Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All things come in time

A lone man stood in the empty antechamber of the Inquisition's Citadel. Not long ago men and women had called this building home. Now it stood empty, well empty except for his own presence.

It had been his plan that set this in motion, his order. The result had been unexpected, but that was a mess for another day. For he had a reason for walking these empty halls. Here he was met with silence, when recently he had been forced to suffer anything but. Galactic Emperor Akio Kahoshi, Emperor of Atrisia (though perhaps former Emperor was more accurate for the moment), had developed a problem.

Akio was sitting in his throne room, dealing with the typical day to day happenings of his Empire. It was always loud during a session, but today it seemed louder. As if everyone in the room was shouting directly at him. As they day went on a headache grew until he could stand it no longer. Calling an early end to the day he retired to his personal office. However the voices did not go away. They were indistinct, like catching parts of conversations while walking down a busy street. However there was no one nearby talking.

Naturally at first the Emperor had thought he was losing his mind. It did not take him long to realize that the voices each had an owner. That they followed his subjects as they came and went. With some disbelief Akio had been forced to acknowledge that there was another culprit besides his own madness. The blood of his father, the blood of a Jedi Master, had apparently decided to manifest itself at last.

In a culture ruled by fear of Jedi and Sith, an Emperor with uncontrolled Force abilities would be disastrous. Which was why he now walked these silent halls, waiting.
Like most, Yokuni suffered from opinion. Though Yokuni was wise enough to know it was not always wise to voice your opinion. Artisia lived upon a cast system, even after it was influenced by the Galactic Empire. For the people to be so influenced by fear, to forget about their ancestors and the traditions, it was a horrific crime in Yokuni’s opinion.

Though that was the opinion of a man who was born long ago in another life time. Truly if he spoke would most people who knew him might think it was rumblings of a old man not conforming to modern times? Maybe, then again there might be some that might agree with him.

Yet, that is a topic for another day. Today as he walked down the halls of the Inquisition Citadel. Today he had business of another kind. “Kahoshi-Sama”, respectfully, Yokuni bowed to [member="Akio Kahoshi"], the man who should still be on the throne, right now.
At the voice, Akio turned and gave a slight nod of his head. "Ah, there you are Togashi, or should I call you Shadow Master Darkhold here?"

Blue eyes wandered the chamber around them, amusement playing across the Emperor's face. "You know, in all my time in command this is the first time I have ever stepped foot in the Citadel. For hundreds of years the agreement was always that the Inquisition served Atrisia, but that they managed themselves on their own. Generations of Forceless moffs relying on Force users to keep other Force users in line. It is a wonder we've made it this long."

Once again his eyes locked on the other man. One of the few in the Inquisition that Akio knew to be loyal for more reasons that just the threat of death. "It seems we are forced to adapt. Now a Force user will be the one on the throne, and history has shown us how dangerous that can be. It will be your job to make sure the worst does not happen."

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
Graciously he listened, yes Yokuni could not still get over that fact. For hundreds of years his people lived in fear. Such a fear that it brought them to a point of forgetting who they are, the origin of their people, the love and the honor their ancestors had shown. They forget a time when the common people and those who were force sensitive lived together in harmony. Not all monks were the same but there were monks, there are still monks, however the monks of the past played a pivotal role in the cast system. Some where still force sensitive and some where not. The ones who were force sensitive, now they are shunned, forced to practice in secrecy. It was appalling to think about.

Then there was that fact the people, their direct actions upon the Emperor [member="Akio Kahoshi"], they had forgot their place. They forgot the very conservative principals of honor and family. Their conduct not just brought shame and disgrace to their family, it was not just treasonous, it was treasonous to the very foundation of their culture. This was a modern realty, and one Yokuni was getting used to.

“Aye, things change, it is just the nature of our universe”, he pondered what he should say, “When I was a young child, there was a Artisian Monk, who once took notice of me. There was something he told me that comes to mind now.”

“ It is not just our honor we fight for. It is not just the honor of our ancestors and our children. It is the honor of our people we fight for. It took some time, then the subtle clues became illuminated. It is our traditions and our way of life, they are just on loan to us. Like our ancestors it is our duty to protect our way of life for our future generations. The worst thing I can see happening, it is if we all lose our path before us. The result if we do lose our path, we steal the future from our children. As always it is up to us to remember the wisdom our ancestors left us. The Force is part of all of us. Some of us are just blessed with the ability to sense it and use it to fight for our people. ”
"Honor is a good trait," Akio said. "One that I have done my best to display my entire life. However few in this Galaxy would agree with the Atrisian way of things. You speak of honoring the people we fight for. But did the Confederation honor us when while proclaiming to be our allies they attempted to destroy us by sending a fleet of ships crashing upon our planet? Was it honorable of the Republic to break their treaty with us and invade our territory?

"I have not always agreed with the Inquisition's methods, as they can be needlessly cruel. However, can you argue with their goal? The Inquisition was created here on Atrisia to protect its people. Consider that the Jedi and Sith have likely caused both deaths during their thousands of years of history than any other one source... except perhaps the Gulag plague. So to protect us the Inquisition discovered those with untrained Force powers. Those that wished to protect their planet became Inquisitors, those that were a threat to Atrisia were eliminated.

"Even this changed as we grew though. Instead of a single planet, we controlled countless. Far to many for even the Inquisition to keep complete control of. So we adopted the Force registration. Force users had to by law register, but their registration was kept quiet within the government. We did not send them to concentration camps, nor did will kill them. Recent, and unapproved, events aside they were allowed to live out their lives unaware that the Inquisition kept a silent watch in case they attempted to use their abilities to harm others."

Akio took a moment to pause, indicating himself with his hand. "And now I have that same potential to harm others. For the sake of protecting my people I would gladly tarnish my honor, but let that be a decision I make on my own and not one tainted by the Force. I ask you today to kelp me learn control over this threat, and to stand ready to strike me down should my decisions no longer be mine."

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
How Yokuni could proceed with this topic was delicate at best. Even being Samurai and a leader of a Samurai Clan, and quite passably the highest ranking Inquisitor left in the Artisain Empire, he Yokuni was speaking to his Emperor [member="Akio Kahoshi"]. It was his position to respect and only advise when is was appropriate. This was not an acutely debate. The topic just landed in the direction Yokuni could state his thoughts. He said them in the most respectful way. It was up to the Emperor to use or not to use any wisdom that may be there.

Yokuni bowed his head in respect, indicating he would fulfill the Emperor request to be trained and to guide the Emperor in the ways of the Force. “It would be a honor to help you”, Yokuni answered but was careful what words he chose to use. With a agreement or a promise Yokuni was always careful with his choice of wards. It would allow for flexibility for in the future.
Having long survived in the political environment first on Atrisia, and then the rest of the Galaxy, Akio heard both what was said and not said. In fact it was a tactic often used by the Emperor. "Which is not the same as a 'yes,'" was all Akio said with a small smile, choosing not to press the issue. For the moment.

The smile faded and his features became solemn. "While I may be your emperor, you are now my teacher. Treat me as you would any student, lest you leave me unprepared for whatever I may encounter."

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
Yokuni was sure he would not e the only one to feel uncomfortable in making such a promise. To promise to his Emperor he would kill him if he should, in his Emperor’s mind fall. It was a delicate subject. Yokuni would not wish to back himself into a corner taking away options.

The smile faded away from the [member="Akio Kahoshi"] and the conversation became more surreal. Yokuni knew what was before the Emperor and a whole knew world was going to be opened up. The Emperor’s life was going to change in more ways then he realized. “Very well”, it was time to begin, “What I’m about to say is not to discourage you but to open your mind. Open you mind to more possibilities, you may not know that is even there. The Force is so expansive imagine it spans across our universe and penetrates into other universes that our beyond our own. Looking at the Force in this way it is very easy to imagine how some may get lost. How do you keep centered and know how to navigate home? Many do not learn and become lost. Lost within a void and they lose control of themselves.”

“There are may avenues to understand the Force. No mater what one you may choose there is always that chance you may get lost. It is so huge and so powerful even the greatest of Masters takes that chance of getting lost. In some cases, how would you even know you are lost? Some times you may think you know where you are only to find out you’re three blocks from the destination you hoped you would go. Each day would be a spiritual journey. Some days will be the hardest road you have every traveled and some days would be the greatest blessing to ever have witnessed. Know that journey should not be taken lightly. This are your two choices Kashoshi-Sama. Take the hard journey of spiritual enlightenment or you can take the easy road. There is a way to sever someone from the Force. Do you chose the path of enlightenment or the path that disconnects from the heart of all that we know?”

It very well could be that the Emperor did not know he had a choice. Not very many Force Users speak of a skill that a Master can sever another Force User from the Force. Akio could lead what he believed to be a normal life free of the ability to use the Force. This as his choice to make.
The emperor's eyebrows lifted slightly at this news. While he had never heard of the ability to sever a person from the Force, he understood immediately why that was. It was not the type of ability Force users would want well known, especially among themselves. Such an ability would have been invaluable to the Inquisition in the past, many deaths avoided by removing the talent before its bearer even knew they had it.

As Yokuni's offer, Akio was tempted. It certainly would be a lot easier to return to his old life. Despite what his opponents believed, he had no love of power. His entire career power has simply been a tool to better serve his country and its citizens. Now the Force had come to him as another potential tool. One that many had already died in order for him to master is secret.

With a small shake of his head, Akio decided his fate. "No I must learn to control this ability, for the sake of my people"

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
[member="Akio Kahoshi"]

“Then it is decided”, Yokuni was actually happy about this news. Severing someone is a means to cut that person off from the Force. It is like carving into their soul and removing a piece from them. Also with this path the Emperor maybe come to realize something Yokuni sees that could be a beautiful future for Artisria. “Listening I have come to understand what sort of path of enlightenment you seek. Each group of Force users have their own method of coming to understand the Force and how to use it. You seek a path of control and not the path of manipulating the Force through your emotions. This means over the corse of your training we will cover meditations in-depth in your quest for serenity. What level is your knowledge for common meditations?”
"Have you forgotten I was born a yovshin like you Togashi?" Akio said with a small smile. "I still remember the teachings of jar'kai."

Then the emperor lowered himself to the ground, crossing his legs. His eyes fluttered partially closed and his breathing calmed. "I am ready to begin, sensei."

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

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