Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private All The Right Friends

Sullust/Abandoned base
11:02 local time


Thanks to her work with Revy, Shai had gotten some new contacts that might prove to be a goldmine for her. A group called the Network apparently always needed more toys which meant the she would be able to make a ton of money with the amounts of times she needed to fly around for them. The last few jobs were easy enough, however this time might be different. Sorosuub had some people on the inside who were willing to sell weapons at a very nice price and were willing to do business with the Network. This meant that this job had a lot of risks going for it and the fact that they were in Confederate space wasn't helping either.

Luckily she wasn't alone.

She was told to meet with a guy that had the money...and skills to help with the shipping. Shai gladly accepted the offer of a an extra pair of hands. So there she was, waiting by an old abandoned base used by the Empire way back when. A cigarette was held between her lips as she glanced around. There was precious little told to her of this meeting. She didn't even know who she was supposed to be meeting. But if this was a sort of means to get rid of her, she was ready. Her blaster was in her hand and a few thermals were strapped to her belt. She twirled her pistol around her trigger finger every now and then before looking it over. Her droid was sitting beside her, keeping its sensors on high alert for her. "They better hurry up, this job has a lot of money going for it." she said to her droid that gave a simple beep in response.

K Kaine Australis
Shai watched the starship enter the atmosphere and approach. As it landed, she started walking towards it with her pistol still in hand. A tall man and a very tall robot emerged from the ship but Shai knew this was the people she was supposed to meet with. She holstered her pistol with a smile and gave a friendly wave. "Yo, what's up!" she called out to them. When she reached the two individuals she offered her hand for a very enthusiastic handshake. "You're Network boys, right? Awesome to meet you. The name's Shai." she quipped then turned to walk back to the old hangar. "I must admit that I'm rather enthusiastic about this job. I've run a lot of shipments but never something this official, let alone with an actual company." she admitted as she flicked away her cigarette bud.

"I've already reached out to the guys we're supposed to meet, they're inside the hangar. All that's left is the payment from your end and then the final destination so we can get moving." she explained over her shoulder. Inside the abandoned hangar was her ship with Sullustans loading up a massive stack of crates and cases. Another was standing by with a datapad in hand while a security droid watched the new arrivals from behind its master. "That's the dude you're supposed to talk to. I won't lie, I'm tempted to keep a crate or two for myself. Sorosuub's got some very nice toys they're giving you guys for bargain prices." she chuckled before reaching the man. "Hey, this is the guy. You wanna talk while I check on the shipments? Just to double check the numbers." she asked with a smirk which earned a scoff from the Sullustan. <"We both went through it already."> he fired back in his native language. "And I'm not taking chances on this. Gimme that list." she said flatly, resting her hands on her hips. With a sigh he gave in and handed the datapad to Shai who wandered off into her ship.

He gave her a final look before focusing on Kaine. "<Apologies for that, she's been bussing around all day...and she's very interested in those crates. I'd keep my eyes on her if I were you.>" he said to Kaine. "<...Do you understand me?>" he asked him with a nervous chuckle, not sure if he actually understood Sullustese or not.

K Kaine Australis

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