destiny is all
They were finally to meet this enigmatic and powerful rebel scum. FULCRUM, as he was designated by intelligence, was an influential rebel cell leader fighting tooth and nail against the spread of imperialism in the galaxy.
It seemed way too easy.
Masquerading as Jedi, dressed in something akin to a bathrobe, the New Imperial operators entered the fancy but also somehow trashy Blue Palm Cantina. After months of lies and deceit Fulcrum had agreed to personally meet the 'Jedi', provide them with a Force artifact in return for their aid against Imperialism.
Music blared loudly, drugged up youth slammed shoulders as they came and went and thirsty ugly bastards enjoyed the scenery of scantily clothed Twi'leks. Cause what other race would these old karkers pay their dental coverage on.
Arno Lettow, or currently known as Jedi Master Lucien Dooku, could stand the constant shoving through juveniles and the lingering stench of unflossed seniors but what he could not stand was him constantly stepping on his oversized robe; it absolutely infuriated him. He had nearly produced his concealed gun at a young patron who had dared laugh at him falling down some stairs.
Fulcrum greeted them on a table of six with three of his own rebel goons.
Way too easy.
It took the scumbag a whole minute before he figured out the charade.
Arno shot first.
All hell broke loose.
Fulcrum fled and the Imperials were all alone to fend for themselves in the ensuing massacre.