Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Self-Imposed Exiled
Blood Oathed Guard.
2.7 meters
160 kilograms
Force Sensitive:
Not sensitive to the force
-Immense strength
-Loyalty to the blood oath
-Slow brain degeneration
-Strong hatred for the One Sith

Alkah’Kahtel being of the Gen’Dai species he looks similar to any other of his kind, it being a boneless species which were virtually a formless jumble of corded muscle and nerve bundles. Due to this Alkah’Kahtel has donned an old modified armour of the advanced recon commanders from the clone wars, over time the colour scheme has faded into its base metallic covering and is a simple grey armour covering his body.


Self-Imposed Exiled
For years Alhak’Kahtel followed in the footsteps of his kin after the destruction of his homeland. Traveling planet to planet, refusing to partake in any sort of role as it was seen as a pointless endeavour. Due to such a philosophy the life that this Gen’Dai has partook in has been quite eventless, that was until a turn of events which changed his priorities and flipped his viewpoint onto its head.
During what was hoping to be a simple stop at a planet for resources, turned into a kidnapping with the assumption that Alhak’Kahtel was in-fact part of the republic due to the old armour that he had taken simply for some protection. Wishing to stay out of the forefront of any sort of occurrence, he simply accepted such and was imprisoned underground upon the planet.
Years passed, the world above changed and those that knew of his existence, died and Alhak’Kahtel drifted into mere mystery and even a running joke amongst the prison guards. All this time, Alhak’Kahtel drifted into a deep hibernation, the world around him fading into obscurity and nearly his mind fargoing itself, until a loud explosion shook him awake.
Above the prison was broken into, alarms ringing and boots slamming against the floor. Suddenly the sounds of gunfire vibrated the halls of the prison, interested Alhak’Kahtel peered through his bars to see an android using what could only be seen as a vibroblade. Everything ended as fast as it began, the silence was a breath of fresh ear for him and then, the sounds of iron doors flinging open began echoing.
Those that barged into the prison began to free prisoners all over, it didn’t take long before his cell was peered into and initially looked over, that was until the android peered in and with a metallic gargle, the gate was opened. The android seemed intrigued by the Gen’Dai despite organic features to show such emotions, he offered a hand to him and with that, Alkah’Kahtel accepted such.
Exiting the prison, Alkah’Kahtel was instructed to acquire whatever it was needed to protect oneself and as such, obtained two hand blasters and broke open a ceremonial chest which held an electrostaff. Once outside, he swore to the android to meet at coords given on his own ship and once arrived, Alhah’Kahtel swore himself to the android’s service.
Now starts the Gen’Dai’s now eventful life, under the service of [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

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