Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Allen Alvane

[SIZE=10pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Allen Alvane
FACTION: Black Sun
RANK: Rouge Padawan
SPECIES: Human (Corellian)
[SIZE=10pt] AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] 24[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt] SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Male[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt] HEIGHT:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]178cm
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Turquoise
HAIR: Yellow-ish Orange
SKIN: A slightly tanned white


Tactical Mind: Many a time, Allen's late Master would have him run raids on Criminal strongholds. Able to successfully coordinate and lead squads of men safely through many missions, Allen is a highly adaptable thinker.
Street Smart: Born and raised, Allen of course knows how things work on the down-low side of things, having run a gang in his younger years and now as a member of the vast Crime Syndicate Black Sun.
Investigative Mind: Having worked with the Corellian Police and studying under a Jedi who oversaw all sorts of criminal cases, Allen has a maturing investigative mind, able to find and point out things other may of missed (this only enhanced by his connection to the force)
No Stranger To Combat: Be it street fights or charging the front lines in a raid Allen has been fighting his whole life, and as such he is no stranger to combat, and will hardly hesitate to draw his Lightsaber
[SIZE=10pt]-Lightsaber Forms: all of which are by no means mastered
-Niman (Implied by his use of the force in his attacks)
-Soresu (Often to defend himself and other from the blaster fire of Criminals)
-Ataru (Uses as his main offensive fighting stance)
Force Pushes/Pulls: Allen is capable of pushing and pulling whole groups of people with his telekinetic pushes and shoves with relative ease and can often chains these attacks into his fighting style
Force Stealth: Normally implied while Allen and his old Master would go on reconnaissance mission or infiltration mission, while this ability is not to its strongest degree, even Force Sensitives would have a hard time locating Allen if they weren't outright looking for his presence.
Force Valor: Like most force sensitives Allen can use the force to augment his physical abilities
Persuasion: Like any good Corellian man, Allen knows how to turn a phrase, most times getting what he wants without even having to draw on his more...violent skills.

No Real Duel Experience: Save for the few sparring sessions with his now late Master, Allen has never been in a solo duel with another Force User.
Far Too Open: While it is his ambition is to one day sit among the highers in the Black Sun organization he is very straight forward about his intentions, in both this and great many other things.
[SIZE=10pt]One Handed Fighting Technique: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Allen wields a single, curved bladed lightsaber and while that may offer much in terms of advantages, at the same time it leaves huge flaws in Allen's fighting style, such as poor defense toward stronger attacks.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt]Force Techniques:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Allen only has basic knowledge on a few force abilities and has no real training in the specialized techniques of either the Light Side or the Dark Side[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt]Above is good example of Allen's common choice of attire, save the fact that Allen sports a violet version of this outfit with gold undertones. Allen's has the physique of what one would expect of a Jedi or a Sith and even since he left his order, has kept up with his physical training.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Born to lower class family on Corellia, Allen would unfortunately be orphaned at an young age, his parents having tragically died in a fire at home while he was out playing with friends; those same friends, taking him in after his parents died and made him a member of their gang known as "Stone Seven". In their younger years, they were known as childish trouble makers; that made graffiti and cause minor pubic disturbances but as they grew older, and more and more people joined their gang, influencing became much more than that.

Allen, at the time was only thirteen years old, had set up a deal with another Corellian street gang. They provide spices and Stone Seven would provide safety and a means of shipping. They were to meet in an abandoned hanger at the Coronet City spaceport, however when Allen and his crew arrived they were met with blasters of CorSec officers, but what was worse was the robed man that stood in front of them, shouting at Allen and his gang to surrender, a Jedi. The men who had come with him, much older, and far less intelligent open fired on the officers and the Jedi. Allen, taking the little time giving to him as their blaster fire was sent back toward them with a flick of the Jedi's lightsaber; Allen tried to run, but it was of no use and the Jedi caught him before he even made it out of the spaceport.

Captured and brought into their station, Allen was to be sent to a youth correctional facility but when being escorted out of his holding cell he was instead brought before a tall strongly built man, with a rather rugged look to him. He introduced himself as "Kain Drameri", he was the Jedi who had captured Allen and afterward systematically took town Stone Seven. The smile he gave Allen was only met with Allen's fiery eyes, and hate, but even so the Jedi smiled. Patting the cuffed young man on the head he told him that someone as young as he shouldn't spend his youth being so upset. He went on to explain that within Allen he felt an echo of the Force, and that he would train him in the ways of the Jedi, should Allen so choose. The alternative however, was indeed that youth correctional facility, to which Allen had would rather save himself another trip to that horrible place...Kain smiled knowing he had left the boy with no real other option and reluctantly Allen agreed to Kain's much delight.

Over the next few years Allen was trained in the way of the Jedi by Kain. Kain, not being a normal Jedi, taught Kain that his emotions were a source of strength, but one could not be controlled by them. Kain, having a close connection to that of the Corellian Security would often take Allen on jobs: espionage, to drug busts and raids, Allen was shown the other side to the Corellian Underworld and over time...came to admire his Master. But this was not to last, as Kain would die due to his injuries obtained by a Sith who was working with a Corellian gang.

With the death of his Master, Allen lost all of his reason of staying with the Jedi Order and the Corellian Security Force. Taking a starship and leaving to get off world Allen has not looked back since then.

Joining the Black Sun Organization after a few years as a mercenary for higher Allen has a lot of ambition and seeks to clime the ranks of this powerful Crime Syndicate with his cunning mind, knowledge of the underworld dealings, and skills in both tactics and in the force.
[SIZE=10pt]SHIP: [/SIZE]


Komi Malai

You might say that. Of course, you haven't really met me... *Shifts into another person altogether right before his eyes*
[member="Allen Alvane"]

Komi Malai

Am I? *Allows only her eyes to shift. they shift into an array of colors in seconds, like a ripple in water.*
[member="Allen Alvane"]

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