Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All aboard, threaders, choo choo.

So, this is a character I've revamped -- Those who were involved with the Sovereignty will remember her as pretty much the only 'Senator' character for that faction but tl;dr did a lot of diplomacy things, some characters might know the old Nilia from diplo threads if you had organizations/factions getting involved.

Anyways. She's changed quite a bit since the faction collapsed, and I'm keen to roleplay her again, either with old faces who haven't seen her since everything went wrong or new people looking to have a good time with a would-be crime queen, either works. I don't really have much direction for her yet in terms of a story arc so I'm totally open to doing overarching things with her. Like always though I'd like to stay away from getting involved with Major Faction business for now and keep it small.

Hi Nilia Saavilin

If you'd like to dip your toe in the water, so to speak, I have a smuggler character currently stuck on Anobis and looking for a way to get enough fuel to get off world. If you're up for criminal hijinks, or just a good character developing story, I'm your guy. Kaird stays away from the major factions himself (for now) so your lack of direction would mesh well.

Food for thought!

- K

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