Armaud Eden
Wayfaring Stranger
En route to Azar City
Wild Space
Of all the habitats that Armaud felt an unrelenting pull in regards to exploration, across vast swathes of varying planets, jungles and swamps held the greatest temptation. He couldn’t decide if it was because of the familiar nature, tying the experience back to the standard of the Ankarres Forest that grew out from the back of the homestead on Sulon. Or if it was because of the unabated growth and life, full of diversity and variety, and the undeniable allure of assimilating into something that felt so at odds with an easy way of survival.But for him, the act of padding barefoot across the spongy floor of a forest or bog could not have come any easier.
His path always began with the simple desire for discovery, extending out from the heart of Alliance space. But when he could tie it to a task, a chore for either his uncle or his mother, that often made the trip more openly accepted. Not that he would need their permission, but he preferred to keep them happy. In this case, finding odd or unique plants for his mother that could have potential medicinal values.
The small starfighter came out of hyperspace within view of the planet. The alabaster satellite orbited on a slow tumble, nearly on the opposite face of the planet, indicating to Maud that his trajectory would land him on the planet around late morning. The timing would work nicely, as he could spend the day as he pleased, and look for trading as the sun hung low towards the evening. At least, that was the rough plan by the young man who wasn’t particularly well acquainted with prudent planning.
Calling into port control, he gave them all the various information they would need to approve access. A contingent of the Sulon Expeditionary Group, he claimed, though that wasn’t entirely true. It was a far weaker affiliation, by blood more than activity, though it tethered him strongly enough to Alliance to garner access to the jungle terrain that surrounded the main populace center, Azar City.
As orbital descent degraded and he entered atmosphere, the X-wing strafed across the orange horizon. He wasn’t intent on getting too close to the center yet, just in case his visit isn’t as welcomed as he expected. He knew very little about the city and even less so about the mysterious Je’Daii order that inhabited the land.
Immediately, he felt the tinge of something foreign. An ache that seemed to cut across the land. As if trees had pulled back from valleys and flat lands, leaving barren landscapes where harm was once committed and never seemed to fully heal. He did his best to shake the feeling free as he looked for one of these scars as a soft landing spot. Below, the ship would quickly and inadvertently disrupt a mating congregation of what appeared to be large winged reptiles. Armaud would have no idea that such an event would cause delay of reproduction for up to a decade, though he might feel the sting of missed opportunity at their sudden dispersal.
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