RC 212
Unit: Naval Special Warfare One
Alliance Drop Troopers
Aurek Company
CO: Dresden Riplin: Human Veteran. Captain: Male
XO: Tanya Greer: Human Veteran Lt.: Female
Roster of PC's
1st Platoon
@Adrik Morgan: SGT Red Team
Open: Blue Team
Open: Green Team
Open: Yellow Team
2cnd Platoon
3rd Platoon
4th Platoon
Alliance Drop Troopers are troopers trained in the art of the drop. Every engagement for them goes in a typical fashion. First the Fleet assaults, and then they get sent in via drop pod so secure beachhead when attacking, or to reinforce when defending.
Any soldier can go through selection to become an ADT and claim their spot among the best. As always heavy Equipment first, Supplies then troopers drop.
If you want to join, put your name below, you can claim a team or work withing the teams present.
Drop Troopers Never Quit. Drop Troopers Never Die. Feet first into Hell!