Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All or Nothing

Standing in the courtyard of the Voss temple wearing naught but a loin cloth his heavily muscled body open to the air Aarshlût breathed in deeply. He wasn’t like other jedi who were organically tied to the force, yet through his learning he has slowly been learning how to sense things through the force. Visiting what could be considered one of the few bastions of light in the galaxy made Aarshlût feel slightly at peace as a gust of wind blew by. The sun of Voss meant nothing as it beat down on the Vongs gray skin bringing to light the scars that littered his body from a time long ago. A time where he’d been completely devoted to the ways of old. Willing to give life and limb to be one with the Yun’o. Many of these wounds had been self-inflicted and while bacta could heal the scars or other treatments that would be a disgrace! The Yuuzhan Vong knew pain, they did not hide their scars like humans, they did not wish for their flesh to be perfect, however nor would Aarshlût willingly commit such deeds like he had before.

Wrapped around the vong’s waist were two creatures. One being an amphistaff and the other being its close relative the Hydrastaff. A creation made during the height of the One Sith’s power. Aarshlût felt a connection to these creatures as they were as much a part of him as a saber was for a Jedi. Running his hand along the scaly body of the creatures Aarshlût wondered where the apprentice he was supposed to meet had gotten off to. They were to start off the day with Aarshlût testing this apprentice. Dark days were on the horizon and one needed to be able to defend themselves when the Darkside stared them in the face. To stand and fight was the way of the jedi, but for one to have no skills in combat to participate in combat was folly.

All around others milled about, some casting sideways glances at the Vong, others did not attempt to hide their disgust at the
grey skinned creature amidst their ranks. Aw, the one thing that can bring humans together, despite their claims of being jediAarshlût thought paying them no more mind than he would an insect bite. Many would probably wonder how he intended to participate in combat without a saber or could even call himself a jedi without wielding one, yet that was an argument easily answered. The lightsaber did not make the Jedi, the force did not truly make a jedi even though it was an intrinsic part of the process. No, it was ones' willingness to do what was right in the name of the light. That’s what Aarshlût had learned from his studies.

[member="Natesh Ignafine"]
Natesh had been studying and learning at Voss' temple for a little while now. And, he wanted to go explore other planets. He didn't think that would ever happen until he had a proper master. Then, he remembered that he received an offer for an off-world mission, the condition was that he would have to satisfy the pilot with his skills. And it so happens that the pilot was a Jedi too. He was nervous but also up to the challenge! Natesh put away the study material and headed outside to meet this Jedi.

Once he got to the courtyard he saw a tower(truly) of a being standing there. Natesh hadn't seen whatever species this Jedi was before and it was scary and piqued his interest simultaneously. He's huge! He approached the man slowly. Then, when he was a few feet away he looked up and asked stuttering a bit, "Ex-excuse me, are you, A-Asrs-Aarshlût?" Natesh couldn't stop his tail from dropping or his ears from lowering to his head. He had to get used to he assumed battle-hardened giant of a man before him. But, his fascination didn't fade one bit. This was very different for the young Amaran.

[member="Aarshlût Muyel"]
Aarshlût may have promised the other apprentice a ride out into the galaxy at large but it certainly wouldn’t be the ride Natesh was expecting, nor would it be a ship that he was expecting. This brought a smile to Aarshlût’s lips. Soon enough his challenger had arrived, Natesh was far smaller than Aarshlût had been expecting but that didn’t mean he underestimated the creature. The Noghri were also smaller than most other species but were deceptively strong and agile. They’d proven that when his species had first appeared in the galaxy. It was why the Yuuzhan Vong respected the Noghri people. Looking down to Natesh, Aarshlût’s brow raised slightly.

Natesh didn’t look as though a proud jedi, instead he looked almost subservient as his ears flattened, the lowered head and the drooping tail. These were not traits of a jedi, of a warrior! Not unless Natesh was doing some formal greeting in the way of his people. That has to be it. Aarshlût thought wanting to give the fellow apprentice the benefit of the doubt. It was not becoming of a Jedi to feel fear or anxious around someone due to their size or demeanor. They were to be proud! Stand up no matter what the threat, and brave enough to do what others weren’t.

Finally, after settling his thoughts and mind instead of going berserk on the small jedi, Aarshlût raised his fist pounding it twice on his chest before inclining his head slightly. “I Aarshlût. Thisss one is of domain Muyel, and represents Yun-Zhaetor-zhae.” Aarshlût knew most of what he said meant nothing to the less formal beings in the galaxy and would often confuse or puzzle them yet it was his way, and his culture. “You are Natesh…” This was less of a question and more so of a statement. Aarshlût had done what research he could on the Amaran, to know one’s allies and enemies was always important to the Yuuzhan Vong.

“The rulesss I ssset before you are that you must strike me 3 times before I ssstrike you once. If you sssucceed, I will show you the galaxy outside thisss world.”

[member="Natesh Ignafine"]
After looking Aarshlût over for several moments the unsettling nature of his body lessened it's hold on Natesh. Thus, Natesh became more interested about Aarshlût species. But, his questions could wait. When, the Vong introduced himself, the Amaran found the hissing accent neat. And, the kid nodded when Aarshlût said his name. Then came the rules of the bout. This is really cool! But, I need to focus for now. I hope his isn't impatient with people with questions. Because, I already have a lot! The kid thought.

The young fox nodded his understanding. Then, as he backed up a foot or so more, he thought about how to draw his lightsaber. Once he decided, he took off his dark-brown over-robe folding it. After this, he concentrated on his lightsaber with his hand a few inches away. It took a couple seconds, but the hilt moved a bit. The padawan focused more, and he finally got the hilt to fly into his grip. Yes! It worked! Once it was in his hand, Natesh lowered the power to a little over practice mode. Finally, he was ready for this mock battle, mostly. He started to move in weak, short range hops in multiple directions, and steadied his weapon, waiting for now. The energy from his lightsaber cast a blue light on him and the surrounding area. He was curious to how Aarshlût would attack or defend and with what.
[member="Aarshlût Muyel"]
The young Amaran seemed to be excited for the chance at combat, at least that’s what Aarshlût thought as he examined the smaller figure. The creature’s smaller stature would give him the advantage over Aarshlût hence why he had set the regulations the way he had. It would be as much of a challenge for him to strike someone that was smaller and most likely faster once than them striking him 3 times. This would both test Aarshlût’s skills in combat against a jedi since it had been so long and also show the young Natesh that there were other weapons out there that could be used to combat Lightsabers. The small display of power from Natesh was indeed impressive but it was something Aarshlût had seen plenty of times. It had actually become the standard among jedi now, some just looking to show off, others wishing to have their weapon in hand faster.

Reaching to the amphistaff at his waist, Aarshlût grabbed it by its tail watching as his opponent activated the saber. The signature snap-hiss of the saber coming to life pierced the air as burnt ozone assaulted Aarshlût’s nostrils. Every movement of Natesh was noted, the small leaps in multiple directions, yet no attacks had come. He was perhaps expecting Aarshlût to strike first, not one to disappoint he yanked at the tail of the amphistaff uncurling the living creature and holding it as though it was a whip. Raising his right arm and snapping it Aarshlût let the serpent lash out at the Amaran. It was obvious the serpent was alive as midflight it opened its mouth as though it planned on biting into the Amaran. With another snap of his wrist the serpent would be brought back as the attack had been a ruse to goad Natesh into action and to test his reflexes.

[member="Natesh Ignafine"]
Not long after starting his movements, Natesh watched as Aarshlût uncoiled a whip and attacked him. Then, the padawan realized that the whip was a living creature. It was true that Natesh didn't a lightsaber on Aarshlût, but this weapon was perplexing, freaky and of course interesting. What is that...?! The kid thought quickly. The living whip had it's mouth open as it came to bite Natesh. But, Natesh saw multiple ways to dodge, the Amaran tried to direct Aarshlût's attention to the right with his eyes, then used more strength to blitz left towards the Vong. Natesh used what force power he had to monitor the whip's movement the best he could and used his superior physical speed to close in on Aarshlût. He was planning on striking at Aarshlût's upper thigh. If plan A didn't work, his second plan would be to attack his shoulder by a spinning jump, hopefully.

[member="Aarshlût Muyel"]
The young Amaran was quick on his feet, as to be expected by one so small and the species it pulled its traits from. The one thing the Amaran would notice is that the amphistaff was dead to the force, while a living creature it was like the serpent was just a void as though it had somehow escaped the force’s notice. It had been one of the key weapons used by his people during their initial invasion of the galaxy and it had numerous benefits and roles it could fill. One of such being the whip that Natash was seeing. Bringing his right hand back Aarshlût summoned the snake back to himself and with a subtle shift of his muscles he gave a command to the creature which it obeyed.

Straightening itself the amphistaff hardened itself reaching its full three-meter length and resembling a staff. Holding it by the end of its tail and angling it down across his body Aarshlût was able to block the first lightsaber blow aimed for his upper thigh. When the saber met the amphistaff’s body it would bounce off harmlessly. Aarshlût had at first thought his people’s weapons were common around the galaxy at this point considering the Yuuzhan Vong had aided the Sith in their invasion of the galaxy in years past. Hand shifting lower to get a better grip on the staff Aarshlût raised it slightly to block Natash’s second strike aimed at his shoulder. The Natesh was fast, agile, and new to angle his attack on different vectors using his diminutive size.

Aarshlut could reach out and strike the Amaran with an open palmed strike but that would also be leaving himself open for attack. Instead he took a large step back, both hands now upon the staff giving it a twirl between his hands before holding it out straight before himself. “Gonna have to try just a bit harder than that Natesh.”

[member="Natesh Ignafine"]

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