witnessing first hand the Sith Lords brutality toward those who betrayed him or his family.
Eventually, she was taken and integrated among her half-siblings on Charny, which was a feat in and of itself. Unused to living in an actual home, it took time for her to adjust to the new arrangements, and from the start of her time living there, Alida was a bit of a troublemaker. She was never held in esteem, at least not to the same level as her half brothers and sisters, given the surname 'Ember' to denote her position in the Na'Varro brood.
From these experiences, Alida learned to grow up quickly, figuring out how to cope and becoming mature and perceptive as she navigated the complexities of her new life.
--- Annihilation of the Na'Varro Family, 800 Year Time Jump ---
The Ebon Fire - bought and paid for by Alen Na'varro, who gifted it to this character.