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Public All Night Long | Imperials on Coronet


B L U E _ P A L M _ C A N T I N A
C O R O N E T _ C I T Y

They were finally to meet this enigmatic and powerful rebel scum. FULCRUM, as he was designated by intelligence, was an influential rebel cell leader fighting tooth and nail against the spread of imperialism in the galaxy.

It seemed way too easy.

Masquerading as Jedi, dressed in something akin to a bathrobe, the New Imperial operators entered the fancy but also somehow trashy Blue Palm Cantina. After months of lies and deceit Fulcrum had agreed to personally meet the 'Jedi', provide them with a Force artifact in return for their aid against Imperialism.

Music blared loudly, drugged up youth slammed shoulders as they came and went and thirsty ugly bastards enjoyed the scenery of scantily clothed Twi'leks. Cause what other race would these old karkers pay their dental coverage on.

Arno Lettow, or currently known as Jedi Master Lucien Dooku, could stand the constant shoving through juveniles and the lingering stench of unflossed seniors but what he could not stand was him constantly stepping on his oversized robe; it absolutely infuriated him. He had nearly produced his concealed gun at a young patron who had dared laugh at him falling down some stairs.

Fulcrum greeted them on a table of six with three of his own rebel goons.

Way too easy.

It took the scumbag a whole minute before he figured out the charade.

Arno shot first.


All hell broke loose.

Fulcrum fled and the Imperials were all alone to fend for themselves in the ensuing massacre.


B L U E _ P A L M _ C A N T I N A
C O R O N E T _ C I T Y

From unmarked guerilla combat trainer to a Jedi Knight cover? Tavius was moving up in the world, he thought glumly. Dressed in those long brown and cream coloured robings, they itched and had taken some getting used to. But they served their purpose in both working as a cover and hiding the Ysalimir Cradle that shielded the trio of New Imperial Operatives from being affected by any real Jedi that happened to come across.

It had taken plenty of training to get used to with the ysalimir, being a force user himself, but he hardly relied on it. It felt something like a phantom limb he supposed without it.

Thinking back to his time amongst the neanderthals that were the gangsters and lowlifes in the Coruscant Underworld, he hadn't spent much time in the clubs. Too young then, but looks had been snuck and there had been no illusions about the spice trades and selling that went on in seedy establishments like this. And just like back home...

A sudden shout.

Blasters were raised.

Throwing back his cloak and swinging forwards with the REC Power Maul, it slammed into the table and the repulsor power it held threw the table at the group of rebels. Pinning them, killing them, Tavius didn't care. They had been made and it was time to get out.

Sinestra Sinestra Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask



Sinestra Sinestra | Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask

They anticipated in finally seeing the conclusion to this mission of theirs. It’s been months with this operation going on. All the action took place behind a screen, lies and deceit being fed to the Rebel agent they targeted. All their hard work paid off it seemed now that they got an appointment to meet this Fulcrum fellow in person.

So close to the finish line.

Yet so far.

They somehow blew it. How? Worst of all their target managed to escape from a clear shot, his scum friends being his meatshields as they faced the barrage from the group of Imperial commandos.

“Fuck!” he roared in anger and frustration. This was supposed to be simple for the finishing touch. Kill the rebel scum which would cause chaos, and get the hell outta here. Now it was time to adapt and improvise to overcome this setback.

Both of his hands, almost out of nowhere, held unconventional pistols from an illicit manufacturer with no contracts with the New Imperial Order. The credits as he made sure was something that couldn’t be traced back to the Imperials. The instruments of war unleashed a salvo into the crowd, killing and wounding anyone at point-blank range. Patrons, dancers, security, bar tenders, whatever that was in the path of the crimson energy fired.

If that wasn’t enough, he had something else in stock.

“Arno! Fix your fuckup, dammit!” again roaring orders to his fellow Imperials, hoping for the his compatriot to chase down Fulcrum. As for Crik? They had to delete any and all evidence of their presence here. Security footage and tape? That had to be destroyed.

“Tariq, chase down Fulcrum with Arno!”

Not a single second could be wasted on thinking. They had to act now. Anything to fulfill the mission. No matter the cost.

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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
HOW IT STARTED: "I mean, sure, I guess I'm free if Fulcrum needs a spare gun hand..."

HOW IT'S GOING: Fulcrum out more or less safe, two men down plus a handful of unarmed locals, three fake Jedi killing everything in sight, and the Blue Palm Cantina heaving itself through its own exits. Jerec skidded behind limited cover - to wit, the bar. He'd snapped off a couple of stun shots before someone took a power hammer to a table; otherwise, his blaster pistol was fresh and ready, the only bright side to tonight's events other than Fulcrum's survival. Jerec flinched as sparks burned skittering from blaster pocks in the walls.

Bad part of town meant CorSec or Galactic Alliance security might not get here for a while. Once they did, of course, Jerec had a whole other set of problems. But he'd burn that bridge when he came to it.

He got up on a knee, peeked between the lum taps, and started snapping off headshots - stun bolts to save power. The fake Jedi could have anything up to pure beskar under their robes, but they weren't wearing helmets. Best case scenario involved putting these gentlemen into the deepest sleep of their lives. Second best was keeping them pinned until law enforcement could arrive and flatten them.

Sinestra Sinestra Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
Kat had decided to explore Corellia and see what it was like on the planet, her friendship with Allyson Locke Allyson Locke meant that she was curious of Corellia, and what it was like to be on the world which skilled pilots come from. Also, it could be an interesting new place for her company to be based and develop more ships and such, if she could find the right spot. Wearing a loose white shirt, dark corset and tight leather trousers. Not armoured for combat, though she carried her Lightsaber and gun, the Lightsaber strapped to her back and her gun was in its hoister on her hip. Kat tied her hair into a loose long ponytail. So far she hadn't found anywhere that looked suitable for Kat's company but she wasn't giving up yet. She was getting along with the Corellian people, they were not like Echani and tended to be leading harder lives than Kat was use to. It was sad to see and Kat was determined to improve things in this area best she could, no one should live a life of suffering in Kat's mind.

Hearing a commotion ahead, Kat first heard shouting and scrambling of furniture but when it was gunfire that started to happen, Kat broke into a run and arrived on the scene, spotted a group of smugglers and such shooting at Jedi, or well oddly dressed Jedi, since she met very few Jedi who actually wore their Jedi robes when outside the Jedi Temple, in fact most tended to wear casual clothes. So, seeing people in Jedi robes was curious though she figured they could be extremists. However, she also realised her connection to the Force was gone as well and Kat groaned, it was either ysalamiri or voidstone from Kat's knowledge on stuff that block a person's Force powers. Kat ignited her Lightsaber and when the smugglers called out at the "Jedi" as Imperial scum, she headed at the Imperials and twirled her pike and ready for action.

Sinestra Sinestra Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr


K I L L I N G _ M A C H I N E

They were on the move now.

Once his comrades killed the Rebel scum of Fulcrum was when they’ll make a dash and get to their extraction. Or hell, they’ll make their own. Stealing someone from their freighter wasn’t something he’ll hesitate to do.

Plausible deniability was everything in their operations.

So what if some lucky straggler gave their story to the judicial officers that they saw Imperials causing the whole killings and violence in this club? That was just soft evidence, nothing concrete that could ping on Crik and his comrades. They were just “Jedi” in traditional robes.

Patrons pushed and shoved each other for the exits, all crammed up in groups. Get this place in chaos was successful, time for-

“Shit,” as he caught whiff of the stun bolts being fired by one of the rebels. Most of them above the chest. Instantly he turned his blaster scattergun at Jerec and began unloading rounds at his direction. The bottles of liquor and alcohol behind the Rebel would shatter, liquid and glass flying from the violent force of the blasters. Enough for a distraction for his aiming, hopefully.

He wanted to close the distance, engage with the Rebel in close quarters. See how far he’d get.

ALLIES: Sinestra Sinestra | Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask
ENEMIES: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

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