Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private All Thy Works || Dark Council

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

The Assembly had voted, and they had been decisive. It was determined the Dark Council would once again run the Sith Order. They were more than the hands and feet of the Emperor. They were his voice. Whatever they ruled, declared, and decreed, would be obeyed as though Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean uttered it himself. For Gerwald Lechner it seemed like an appointment which was the most natural next step in his ascension. He was ambitious, but quietly so. Only Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath knew his true motives, and even she begged him to be cautious.

As the wolf took his seat, the throne was made by his specifications with just enough flair to make him stand out. The profile of a wolf’s head circled with a gold ring displayed what he was and who he was. Gerwald Lechner was unique among the Sith, and his reputation had been earned. Even Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had seen reason to help elevate the Sith Lord beyond the simple moniker of executioner. He was one third of the voice which would lead the Order to greater places. Even as his eyes fell to the others he could not help but feel pride, and the tinge of caution which came from his bond with Naedira.

“This order is dangerous. She is not who she once was.”

Those words echoed in his mind. Naedira’s caution had not just been about the order, but about where he placed his loyalty. Oh, the woman knew how deep his debt went with the Echani, but that did not stop her from warning her mate of the dangerous position he was accepting.

Perhaps it would have been less of a concern were it not for what made up the agenda of their first meeting. Of all the matters they had to discuss, one had the most potential to divide them, and Gerwald knew he would find himself caught between two parties with their own motives.

In this, he had none, and while it should have made him feel as though he held the most power in the room, it did not.

The wolf felt his hand would be forced one way or the other. It simply remained to be seen which way his decision would tip the scales.

All of them agreed to set the rest of the agenda aside until the matter of what to do about Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was decided. His actions elevated a personal matter beyond its necessary scope. While the wolf would normally be one to overlook the matter and let the events play out as they may, he could not. Gerwald thought the Lord Inquisitor was more intelligent than his most recent display contradicted.

It was brash.

He had been bold.

Alisteri had gone too far.

The wolf imagined what his anger would be had the Sith taken his own grandchildren. He was reminded of the rage Srina Talon Srina Talon displayed at the loss of her own child while it was still in the womb. A nation had burned because of it, and those responsible for it had been executed or exiled. As radiant blue orbs settled on Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , the wolf knew he could not blame her for whatever actions she would take.

Gerwald Lechner knew one thing.

She would act regardless of what the Dark Council decided.

That made her dangerous.

His gaze shifted to the other member, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . He had overstepped. Gerwald could not see his action in any other way. Why he had issued a Kaggath was beyond the wolf, but he suspected the Marr of having his reasons. The stench of manipulation and a desperate need for control muddied the waters of what should have been an easy decision. Instead they could not discuss the matter in front of them without discussing the challenge. Whether it was Malum’s way of offering his brother a small mercy or kindness, an easy way out, or not, it only furthered Gerwald’s opinion of the Sith.

He was weak, and Gerwald could not stand it. Not because he was a Sith, but because the Lupo was a warrior and a predator. The weakest among them would be the first place their enemy would strike.

Malum made them vulnerable.

This was not a place to posture, and Gerwald knew it. Whatever his opinions about those he sat with, they had a decision to make.

They had many decisions to make. War was their constant. The Empire of the Lost would want retribution for Tion. The Galactic Alliance inched closer to their borders with every passing second. The Mandalorians were seeking a new ruler, and the Dark Empire brought with them a resurrected Sith Lord which claimed to be the true Sithari.

His face was determined. Gerwald leaned forward with intent as he addressed the others.

“Before we bring Strosius in front of us… a Kaggath has been issued, and even if we agree to allow it, a dead Inquisitor does nothing to return Taeli’s grandchildren.”

He looked to them each once more before posing the question.

“What is to be done then?”

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The Assembly had voted, and they had been decisive. Once again would a Marr sit upon the Dark Council. It had been over four thousand years since a Marr had held a seat upon such hallowed council, and already the rats whispered of his worth. A traitor once not so long ago, now sat upon one of the highest places within the Empire.

The emperor had once called his rise the fastest in a generation.

Malum seemed unwilling to slow down it seemed.

As far as he knew, he now sat, the youngest member of any Dark Council across ages past.

It was not fast enough.

Every second was a wasted moment, he might be young, but he would not be forever, and as he aged, he would grow weaker, and weaker.

He did not have the advantage of endless lifetimes, an immortality which would keep him chained here forever.

As much as he hated considerations of his own demise... he knew contingencies would need to be made, he may intend to survive for as long as possible, but in the face of immortal giants, such was far from enough time. He had put it off, he was still not out of his twenties, he had reasoned, still within his prime, and though he risked death every moment he breathed.

He was still standing.

It would be in his thirties he had decided... when he might have an heir of his own, he did not deny his sisters their place in the succession, if he should fall it would be Caecia of House Marr that would succeed him, an able and intelligent heir, but not his heir, and for all the conflicts between them, it had already been decided by tradition alone.

He was the heir, she was the spare.

And though she would hate him for it, he would spare her all of this.

But how selfish that he already imagined placing it all onto an eldest son should he be able to fulfil his manifest purpose?

Such was why he supposed that he thought even now, despite all he had done, despite all he had achieved, for the pride that very much did course through his veins, as he sat upon his throne, with the mask of a once Dark Councillor, the mask of a once ruler of the Sith plastered atop its mantle.

It still all tasted of ash.

He was running out of time.

He could not put it on a son that he might never have.

It would be a cruel thing.

And history taught that sons did not always surpass their fathers.

As cruel a thought as that was to think.

At the end of the day, it all came down to him, his will, his actions, to free them all.

His children would live in a liberated galaxy, free from the struggles of their father.

Or so he hoped.

Such he mused, as he idly sat, spinning the clear red spheroid between his fingers, a little larger than a marble, a little smaller than a ball, the orb was a gift from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , on his ascension, and as he gazed to the yellow in front of Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , and the purple in front of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , it seemed they had each received one.

For what purpose, he could not fathom.

Perhaps they were meant to shatter the thing?

...Alas he was not at present courageous enough to shatter a gift from the Emperor to see if there was something of worth inside.

His attention turned to face the wolf, diamond eyes of antipathy towards the one of ruby, such a feeling was soundly mutual, unfortunate, as Malum knew that Lord Lechner would certainly be decisive in whatever outcome would be decided today. It would have been far easier if it had been Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , even despite their current silence, he at least knew that for all of his battlebrother's faults, he was one he could work with.

At any other time, he might have sought the support of Lady Ra- Taeli, far more reasonable, far more friendly, unfortunately in this matter in particular, they found themselves on opposing sides.

To achieve what he wanted today, it would certainly be an uphill battle.

But was that not ascension in this Order?

He listened to, rapping his fingers along the table, as the Wolf Lord leaned forward and for now at least, seized control of the proceedings and agenda. Though of course, Malum supposed they had already agreed this would be first on the docket.

And so the game began.

"The Tsis'Kaar already hunt for them, rest assured they shall be found soon," Malum began, knowing this game in particular, placed life and death at his hands, far more stringently than wielding any lightsabre could, as his voice remained rather cold, "The Kaggath should proceed, for all of Darth Strosius' faults, he will not be able to deny the validity of the Kaggath, and no doubt the Sepruchal would grow displeased if we attempt to usurp the will of such an ancient ritual, I will crush him, maintaining the safety of the hostages that will be threatened should we make any... unwise movements," The fact that Lady Ra- Taeli was here at all was a small miracle, to keep her at the table would be an even greater one, "Most importantly, it shall happen at no cost to the Empire, the Inquisition will bend their knees once their leader has been humbled and broken, and we can proceed forth with true matters of import."

He swept the table with his gaze, "The Jedi draw close as we advance, the war against the Imperials rages on, and the Emperor may yet summon us against Moridinae, and Bogan only knows what plots Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis brews."

Treat this as it was.

A distraction to the real war.
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It had come as reassurance.

The vote by the Assembly to approve the slate of Dark Councilors proposed by the Emperor, not that they had many alternatives proposed, had once more placed Darth Arcanix within one of the seats. She would no doubt be regarded as the voice of the old guard, having served on the council in the previous empire and the previous version that Empyrean had formed, and one that would be more aligned with Kainite interests in whatever balancing act might occur within Sith politics. She would be viewed by the Assembly, on most matters, as likely a swing vote in determining policy as she had a reputation for quiet influence and subtle maneuverings. The Dark Council would be responsible for reorganizing the Empire, preparing the pathway to war with their enemies whether they be the Alliance, the Empire of the Lost, the Mandalorians, or even the Dark Empire. Their agenda would set the rest of the Empire's agenda in the Emperor's voice.

The agenda for today was not one of those matters.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius had struck against her and her kin, kidnapping her grandchildren from her son Iaacen as a means to gain leverage over her and attempt to force her to undo decades of work. He had chosen his choice of target... poorly. If one had known her history, they would know striking at her family was the easiest way to gain her full and undivided attention. He had given her a choice at the reception for Lina and Sarlow; comply or die. She had chosen violence, making the ships he had in orbit fire upon themselves, and she was merely warming up. Darth Arcanix might be one for quiet plots and schemes, preferring her laboratory over a battlefield, but her combat prowess was merely a sleeping giant. Alisteri had stirred it awake.

Purple eyes would turn to the masked Councilor. Another might even stir it further, depending on how the session went.

Thin wisps of shadow would be trailing off her form as she leaned on the arm of her chair, finger sliding over the amethyst orb on the arm rest lazily as though a cat at play. If one knew how Sith familiars worked, they would know the master of the familiar could channel their powers through one although it would burn up the familiar. Darth Arcanix had designed a new type of familiar, fortifying it and allowing it to function in other ways... such as projecting the image of its master through it and changing its form into said master.

If she had decided to attend their first meeting in such a way, with the events on discussion, it would be an ominous and foreboding sign that she was indeed not waiting on what the Dark Council decided to act against the Sith Lord that had so publicly declared himself an enemy of her.

"And why, Lord Malum, would I trust you and the Tsis'Karr to accomplish the goal of finding my grandchildren?" she would ask quietly, the notes of a predator in her voice. "Or why would I trust you to follow through on the consequences the Kaggath calls for? The Lord Inquisitor already was dismissive of your challenge, and you have already shown that your sentimentality towards him will stay your hand from doing... what must be done."

Amethyst eyes, slightly exaggerated, would harden into gemstones.

"Perhaps, as a starting point on what should be done as Lord Lechner said, is to ask why, when Strosius played his hand, it was the representatives from House Marr that were the first to move for the exits? Perhaps you could enlighten me on why, of all the Sith present that had been slighted against, you were the first to move and put a blade at his neck even though the accusations had not been directed your way? Or perhaps you could explain why one of your vassals said they were sorry to one Iskendyr Yvarro about the situation unfolding?"

Mask or not, her gaze would be boring into and through to the youngest Sith Lord to reach the council.

"From where I am sitting, it would suggest complicity in the act, Kaggath declaration or not. It would suggest, that while you may not have known when the reveal was coming, you knew they had been taken and you were waiting for the ideal opportunity to use such leverage and Strosius acted against your wishes. So please, enlighten me," she would gesture to Gerwald, "enlighten us on the actions of yourself and your family."

Amethyst would flash amber for a moment.

"I would also suggest the truth. I will know otherwise."
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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Gerwald’s question had invited each of his counterparts to choose their starting argument. It did not surprise the wolf that Malum spoke first, pushing to allow the Kaggath to proceed. What he had not expected from the young lord was to dismiss the severity of the situation as something so menial as a petty distraction. The idea that they simply allow the mess to fall where it will and prepare for was the most ill advised position any of them could take.

Was the wolf concerned about war?

He knew it was on the horizon. What he could not ignore was the stark reality that the Sith Order would be crippled if Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf continued to escalate their behavior into something that would divide the Order and bring civil war to their feet once again. Was Malum indeed so young and foolish that he could not see the real issue in front of them.

This was about what Strosius had done, but it was also about what Taeli had done.

Both of them were wrong. Both of them were behaving no differently than children who could not play together on the same gym equipment.

At least Taeli showed some thought in pressing Malum’s motives. Gerwald had been careful to let his thoughts remain hidden away for the time being. He did wonder the same thing, especially in regards to the Kaggath, and while he did not think the declaration of it made him complicit, the other questions which were leveled at Malum did make the wolf pause.

Had he known, even the smallest part of it?

Gerwald lifted his hand as though it would prevent the others from speaking. He knew they did not respect him beyond his affiliation, and without Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean or Srina Talon Srina Talon present, they would no doubt allow that to manifest. Still, Gerwald would never command their respect if he did not demand it. His behavior would be assertive when needed to do exactly that.

“The safety of the hostages has already been compromised, by their own grandmother no less. The Kaggath which was issued did nothing to stop her actions that day.”

His gaze flicked from Malum to Taeli.

“I question his motives as much as you do. I agree it is all too convenient that Malum would have a priest with him and that the rite was declared in an instant. However, both you and Strosius take action which will see us at war with each other once more.”

Gerwald looked back to Malum.

“Which makes this issue of… how would you say it… a true matter of import.”

Was he mocking the young lord? Perhaps, or maybe the wolf was testing the Sith to see if he could see beyond the edge of his own nose to the larger picture of the consequences they all faced.

His eyes fell back to Taeli.

“I want to see your grandchildren returned to you. I want to see the hostilities between you and Strosius come to an end before they do irreparable damage to the unity of this Order and set us back another ten years. I would even see the Lord Inquisitor punished for his blatant overreach, but not at the cost of multiple planets within our influence.”

Gerwald paused briefly.

He contemplated giving his opinion now. Taeli really wanted two things. She wanted her grandchildren returned, and she wanted Strosius to suffer for what he had done. It was within Gerwald’s power to give her both of those things with one decision.

“Before offering what I feel is the best solution, I am interested in hearing how Malum will answer your questions.”


They had not yet united against him, but the expecting eyes that turned on him, would have likely made a lesser Sith, even a lesser Lord incredibly nervous, stomach in knots and all. It was fortunate then that...

...Malum could never afford to be a lesser lord.

"...Before we begin, could Lady Raaf afford these hallowed halls by her true presence, it is far from sightly that you would send... spectre, for our first meeting. I know that once when you were the only Dark Councillor it may have been necessary, when this august body was nought but impotent and flaccid, however..." He sat back upon his chair, placing the red marble back on its holder, minor annoyance creasing his brow that he had not initially noticed the trick she was pulling, what exactly it represented.

Even more annoyed that it was the ghost in his mind that drip-fed him that particular droplet of information.

"...I hope we all would agree that it would be better for all of us, the entire Order, the entire Empire, that we do work of note here, otherwise, I might as well depart to Alvaria, and prepare my fleets for..." He gave a long side glance towards, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , "...Matters of true import."

He levelled his gaze back to the centre of the table, eyes locked on both sitting around the table.

Letting out a sigh, considering their words, and how exactly to proceed forward.

"...And what exactly is it that should be done, Darth Arcanix, shall we bombard Formos and Faldos into annihilation, worlds loyal and useful to the Sith, all the while risking the lives of the hostages? You need not trust my Tsis'Kaar, I am only providing you with the fact, that they will be found, while if you wish to make challenge or doubt of my honour, I invite you to plainly so... in person if you do not mind," Though his face hidden, it was as if the mask itself had narrowed its visor.

He had mentally rolled his eyes a few times throughout this conversation.

He was getting tempted to do it in reality.

After all, it was not as if they could see him.

"You need not trust me at all really, though I would question a Council where the Emperor's hands are at each other's wrists. The Kaggath will be followed because... well frankly, I have no idea why we are discussing that at all. It has been issued, and I believe we all know it is no light thing, my my, I believe I have not even witnessed a Kaggath in my lifetime they are so rare," He spoke, quirking his head, considering, thinking, "Yet, as I said, you need not trust me, trust him," He tilted back, reaching into the inside of his robes, and throwing forward a small holoprojector.

Having not yet wanted it deployed, but if it would convince them.

Convince Lord Lechner at least.

Then it would be worth it.

A projection of the other masked lord rose up before them.

"I meant what I said at the Reception, Heir of Marr." The words were hissed with a potent mixture of malice and wounded pride as the hologram flickered to life, displaying the Lord Inquisitor in all his glory. Despite the mask and heavy robes hiding most signs of emotion, the tension in his shoulders and the clenched fists at his side betrayed the anger pulsing through his being. "I do not enjoy being challenged to such a sacred duel by you of all Sith." His jead cocked to the side as his arms crossed behind his back. "You do remember what I did to Ophidia, do you not? How I slayed her? How I cleaved what I needed and what was useful from the Tsis'Kaar and left you the scraps? And this is how you repay my kindness? My mercy? Pray tell Malum, if i could do that to the my own master, what in Bogan's name do you think I'll do to you?" He scoffed and shook his head. "Spoiled brat that you are, I should have expected this but I'm still disappointed. If you wish to throw away all that you could be just to grasp for more power then so be it. A Kaggath it shall be. But when I have you begging for mercy, begging to serve me, begging to be spared, do remember that you already threw aside my kindness once. You won't get the chance a second time."

Malum let out a short chuckle, near a giggle, as the hologram flickered off.

He had already watched it near dozens of times, and finally the weight upon him had lessened enough for him to act.

" Darth Strosius Darth Strosius always had a penchant for claiming credit for accomplishments not entirely or not his at all..." He idly noted, giving the orb in its holder a spin, an elbow resting upon the table, holding his head, "Rest assured, if you do not trust my willingness to kill him, trust my willingness to defend myself from death by any means necessary, from one more than willing to kill me." Any whimsy was gone from his words, the orbs spin ceasing, as he sat back straight upon his throne.

Of course, he was only rewarded with more accusations.

"...Forgive me if I am incorrect, but am I being accused of a crime here? If so would it not be Inquisition's duty to investigate the matter..." He seemed to have a realisation, exaggerated as it was, "...Ah right of course..." Of course in the end, that at the end of the day was the point at least to him,
"...Well if we are to act in good faith, I am open to discussing this beyond the broach of rightful authorities, now I may be incorrect, but at least one in this room has known Darth Strosius longer than I, no?" He questioned, the detail important, "Well if such was the case... might I plainly ask, how at all it was surprising that I would signal to my family to leave, when Darth Strosius of all people, entered with armed men, into a Zambrano wedding, and in his opening statement, before he even turned towards your table, revealed that he had beheaded at least two Kainite soldiers..." His eyes did not leave the hardening amethysts of Lady Raa- Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , if she wanted to play this game, she would find he was not the player that he had been in their last private meeting, "Frankly, I believed it would have been common sense for us to evacuate at what was certainly looking to be yet another engagement between Darth Strosius and Darth Carnifex," Geonosis still burned in his mind, thankfully it seemed she had little evidence of anything if her best source was the Yvarro brat, and the rest circumstantial, "As for why I moved, that was simple, when he turned to reveal his actual target was you, I bid contact be made to the Empress, and I placed myself in the middle such that no blows were traded on either side, to confirm, if he was truly enacting the Emperor's will, if his accusations had all any backing or validity, I suppose if they had, if the Emperor's executioner had supported his claims, we would be meeting in very different circumstances, would we not?" It was not said in any accusation, not said with any heat, logical, rational, cold, simply noting what he believed was true.

"As for the matter of Iskendyr Yvarro..." It felt to him, entirely grasping at straws, "...I would apologise for those of my retinue having enough compassion to show empathy towards a friend in the face of near-tragedy, but apologising for that would be truly farcical would it not?"

He turned to face Lord Lechner next, at the end despite all he could parry Taeli's strikes, he was the only one that could actually win him this bout.

"The Emperor... gifted? The Sepruchal priest into my service, bid that he would stay close and watch my progress, it is a mystery for the ages how they function, but no great mystery at least to me why he arrived, the Sepruchal do enjoy their stake in all the little games of this Order after all." And no matter how much he distrusted them, aligning his will with theirs, might be the best way to navigate this mess, "As for my comment, I should have made myself clear, I recognise this has the potential to have very dangerous consequences for the Order and Empire, but only if we allow it to be, the path I propose would conclude this matter such that we could focus on more pressing external threats." Sometimes, he could not help but blame his younger self for being so spiteful and sniping, it was paying the very wrong kind of dividends in his relationship with the Wolf Lord presently, as he reflected that mood back at him.

"At the end, I agree with Lord Lechner's principles on this matter, and all I proposed is the method in which I feel best would achieve them."
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"Lord Lechner, if you believe I did not choose as I did without weaving protection around my grandchildren, it would seem to me we still have much to establish in terms of reputation, but working together will no doubt solve that issue," she would quietly reply, her gaze still not moving from Malum as she spoke. A wisp of shadow would move past her face. "I saw their faces, and while I do not know their whereabouts, a spell of protection has been woven around them so that Strosius or anyone loyal to them cannot harm them."

Still, she did appreciate that the Wolf was just as curious about Malum's motives as she was. And that he seemed to align with her position that the grandchildren should be returned and Strosius punished. She wondered what his solution might be before she began a campaign to wipe out the Inquisition, although he need not have worried about any target within Sith-controlled space. She was not about to attack anything there directly.

Her head would tilt as Malum began speaking, beginning by chastising her for not being present physically within the chambers set aside for the Dark Council. If it was his attempt to begin assuaging her suspicions, it was off to a poor start as he continued speaking.

The thing that sealed it, for her, was the recorded hologram of the conversation between Malum and Strosius that clearly was taking place after the reception of Lina and Sarlow. What man, who had challenged someone to a Kaggath, would so clearly be having a conversation with the man they had challenged? Even hostile the conversation was, it had become clear that Strosius showed hostility to all Sith he did proscribe as 'true'. He had declared all at the wedding to be heretics and heathens, which would also include Lord Lechner and by extension those whose support he had enjoyed with the Emperor and Empress.

"Words, words, words," she would say, her tone acidic now as Malum had waffled his way through answering her questions. His responses smacked of excuses and lies, and she did not need to result to the Force to know that. She had been a Sith for over six decades now, one that was intimately close to how words and body language could be spun into an enticing tale. His deflections were proof of that. Her eyes would flash to the corner behind Lord Lechner before moving back to Malum.

Part of her, the part that was feeding and cycling the rage she was feeling towards Strosius, wanted to tear the mask of Marr from Malum and shatter it before him. The other part, the one that had the patience to wait over a decade as a Jedi before beginning a plan to bring down a superpower, won out for Malum's sake. Both, however, were united in one regard.

"You have not the silver tongue you think you possess, Lord Malum," she would reply. "I hear the lies even through that mask you wear to hide your face. Your family moved first because they knew there was a rhydonium keg, primed and ready to explode at any moment. They just didn't know where and when, but they knew it would come and wanted to be far away when it did. What is more is that the Inquisition soldiers did nothing to impede their escape, suggesting to me that Lord Strosius thought you would support his action and gave orders to not interfere with House Marr representatives. What I understand is this..."

She would pause, her finger still tracing around the purple orb on her throne.

"The Kaggath is your way to protect your friend as it allows you to control the outcome. Your friend who has all but declared half of the Sith in the Order heretics and only worthy of being purged. Lord Lechner and I included as we were all at the reception when he declared such. What I don't understand..."

Her finger would stop moving.

"Is why keep defending him? It is admirable that you want to protect someone you think of as a brother, but he is a Sith Lord. He is not some foundling that you can keep cleaning up after. He is twice your age and needs to understand that his actions have consequences, and that you cannot control his actions or what those consequences are from those actions. Let him sink or swim on his own."

She would lean forward now, shadows shifting.

"I did not want this conflict. I did not want to fight against him. I wanted to work with him, teach him, show him that the path he was walking was one that would only end in defeat. He spurned that and then struck at my family. How would I not be justified in any action I took against him and his followers until my grandchildren were returned to me? How could I ever command the respect and fear of others if I allowed another, another who was close to him, who had already demonstrated that he was searching for a way to save him by asking if the Emperor had granted him legitimacy, to fight the battle for me?"

She would shake her head; disappointment now clear on her face as she regarded the Marr heir. Such promise, and yet... so much more to learn.

"Lord Lechner, your thoughts and your... proposed solution?"
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Relationship Status: It's Complicated


TAG: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Srina Talon Srina Talon

Gerwald rolled his eyes in an annoyed and demonstrative manner. Malum continued to behave in a way that exhibited no evidence of change. He thought he was so clever, and while the wolf would give him credit for being a highly observational individual, it did the boy no good when he could not proceed with discernment and tact. Sith were arrogant, there was no denying that many were more blunt than the wolf could be. However, Malum seemed to continue to make the same mistake he made on Gerwald’s first trip to Alvaria.

As he did then, Gerwald was shadowed by three maid servants now. Their distance from the wolf was precise and uniform. One of them gave life to the others in form and shadow. Taeli had her familiar, Malum relied on his wits, but Gerwald, he often was the tool to allow the Empress to mask her presence while inserting herself to observe what was happening in the Order.

She was there now. Everything which had been said, every lie and half truth, was spoken in her presence.

He looked to Malum.

“You should be preparing your fleets regardless, and there will be times when we will not be able to meet in person.”

Was Gerwald concerned that she was not there in person, yes. In this case it meant that her focus was on other matters. She was looking for her grandchildren, and the statement was clear. Nothing would stand in the way of that.

Taeli leveled her answer to Malum’s question. He allowed things to progress. The more silent he remained in the moment, the more Gerwald understood where they were coming from, the more they revealed. He quickly glanced at the trio behind him to see if his mistress wished to reveal herself before proceeding.

“We are discussing this precisely for the reason our counterpart has shared. Because you are trying to control the outcome for someone you see as a brother. It is admirable, but will it produce adequate punishment?”

He paused.

“You need to convince me of it.”

Taeli continued, dissecting the recording which Malum had played. He did not see how that recording proved that Malum was complicit. Gerwald expected they would communicate, they had both been students of Darth Ophidia. Where Malum disappointed the wolf was that he seemed to believe he was the hero of the story. Was he being altruistic? Perhaps, but there was something else at play, and Gerwald was unsure of what it was, though he was beginning to have an inkling.

All attention was back on him once more with Taeli’s question. What did he think, and what was his solution?

“I believe my primary concern is that these children are returned. Darth Strosius has overreached, and overplayed his hand. His punishment should come from the hand of Taeli Raaf. After all, she is the one who was wronged.”

His gaze went back to Malum.

“It is not that the Kaggath is not a simple solution. I am just asking that you put yourself in her shoes. Imagine this was your family and you were being told to sit back while someone else brings justice when you know full well that you have the power to get it for yourself.”

“Even now she is searching for her grandchildren, ready to do whatever it takes. You would be doing the same, I have no doubt.”

A deep breath exhaled in the form of a sigh as Gerwald reached for the gold orb Empyrean had gifted him.

“Another matter is the inquisition itself. We need it in the wars that are to come. Darth Strosius has commanded them well, despite this overreach. How do you propose we do not lose their efficacy should he lose?”

Blue eyes shifted between both of his other council members as he moved toward concluding his statement.

“The children must be returned, I demanded it at the reception and I am unmoved on that point now. Darth Strosius must be properly punished for his overreach. The inquisition must be preserved. If the Kaggath will accomplish this, then I will support it. However, Taeli should be given the chance to render justice for herself and her family.”

As if to move them along, Gerwald lifted his hand once more.

“We can decide this now, or we can hear from others who seek an audience on this matter. I must admit, I am curious to see if these others would say anything which may sway the decision before us. Shall we invite them in?”

Gerwald would wait for the others to vocalize their opinions.

What to say, what to do, he could not claim to have underestimated the woman before him, for his estimation of her was to such a degree that it may well have reached the stratosphere, really, he was more wondering if he had overestimated himself. Such was not an unlikely conclusion to reach, for all that he had achieved, as unlikely as he was to have achieved them.

It was a simple fact that Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had achieved more.

Such self-awareness that may itself have ironically not been self-aware enough did not make any of this easier though.

Even as a flutter of differing emotions rumbled through his chest, he remained silent as the cavalcade of her words struck across him as easily as it would have been for her hand to strike his face, break his mask in two... if she was here that was. Though, really, Malum did not doubt that she was capable of doing that even without her physical form being here.

After all, she easily revealed that quite literally the only reason the hostages were in danger was not because they were hostages, no, no... it was because she had not known they were hostages.

Perhaps they had simply lucked out against Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , their Mistress had been this woman's peer after all.

Of course, Malum had that realisation a long time ago.

It was only his co-apprentice, Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius who had not yet received that particular message, and as it stood it was still too open a question of if it would be Malum that could provide it with the business end of a beskar hilt, or if he was to be hung, drawn, and quartered... or even worse, as Taeli intended.

It might have been unnerving to anyone else, it might have been unnerving really to anyone outside these hallowed, how the masked figure simply sat, seeming to not even breathe, the only life present within the rise and fall of his robes, as the breath was drawn in and out, other than that, there was little if any movement.

The youngest of their ranks simply sat and digested her words.

He could not deny there was... something that was drawn out of him, at the last of them, at that tone.

Yet as Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner began speaking, the statue was broken out of its stupor as a masked face, turned to consider his words. Only to...

It was unfortunately rather reasonable, He should not say it was unfortunate, for reasonableness was in rather short supply in this Order, but at least if he disagreed on some unreasonable purpose, Malum could at least consider that the metaphorical gloves were taken off, but instead a reasonable answer?

What was he to say to that?

Even as he opened the door to new voices, that... Malum was unsure if would be to his merit or his chagrin, there was something to be said of all outcomes, the most unpredictable being the worst, still, this was far from going to his benefit as it stood, and he did know at least two of the voices gathered outside... perhaps he could...?

They at the very least had done one thing right at the end, for all their disagreements, even if centred against them, they had done a surprisingly apt job of making certain they spoke in some order without interruption... if there was one victory to take away from this...

He let out the breath he had not realised he was holding, as from the corner of his eyes, rested upon the three servants who made up Lord Lechner's coterie, of course, the three were in actuality one, and Malum knew exactly who she was, after all behind the smoke and mirrors, there would be revealed tea.

But even beyond, these three, he had seen on Alvaria...

How did she judge him so far, he could not help but wonder.

His face turned back towards Taeli, as a beat passed.

As he reached towards his mask with a single hand, and with a hiss, the mask detached from his face, shaking his head back and forth, the young aristocratic face of Darth Malum, of House Marr was revealed, nestled in the centre and aquiline nose, raising down to parsed lips, and up to glimmering red orbs, all framed by raven locks which fell down to his shoulders.

"Words, words, words, indeed," His lips curved upwards, "If my lady wishes to make a formal accusation, I would ask she does so plainly. It is apt you would bring up the actions of the Inquisitorial soldiers as evidence. Would it not be so useful if we could ask them questions of such purpose we might find the evidence you seek... I do believe they no longer breathe though, ah, I suppose simple assumption and accusation shall do where evidence and due process fail, especially when the accuser is the one that destroys the evidence." The smile slipped from his face, as easily he narrowed his eyes.

"The Kaggath is my way of enacting justice, not vengeance, on behalf of the entire Order, in a way which will preserve the unity of the Empire. His actions will have consequences, that has never been in doubt. That you have a history with him with an intention to aid him, to now an intention to destroy him makes you precisely the incorrect person to enact justice. That you take his spurning of your aid, his attack upon your family, as an excuse, to level accusation on me, my family, to threaten his followers, makes you precisely the wrong person to enact justice. That in my view this all seems like some inane powerplay from a Sith Lord whose standing has never been in question, against a rabid dog who has only ever continually failed in all his actions, makes you precisely the wrong person to enact justice."

His breath shot through his nostrils as if he was some drake about to belch smoke.

Before, he seemed to deflate.

"...Yet, at the end of the day, I imagine this has nothing to do with justice, such is your prerogative, but that is my primary concern, and that is what I seek to accomplish. I do not deny the pain he has caused you, but what I do, I do for the Order, I do for the Empire, which is why I will risk combat with one who out in that field will seek to kill me, which is why I will become willing victim to the Order's eyes as they thirst for blood to be spilt. Do I deny you a right to do what you will? Yes, because there is no such right, but do I accept that there is nothing I can do? Yes, I only will continue to argue that such a path risks much, it will risk the Inquisition, a vital organ of the Empire rising in revolt, it will risk the precious unity which we have thus far achieved, it will be an act of vengeance, for no gain for the Order, or the Empire."

Red eyes turned towards the Wolf Lord, "I hope such an explanation is enough to convince you, the children must be returned, and they will, Darth Strosius must face justice for the crimes committed against Darth Arcanix, and he will, and the Inquisition must remain loyal, and as Darth Strosius is brought to his knees, they will, all would be achieved. I do not deny that if in her position more than likely I would not be sitting here, having already broken off all sense, and thrown myself fully into the necessary operation, the fact that Darth Arcanix is here, speaks to her wisdom and experience, I incline my head towards such things, but that only speaks to the fact that we should do this correctly."

He offered a weak smile at the end, reaching over to a glass and drinking it greedily.

He had spoken for longer than he had thought he would.

"I see no harm in inviting more voices."

Srina Talon Srina Talon Revna Revna Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar (I forgor who else was invited, soz, also sorry this took so long).
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