Aarshlût Muyel
Priest of Yun-Zhaetor-zhae
Standing in the courtyard of the Voss temple wearing naught but a loin cloth his heavily muscled body open to the air Aarshlût breathed in deeply. He wasn’t like other jedi who were organically tied to the force, yet through his learning he has slowly been learning how to sense things through the force. Visiting what could be considered one of the few bastions of light in the galaxy made Aarshlût feel slightly at peace as a gust of wind blew by. The sun of Voss meant nothing as it beat down on the Vongs gray skin bringing to light the scars that littered his body from a time long ago. A time where he’d been completely devoted to the ways of old. Willing to give life and limb to be one with the Yun’o. Many of these wounds had been self-inflicted and while bacta could heal the scars or other treatments that would be a disgrace! The Yuuzhan Vong knew pain, they did not hide their scars like humans, they did not wish for their flesh to be perfect, however nor would Aarshlût willingly commit such deeds like he had before.
Wrapped around the vong’s waist were two creatures. One being an amphistaff and the other being its close relative the Hydrastaff. A creation made during the height of the One Sith’s power. Aarshlût felt a connection to these creatures as they were as much a part of him as a saber was for a Jedi. Running his hand along the scaly body of the creatures Aarshlût wondered where the apprentice he was supposed to meet had gotten off to. They were to start off the day with Aarshlût testing this apprentice. Dark days were on the horizon and one needed to be able to defend themselves when the Darkside stared them in the face. To stand and fight was the way of the jedi, but for one to have no skills in combat to participate in combat was folly.
All around others milled about, some casting sideways glances at the Vong, others did not attempt to hide their disgust at the grey skinned creature amidst their ranks. Aw, the one thing that can bring humans together, despite their claims of being jedi… Aarshlût thought paying them no more mind than he would an insect bite. Many would probably wonder how he intended to participate in combat without a saber or could even call himself a jedi without wielding one, yet that was an argument easily answered. The lightsaber did not make the Jedi, the force did not truly make a jedi even though it was an intrinsic part of the process. No, it was ones' willingness to do what was right in the name of the light. That’s what Aarshlût had learned from his studies.
[member="Natesh Ignafine"]
Wrapped around the vong’s waist were two creatures. One being an amphistaff and the other being its close relative the Hydrastaff. A creation made during the height of the One Sith’s power. Aarshlût felt a connection to these creatures as they were as much a part of him as a saber was for a Jedi. Running his hand along the scaly body of the creatures Aarshlût wondered where the apprentice he was supposed to meet had gotten off to. They were to start off the day with Aarshlût testing this apprentice. Dark days were on the horizon and one needed to be able to defend themselves when the Darkside stared them in the face. To stand and fight was the way of the jedi, but for one to have no skills in combat to participate in combat was folly.
All around others milled about, some casting sideways glances at the Vong, others did not attempt to hide their disgust at the grey skinned creature amidst their ranks. Aw, the one thing that can bring humans together, despite their claims of being jedi… Aarshlût thought paying them no more mind than he would an insect bite. Many would probably wonder how he intended to participate in combat without a saber or could even call himself a jedi without wielding one, yet that was an argument easily answered. The lightsaber did not make the Jedi, the force did not truly make a jedi even though it was an intrinsic part of the process. No, it was ones' willingness to do what was right in the name of the light. That’s what Aarshlût had learned from his studies.
[member="Natesh Ignafine"]