Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Saint's Day/Four Day Weekend

Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Alright, guys. Starting tomorrow morning and up until Sunday (November 2nd), I'm going on a four day weekend to the nations capital to "celebrate" All Saints Day. Haven't been in a few years now so it's kind of a big deal too. Also, we've have tons of activities planned. So while I'm bringing my devices and I expect to have internet at my aunt's place, I don't expect to be able to sit around with any of them while there.

Also, if you're expecting a reply, if you don't get them tonight while we're packing, consider it a bonus if I do reply while I'm there. But don't expect it.

Now, gonna go through my characters and hopefully not miss anyone that way:

[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] (Edit: When did we get the "-"??)
[member="Anastasia Rade"]
[member="Cira"] ([member="Countess of Báthory"]/[member="Kytarra Hawk"])
[member="Minerva Vessia"]
[member="Marrik Aloxum"]
[member="Aston Jacobs"]
[member="Nessarose deWinter"]
[member="Cameron Centurion"]
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
[member="Salem Norongachi"]
[member="Jared Ovmar"]
[member="Darth Shadow"] ([member="Valiens Nantaris"])
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

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