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Diplomacy Alliance once more | EE + TSE [Invite only]

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Imperial Palace, New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Tactical Turtleneck with this look as Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Gard
TSE members: AMCO AMCO | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
EE members: Ben Serrano Ben Serrano | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

Not so long ago Ingrid was a double agent in the Sith Empire – in the end she never spied on the TSE – and now she came here in a very different situation. Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe ' disappearance has not leaked yet, it was still a secret. It could not be ascertained what the rank of the woman was at the present moment. The new Empress Regent was accompanied on her journey by her disciple and one of her admirals, which took them to the Imperial Palace on Dromund Kaas. On the way there, she told Ben that there might be things that would make her guilty in the Emperor's disappearance, but none of that would be true. The reasons are secret and will be explained later.

She could only hope that the Sith Empire would also be willing to make peace with them. If not, it will be a very short trial. As always, she wore a uniform. It was nothing more ornate than the previous one. In fact! This time she didn't wear any rank insignia on her uniform, all she could see was that she was an officer without a rank. She never boasted of her rank, that won’t change now either. She was given only another rank in addition to the ones she had held so far. And with this she succeeds more duty and task than before.

At the end of the long, endless corridors, they arrived at a larger council room, the door of which opened when they arrived. Here in the courtroom, four Wolfguards accompanied them. To the guard on the edge of the room, announcing the arrivals, one of Wolfsguard stepped there and whispered in his ear. The guard pulled himself out and spoke.

”On behalf of the Eternal Empire, the Empress Regent Lady Ingrid L’lerim arrived, with admiral Race Tolsen and with Ben Serrano!” announced the woman, the admiral and her disciple.

He pointed his hand into the room so that Ingrid could head inside. She could feel from afar that Adrian was here, when she stepped inside and saw an unknown person ( Ellie Mors Ellie Mors ), but there was also Lady of Secrets, and Lord Telis, as was Adrian. Of the five Dark Counsellors, the three she knew. Of these, she had a good relationship with the two men. She looked at them coldly, stiffly; a perfect soldier. When she reached Adrian, she telepathically sent pleasure and happiness to the Sith Lord that she was happy to see him, but it was not visible on her. And of course there was Joycelyn Zambrano as well, the heir of the Sith Empire.

Ingrid walked closer to the four people, bowed respectfully to them. Not as much as she did before. Now she was also a ruler, even if she did not want the title. Thus, this movement was enough to pay her respects to the foursome, but she did not humble herself before them, but considered herself fully on an equal footing with them. It was now an expectation in her direction.

”Darth Vornskr , Lady of Secrets, Darth Aagenti, Darth Prospero, my…” she said, and then in the case of Vesta, depending on whether she/he is in male or female form, the red-hair woman currently uses the adjective Lady or Lord.

After the previous bow, as always, she pulled herself out militarily. As usual, it was not possible to see or feel her emotions in her now, and she can’t show them either. Ingrid was completely motionless, this was her usual behaviour, only Adrian knew the other side of her, the passionate woman, and Telis could see crumbs of it, too. Others, on the other hand, have always seen this side of her.

”Thank you for agreeing to this meeting. You all know how I view the Sith Empire, it was never a secret, just as I did not agree with the war the Emperor had started against you. That’s why I try to heal the wounds he caused. In the event that you are also open to trying to restore relations between the two Empires and put them on a new footing. You all know that I am in favour of peace and alliance between our Empires, as it used to be. Of course, I understand if, because of the betrayal of Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe , you are distrustful and would gladly destroy the Eternal Empire, or if you do not believe me. That is why I would like to prove how seriously I take this peace treaty between the two Empires. An act that forever connects the two Empires like a treaty. Even better than that. ”

Ingrid looked through those present, as usually nothing could be read from her face or her movements. The moment she reached Telis, it was mainly the Sith Lord who could see in her eyes that she thought she was “sorry”; she felt sorry for something. She didn’t want to break his heart more, but she has to. Her gaze finally stopped on her lover, her hand outstretched in an elegant gesture toward the Sith Lord.

”Darth Prospero, will you be my second husband and with this, the Prince Consort of the Eternal Empire?” she asked while looking into the man's blue eyes.

The moment Ingrid uttered her offer, AMCO AMCO also received a text message on his G1 OmniLink from the woman. Ingrid smiled here for a moment and nodded very little to her lover to look at it calmly if he wanted it before he answered.

//OOC: I don't know which character Vesta wants to bring, so I tagged Vesta. If there were another character here, I would of course fix the tag in my next post. //


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The Imperial Palace on Dromund Kaas had been quite crowded as of late.

Too many big personalities had congregated in one place for her liking, especially when Darth Vornskr herself had fallen into a streak of bad moods. She had never been the most patient. There was a limit to her outwardly personable persona. Since Bastion, that limit had shrunk. She was not openly sullen, but there was something in the intensity of her eyes that foretold of her recent acrimony.

Yet, when matters of state call, the Princess would answer dutifully.

Joycelyn was clad in a dark robe which swept down to the floor. It squared her shoulders with smooth wool-like fabric, finely embroidered with silken black. Its sleeves were fitted to her arms and embroidered along her lower arm. The robe was split in front revealing the deep red layer underneath, kimono in shimmering silk, hems crossing just at the point of appropriateness. Into the braid that curled around her head, wreath of golden flames had been woven. The twisting plates of alchemically treated gold appeared to writhe like true flames when her head turned, crowning the vahlacanthix with the fire of Vahl.

She was standing when Ingrid entered, pouring herself a glass of water from a fine carafe of dark blue glass that deepening almost to black. The clear liquid tumbled into a glass of the same colouration as the carafe. She did not look at Ingrid immediately, but waited until her glass was pleasantly full and the carafe returned to its place, by which time the speaker had introduced the new Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire.

Vornskr looked her up and down, familiar with the uniform, the look, the ideas behind it. She had worn the same sentiment many times. After all, the legion had been her home when she had no other, before she had been accepted as her father's heir. She could sense there was some similarity between them, though also many notable differences.

In return to the bow she made as courteous a bow as she needed, raising the glass just barely.

Though Joycelyn had never been one to turn down a fight, the war with the Eternal Empire was entirely pointless They both had enemies to spare between them and turning on one another appeared to her like a small dog's bid to power in the face of adversary. Ending a pointless conflict, she thought, would only help both empires focus on the wars that truly mattered.

Still, she was leery of stepping too quickly into an alliance with those who had betrayed them before, regime change or no.

But marriage? Perhaps. The validity of the option rested on the loyalty of Darth Prospero. She looked at him, gauging his reaction, considering his merits. He had never appeared to her as a loyalist for loyalty's sake. His climb up the imperial ladder was swift, and now he stood to gain the favour and title of another empire as well. How that would affect his position was of some concern.

Would it be enough to sway the Sith Empire?

And first of all, Prospero would, of course, have to give his answer to the Empress Regent.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim AMCO AMCO Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Ben Serrano Ben Serrano Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

Ben Serrano


Location: Imperial Palace, New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Tactical Turtleneck with this look as Imperial Uniform and a Long Coat over that | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | A black lightsaber (hidden) | G1 OmniLink
TSE members: AMCO AMCO | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
EE members: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

Ben was silent, as she followed his master. He knew how important this task was, and he didn’t plan to screw it up. He wore a similar uniform as her, but he added a black long coat, covering most of it. And he had very few rank insignias on his uniform as well. Being a major himself granted some acknowledgement itself, and he was also a noble, both being the courtesy of Ingrid. Being her disciple granted a few privileges, and Ben had no problem with these. If he had any other ranks, he would be wearing those as well, as he considered ranks not something to be proud of, but tools to achieve his goals with more ease.

As they were introduced, Ben had to use his newfound powers. It would have been anger that almost overran him, as he was introduced as “Ben Serrano”, no title, no rank, nothing. Just as a common peasant, who happens to be here. But he felt nothing, since feeling anything in this situation would have been unnecessary. And as he pushed the feeling back even before it happened, he had used his logic instead. Why would he have any ranks, why wouldn’t he be some sort of common folk. His strengths are nothing compared to the ones they are about to meet. He hasn't achieved anything remarkable, he wasn’t born into a dynasty. He was just a Ben Serrano, a man with great fortune, who happened to be the disciple of Ingrid, a woman, who achieved a lot.

As they entered, he looked calm, and dignified. He stood next to the Admiral, since they were the companions of the Reagent, but he didn’t bow. He wasn’t addressed, and he had nothing to say, so greeting the others would have been pointless, and he didn’t think that anyone would care about him. It was highly possible that his bow would have even been unnoticed. So he just stood there, feeling nothing, moving not even an inch, staring at Ingrid, as he asked one of the sith council members to marry her.

He looked at the admiral for a moment, and reached out in the force, trying to read his emotions for a moment. Not as if he truly cared about it, but it seemed like a good opportunity to practice a bit. He felt that the other was a force user as well, so he expected a bit of a push back, and he didn't predict absolute victory. But if there were no mountains to climb, and no obstacles to come over, there was no way of progressing either. And he also banked on the fact that either if the admiral would feel it, and disapproved of such tries, he wouldn’t care to give voice to his thoughts, as they were here, before the council, when Ingrid asked someone to be her husband. All in all, this was the perfect situation for him.
Alchemy was a complicated art, nuanced, precise, and with minimal room for error... but compared to politics it was downright simple.

To the uninitiated, seeing the Eternal Empire come to the negotiating table so soon after betraying their long-time allies in perhaps the most dramatic fashion possible might seem entirely inexplicable, but that was the nature of totalitarian states was it not? The body acts as the head demands, but no head lasts forever; sooner or later, everyone is replaced, if nothing else by the relentless advance of time itself.

Truth be told, he wished the Sith could take credit for Tacitus' disappearance, but as far as he knew they were as clueless as the Eternal Imperials.

Smiling subtly as Ingrid made her entrance, Adrian greeted her with but a slight nod, his curiosity aimed towards how she sought to mend the tear between their respective states. A mutual foe, perhaps, or some kind of assurance that Tacitus would be dealt with should he return.

Instead, he got a marriage proposal.

Eyes widening ever so slightly, he was caught off guard for once - being nobility, it was hardly the first one he had received, though it was the first he was inclined to accept. Even so, level-headed as they both were, he opted to read the message she had so visibly sent him first - or rather, closed his eyes and visibly digested the stream of information through a telepathic link with a technologically inclined assistant.

After a long moment, his eyes opened once more, lips curving upwards into a slightly wider smile. He wasn't entirely sure to what extent such an offer would appease the Empire, especially given recent indiscretions of his, but the logic was otherwise sound. Very reasonable, overall... and he would be lying if he did not admit to being more than a little fond of her.

"That... I can do." Silently, he projected a little more towards Ingrid, mental tone amused. <Doing our best to catch me off guard, are we?>

Prince-Consort, eh? Not normally a title used for a Regent's spouse. Perhaps she had further plans for the immediate future.

// Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Ben Serrano Ben Serrano | [Tagged Upon Entrance] //​



Peace always provided much needed respite. Yes, there were many things to it which required precise management and careful actions but none could deny that peace was a break from war, and those breaks made the galaxy stronger, otherwise every rock within it would be devoid of life.
But that was just a fool's theory. Nonetheless, the Admiral understood the importance of diplomacy and negotiations. Even if he was a commander of a fleet of war, he understood politics too well.
Which brought him here, to Kaas City, the home of the Sith Empire. He accompanied the Empress Regent and her Disciple to the world in hopes of establishing a lasting Peace Treaty. He turned to the young man who he had assumed to be the Regent's apprentice. He had never seen him before, never knew him however the stories surrounding the young man were enough to pipe the Admiral's interest.
"I feel rather optimistic if you must know" he said to the young man, offering a smile. Yet it wasn't long before he had decided to speak when the Empress Regent asked for the Sith Lord Darth Prospero's hand in marriage.
"Well this was unexpected" he whispered to the disciple.


Golden Shore

Sith Empire: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , AMCO AMCO , Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano
Escort: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Eternal Empire: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Ben Serrano Ben Serrano , Race Tolsen Race Tolsen
Equipment: Talon of Typhojem, Simmersilk Clothing

Trust was a commodity that the Sith were reticent to give out, particularly after those that had been given that privilege had squandered it on joining hands to wage war on them behind their back, but it was still one that any nation needed to at least pretend to have in order to preserve some modicum of external defense. Had it been Tacitus that had approached the Empire for such a change in terms he would have never made it to Kaas city - the shapeshifter would have arrived, alone, and ensured there was payment made for his betrayal. Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , on the other hand - well she had been far more openly involved in Sith affairs. Loyalties aside, there had been actual noticeable gains made with her help - and results mattered far more than the bitter feelings her former superior had left in their collective mouths. Ever thinking towards progress, and the future, these thoughts weighed heavily on the mind of the Sith Lord as he stood beside his apprentice, Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , when Ingrid entered the room.

He offered a smile and a nod at her greeting - the Shi'ido hardly expected someone he had not personally involved himself with to know who he, or indeed she, was. Placing a hand on the shoulder of his apprentice after making a small bow, he wordlessly suggested she do the same. Neither of the two of them were in the current incarnation of the Dark Council, but there were certain currents in motion within the Sith Empire, waves made by the Sith Lord, that would soon see the titles of those gathered forgotten by change. Expressionless, Vesta listened to what the firebrand had to say with visible interest - though internally he already had some relative notion of how things would go.

The wedding proposal, however, was quite the curveball he wasn't expecting.

Still, things seemed to continue to steer relatively.. on track. He refrained from speaking, still - whatever importance he hadn't wasn't one he would flaunt. Theatrics were, after all, best left to the field of war.


The dogs craved war.

It was expected they would. After all it was how he had conditioned them over their decades of service beneath him. Before the newly crowned Empress-Regent had arrived, he spent the better part of several hours in intense council with his high command. Before him was Highlord Osbasid of the Blackblade Guard, High Warlord Malgrog the God-Splitter of the Dark Horde, Captain-General Zaddion Bruul and the other Crownguard of the Emperor's Shields, Brutus Mallear the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Army, as well as the Commanders of the Dashade Shadow Killers, Morgukai Shadow Warriors, as well as the Iron Wolves. As usual the slender Lazarus present during the heated meeting while they all presented their cases for war.
What happened with the Eternal Empire was a disgrace, an insult to the Sith Emperor and his faithful warriors were quick to respond with pure annihilation. It was how he taught them to respond to any and all threats to Kaine Zambrano. They were fervent zealots. Malgrog and Osbasid were in the middle of dominating the discussion as they all pushed for total war, with the pair proposing a plan. A unified invasion of the entirety of the Dark Legion all three hundred billion monsters alongside the full force of the Blackblade Guard to sweep across the galaxy and bring the Eternals a real war. The Empress-Regent wanted to come here? They proposed to flay the flesh from her skin and turn it into a banner, using her red hair to embroider a Sith symbol on it, to craft the flag pole out of her bones with her skull mounted atop and place it in the blackened crater of their empire. In the minds of his court they were united that for such a betrayal every world needed to burn. It was when it devolved into a bickering fight between which of the commanders would have the honor of killing her, and if Lord Prospero should be taken down along with her to prevent future treason that the Lord of Lies spoke a single word that stunned them all, right before he dismissed them:
Other plans were already in motion to mend the shattered bonds that the former Eternal Emperor had broken in the start of a meaningless war. In truth he couldn't even chastise the commanders they were after all his men, they responded exactly in the way he typically was prepared for when it came to such affronts to his nephew. But over the course of his long life he learned not every situation required the hammer. So when the delegation of the Eternal Empire at long last arrived it was unmolested across the Imperial capital, and in a seat fit for the gigantic Sith Lord sat the Shadow Hand, his commanding presence oppressing the room. Behind him stood the slender robed form of Lazarus. The Lord of Lies remained silence while Ingrid made her speech followed by the offer of marriage to Lord Prospero, something that he had expected given the nature of their relationship. There were very few things about the Dark Councilors that did surprise him. It was in the short quiet period afterward that he began speaking.
"You do speak the truth Empress-Regent in all accounts. However it is an undeniable fact that the Eternal Empire did violate our previous alliance, and they did start a war of aggression against the Sith Empire. Now you come here on bent knee with open arms requesting peace from the faces you spat on. The fact that you are standing here now is a testament to our willingness to participate in these peace talks. The Sith Empire will require conditions beyond this marriage proposal before we will sign such a treaty." Braxus said. Out of all the assembled Dark Councilors it was he alone who could speak with the voice and the authority of the Sith Emperor.
"We demand that the Eternal Empire pay the Sith Empire reparations as part of the terms of this treaty."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim AMCO AMCO Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Ellie Mors Ellie Mors Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Ben Serrano Ben Serrano Race Tolsen Race Tolsen


It could be such a complicated thing, easily a way to forge strong bonds between beings and nations but just as often it could create sticky situations. The Lady of Secrets was surprised that the Empress Regent, so soon to have spoken with the Councilor of Galactic Influence, would propose such as a way to mend the rift her predecessor and master had caused.

Prazutis, in all his dark authority, was demanding reparations be included in any treaty. A fair demand to make, considering the losses sustained by the Sith Empire during the battle and the theoretical damages caused by the alliance being sundered as the New Imperials advanced. But she remembered something the woman had said in their brief conversation, about how apparently discordant the training of Force users was in the Eternal Empire. Taeli was still heavily under the impression there was more going on there than what had been said, but this could present an opportunity.

"I also would like to propose a condition, Regent," she said, speaking softly but letting her voice carry with the Force. "In our brief conversation on Bastion, you mentioned that your nation did not have a regimented Force order or traditions. It seems to me that is a dangerous situation for your Empire to be in, especially in this transition period you find yourself within. To that regard, I would propose that all Force users not inducted in your PsiCorps in the Empire begin training in the Sith ways with the establishment of a temple and embassy on a planet of your choice, under the watchful eye of Darth Prospero and a selected group of Overseers chosen between the Dark Council."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Imperial Palace, New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Gard
TSE members: AMCO AMCO | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
EE members: Ben Serrano Ben Serrano | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

She knew that this could all have a really bad ending, so she arrived with only a small number of escorts. Ingrid actually hoped everything would turn out as well as possible, but it wouldn’t be cheap either if it turned out that way. In the war, the Sith Empire may not be the best against the NIO, but nonetheless, Ingrid had no illusions that they could easily win against them. Even so, the last time the Eternal Empire won.

It was immediately apparent that she had managed to surprise the majority with the marriage offer she made to AMCO AMCO . This was true not only of her own, but also of the delegates of the Sith Empire. Until the Sith Lord answered her, a good few had not spoken yet. And she saw and felt that her heart’s choice did not expect that. She really had fun deep inside herself so that not even Adrian could feel anything of it. But even that only took a moment to suppress that feeling.

Rather, she was only in silence, maintaining eye contact throughout as far as possible, that she watched the Sith Lord be surprised first, then probably consult someone, and finally grin. Here she already knew he was going to say yes. And it really happened, though the answer sounded pretty much like he had no choice and the whole thing was a compulsion. However, the telepathic message was just the opposite.

As much as she wanted to smile, Ingrid watched Adrian with just as cold blue eyes and an insensitive look. She nodded contentedly at the answer.

”Well, all right, thank you for your answer, Darth Prospero. Then further details and contracts will be arranged by our attorneys before we accept them.”

Her voice was still objective and cold, as if not one of the best things had happened to her, but only a contract or a usual thing. At the same time, through the Force-bond between the two of them, Adrian also received a flood of emotion from the woman, which was in stark contrast to her words, her movements, and what others might have felt from her. It may have seemed like a cold, almost emotionless woman to everyone, but Adrian could feel how happy she was and glad at the man's response to her.

~ It’s always a pleasure to be able to catch you off guard, handsome! ~ She purred through the telepathic connection. ~ I've missed you so much! And I want to kiss you so badly! It is unfortunate that we have not even started negotiations. ~ She waited a few moments, finally she had another question for her lover, which she asked with a soft laugh in thought. ~ You don't have any clothes on you again, don't you? ~

While this little interlude was on her mind, she heard the admiral's words from behind her, and even Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis spoke. The Shadow Hand is huge in stature and fearful in power, Ingrid hasn't had the good fortune to talk to the man so far. They met once at the imperial wedding, where they spoke only for the duration of a formal greeting. The two Emperor’s Hand. Since she had left the man out of the greeting first, she nodded in his direction, respectfully.

”My Lord Prazutis, I am perfectly aware that what Darth Tacitus did is unforgivable, and also that there was little chance of me coming here to Dromund Kaas alive and it would have been perfectly understandable if our ship had been destroyed before landing. That is why I thank you for your willingness to accept and listen to our offer. Of course, I did not think for a moment my Lord, that the marriage offer would be sufficient. It was just a gesture to you. This is what I myself wanted to offer you, to compensate you for the damage we did to you that day, because that is the least we can do.”

With that, they predicted that it would perceive to dive and they had to do it. Even if the Eternal Empire was the victorious party on that day. The second request, this was not expected by the bureaucrats, but by her. Ingrid turned to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf when she said her words. The most delicate point is the Force Users. No one has an easy time when this issue was a seven-sealed secret.

”We will and want to accomplish only part of that. Since the start of the war, with your permission and that of Darth Prospero, I have had the opportunity to learn about the Sith methods and also visit the Academy in Korriban several times to learn about the nature of their training. Yes, I will be curious about it. I am willing to go in for you to send Overseers, or for our masters to come here to learn from you. But what you are asking for would be to rewrite the legislation of the entire Empire. And I can't and won't do that. My goal is to preserve the sovereignty of the Eternal Empire that your request is perfectly opposed to. Most of the Sith methods violate our laws, we do not have any Force User over others. Of course, I know of the “Perfect Circle” that the transformation of Empire society is now underway. But with us no master can have the life of their disciple. They can't hurt them. The young man, Ben Serrano Ben Serrano , is my disciple, in case I hit him now because he is behaving rudely and indecently, I would have to face our laws just like anyone else. If I killed him, I would be executed too. Our laws are strict, they make us who we are, Lady of Secrets. However, I am willing for the Overseer to help develop the method mentioned earlier with those who work with us to develop this, either under the supervision or with the help of Darth Prospero. Or anyone else you suggest. But I do not agree to anything that would jeopardize our identity or our sovereignty.”

As always, she spoke with perfectly controlled emotions, cold and military, with a definite emphasis. There was no change in that. She was not embarrassed as if she had been among high-ranking individuals all her life and knew exactly how to negotiate on behalf of an Empire.

”What I wanted to mention, I did not find any official document regarding how the Emperor would have negotiated with the NIO about the alliance between our states. So much for sure, we are allies for some reason. After the negotiations here, I will have to deal with them as well, where I have stated my intention to inform the Imperator, Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , that the Eternal Empire will no longer help the NIO in their war with the TSE in any form.”


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Sith Empire: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , AMCO AMCO , Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano , Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Escort: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Eternal Empire: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Ben Serrano Ben Serrano , Race Tolsen Race Tolsen
Equipment: Talon of Typhojem, Simmersilk Clothing

Politics. At every turn, in every corner, wherever the Shi'ido looked it was there to see. The Sith Empire had plunged into war with the New Imperial Order over politics, the Eternal Empire had turned on its only friends because of those politics, and the Sith in their antiquated council bickered over political posturing whenever the opportunity to further their standing struck.

Let them wag their tongues.

The thought crawled through the shapeshifter's mind as the focus turned to matters of opportunistic assertions of Sith dominance entered play. There was much that Vesta enjoyed of other Sith's company, but thinly veiled ambition was not one of them. It was true that the Eternal Empire had tied their own noose when they'd betrayed the Sith over the world north of Bastion, an act that had put the Sith in a precarious situation once Dubrillion had finished, but there were others ways to seek reparations than to pointlessly insist on the neutering of the Eternal Empire's choice in handling their own gifted with the force.

It was when the mention of the circle came about that Vesta's interest was piqued, not quite so much so that it was brought up but rather in interest to whether the concept was even being understood properly. Though it seemed there was some degree of misunderstanding, the renewed focus held on the conversation soon took the shapeshifter's mind off of his mother's legacy and honed in on the elephant in the room, which had annoyed him at first but was now being pointed out by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim herself.

"I think there's a misunderstanding here. This is a talk over renewed relations and letting go of our temporary conflict."

His head turned as his gaze set itself upon Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , his expression indiscernible. "Perhaps indoctrination of a foreign people with teachings of an Order they will not belong to is asking too much." He said, pausing for a moment before looking back at the Empress-Regent. "However, the reason the Eternal Empire was so quick to forget its ties to the Sith and stab us in the back was precisely because of the lack of empathy for our cause - and the ease at which your former leader manipulated that void to suit his own political agendas." There was a frown now, visible despite his attempt to maintain a neutral face. "If the idea of being taught by those trusted by our own is too great of an encroachment on your sovereignty, then perhaps it would be best if the Eternal Empire is willing to look towards other avenues of ensuring our hypothetical alliance is more than just lip service between the leadership of two peoples."

"It is no secret that the act of war carried out by the Eternal Empire acted as the first domino that led to a rather substantial loss in Sith territory, reparations are all well and good but I do not understand what we would have to gain from accepting some form of treaty. Peace? I believe the very first line in our code speaks well enough to our thoughts on such a fallacy."

"If we - the Sith - find ourselves entrenched further in conflict we need someone who will meet us halfway, not someone who will divorce themselves from the rest of the galaxy and focus on themselves. We don't need a treaty to recognize that you aren't going to strike at us further, we need one to give us a reason to work together. And, frankly, paying us to forgive your transgressions is not enough."

"Not to me."


Location: Imperial Palace, New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: The Twin Dancers | Apostasy’s End
TSE Members: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | AMCO AMCO | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
EE Members: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Ben Serrano Ben Serrano | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

That one… that one hurt.

Aagenti’s eyes closed at the mention of the marriage proposal, taking in a deep breath, and letting Ingrid’s apology ruminate in his mind for a brief moment… although, for him, it seemed quite a length much longer. The words of the marriage and the sheer pity in Ingrid’s eyes mixed together to take him from the present meeting, a silent betrayal aching in his heart as the words, in his mind, were spoken again and again… and yet it wasn’t the words that he fell upon to obsess in his heart, but rather the look he was given. One of pity. One of knowing. One that spoke and said ”I look down upon you for I know you aren’t strong enough to handle what comes next.” To him that’s what came from the apology, and that’s what struck him most thoroughly.

To onlookers in the room, for a large portion of the beginning meeting, Aagenti was uncharacteristically absent, lost in whatever was hidden in his mind that needed his eyes closed to see, his hands clasped tightly at his back in a formal gesture, metal filaments digging into gloved flesh and, faintly, drawing blood. Aagenti’s bitter heart reminded him once more that to be allied with anything beyond business would lead to pain, and it’s a lesson he had refused to learn for good reason; to be Sith meant to embrace any aspect of emotion, and pain was at the top of that list, more than contentment or joy or excitement. Heartbreak and anger were his two finest tools, and so he should be thanking Ingrid…

And as he opened his eyes once again to see how the room had changed around him, he directed his sight to Ingrid, and offered her a pleasant, hollow smile, bringing his hands together to clasp in front of his chest, standing tall as any ambassador should. ”While the proposal of this oncoming marriage is certainly something wonderful, I am glad that my allies are able to see and continue on the reason we’ve met here. Your predecessor betrayed the Sith Empire, and now you beg for peace. The sins of the father, however, must not go unanswered.”

Aagenti stepped forward towards the center of the room, opening his arms out wide, a cold eminence and presence surrounding him, alien yet all too familiar in contrasting aspects, a lord of ash and cinder and of ice and winter. In a sense, he was glad that Ingrid had done what she had done - it cleared his thoughts and made him see true, crystallized focus allowing sharpened steel to cut to the heart of the heavy situation surrounding them. It wasn’t just a matter of peace, but rather Ingrid laid her life upon a life on the dream of alliance, walking into the heart of their enemy’s capital with nothing more to defend herself but a personal guard. Should the Sith wish so, they could fragment the Eternal Empire here and now.

But war was bad for business.

”I wish for this alliance to be former. The Sith Empire must spread influence through other means with the… current situation surrounding us, of course, one caused by the Eternal Empire in no small measure, would I the warmonger of my predecessor, I would have called for complete assimilation of the Eternal Empire into the Sith throng… but your Empire is weak, Empress-Regent. You wish to remain your own, but in defying the New Imperial Order and siding with the Sith, you become a weak wall to defend us, a pathway through which others can cleave through without issue.” Aagenti’s hands once more came together, clasping in front of his chest as he smiled towards the gathered ambassadors, lingering on Ingrid for a moment, before stepping back into line.

The color of his eyes shifted, from a red fitting the Sith Empire’s sigils to an orange, striking up like a match and catching aflame like the forests of Endor beneath a burning sky. ”You wish to keep your sovereignty but still accept the guilt of the war you brought upon our state. To that end, we must be sure that you will not follow in the footsteps of your forerunner, and that this alliance brings the Eternal Empire and the Sith Empire close to two parts of one greater whole. The best way for such a unity to happen, I feel, is trade and defense.”

Turning now to address his fellow Sith, Aagenti spoke with a new vigor, a well-practiced idea plotting in his head as he announced his proposal. ”I propose this - we enforce that the Eternal Empire gains a majority of its imports from Sith sources, wherein not only will we be able to transfer goods to the Eternal Empire, but so too our ideals and our culture. They keep their sovereignty, but the people decide if they wish to embrace Sith concepts alongside those ingrained in the Eternal Empire. Alongside this, the Eternal Empire must promise to be ready to stand in assistance of any defensive or expansionist, non-invasive expeditions that we undergo, and in turn we as the Sith Empire promise the independence and protection of the Eternal Empire.”

Aagenti would turn to the room, briefly bowing with a sort of vanity, before turning once more to Ingrid with that same, unwavering smile, his eyes frosted over in some degree, the strategist behind shining through ever more brilliantly behind the crystalline complex. Aagenti was not one to hide when he had felt scorned, but with a single message, he gave one simple retort for the sorry look that she had given him: {The table of diplomacy is no place for marriages of passion. I expected you to know better.}
Quite unlike the redhead, a characteristic hybridisation of a smirk and a smile was visible on his regal features, a twinkle in his otherwise analytical eyes. That was not to say that he was not evaluating the situation objectively, however - though he was quite fond of Ingrid herself, he had no strong feelings one way or the other when it came to her Empire; the interests of the Sith Empire, on the other hand, were his interest. More or less.

... if ones advanced through somewhat unconventional and occasionally selfish ways.

Returning her nod, his voice was slightly amused, as if in reference to a joke known only to himself. "Oh, I'm sure they will."

At the same time, their little telepathic exchange continued, Ingrid projecting emotions while he mostly limited himself to more ordinary mediums of communication, as was their ways. <Likewise - and I'm sure my creatures will get right on it; as for clothes, not really. Practice makes perfect.>

His people were working on a new kind of fabric able to shift alongside a shapeshifter, but until then he would remain technically naked.

Listening attentively to the various proposals, objections, and counters, his smirk twitched upwards; this was far more his element than the battlefields that had dominated the Council's meetings as of late, after all. Reparations, force traditions, alliances, trade - but one issue remained.

"Let's not forget the elephant in the room - or rather, the one not in the room. The decision to betray our last alliance was made not by STRATCOM but by one man and one man alone - a man which still has a claim to your Empire's throne, in the eyes of many." Smile turning almost predatory, he nodded to Ingrid and then Lady Raaf. "I trust you would cooperate with our own intelligence in ensuring that Darth Tacitus remains missing?"

Cold eyes flickering towards Race Tolsen Race Tolsen , the unspoken message to the Admiral was clear enough. If this got out there would be consequences.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Imperial Palace, New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Guard
TSE members: AMCO AMCO | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
EE members: Ben Serrano Ben Serrano | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen

Ingrid looked up at Vesta as the woman so to speak “protected” them after the words of Taeli Raaf. Although she did not recognize the woman in this male figure, she had always admired and respected Vesta’s mother. Even though she never had a chance to talk to the woman. She wondered for a moment if the relationship caused by Tacitus could be settled at all. He left too much grievance behind what he did. And Ingrid wasn't a Sith, she knew little about them, she only had memories of many thousands of years thanks to the Force Entity.

”I find it much more accurate my Lord, that someone forgot all this and not the whole state. The recent coup attempt also proves that there was great dissatisfaction with the actions of the Emperor in the Eternal Empire. But I am also aware that because he is the leader of our state, everyone will project his actions onto the entire Empire. That they think what he did is an act of the whole Empire. I am confident that we will be able to prove that this is not the case.”

She nodded to the second part of Vesta's words. Ingrid knew it was little that she was involved in all the wars and fought for them. However, she didn’t know the locals so much that she knew what to offer. If she had to lie and just play, there would have been no problem. But she had never been in a situation like this now.

”I agree with your words, Lord, and I am sure we will find what the Eternal Empire can once again benefit the Sith Empire in what interests us. Let it be probably war. Because wars have always been, are and will be. And let it be, let us not call this meeting a peace treaty, but a renewal of our alliance.”

She paused for a moment, the positive in her eyes being that at least they saw that she didn’t want to go to war with them.

”Both Empires are traditional, but we also take into account the change that is important for our survival. This can already be taken as a basis. It is well known and I will not lie about it, but I do not view the Force as a religion. I confess that both the Dark and the Light side can be corrupt if not in the right hands. But based on my experience so far, there is a huge difference between the two sides. The Dark Side is more lenient than the Light Side, despite not being seen by many. In my personal experience, the bright side would destroy everything that disagrees with it. They are imaginary, arrogant, hiding behind light and good deeds, while more depraved than the representatives of the Dark Side. We already have a common enemy, the Jedi.”

And the situation has been good so far. Because Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano completely misunderstood her intentions. As she watched the man as well, it became quite obvious to Ingrid from the man's reaction. She was just making a friendly gesture, not feeling pity for the other, but the man apparently took it as an attack and betrayal what Ingrid had done. The worst part was that this was not what she wanted to achieve. It has been said several times in her life that it is difficult with women in such a case, but the red-haired woman would have included men in this line as well.

It happened which the woman did not want, and probably not the man either. They played a completely different “game” than much of the Galaxy. A fight in which it is not certain that either party will be able to overcome the other. They are too similar, they think and see the world too similarly. The most likely outcome is that everything around them will be destroyed, there will be huge losses, but it is still not certain that they will be able to defeat each other or not.

”First of all, I want to state that I am not begging for peace. If you think so, you have something very misunderstood!”

Her voice is frosty and cold, as are her gaze and eyes. There was no sign of the earlier momentary kindness and care. At the man's open threat, as his eyes took on a golden colour, she stood as unshakable, her hands behind her back, in a small spread like a soldier. The radiance of the definite cold, frosty, and calm did not break. If Telis wanted to intimidate her, he failed.

They were too similar, both “children” of winter and frost, cold, frosty, to tell the truth, maybe the two of them would have matched each other even better than Ingrid and Adrian. But there was a big difference between them. Ingrid was not only a child of frost, but also of fire. She also had another, a passionate side, which, however, suited her lover perfectly. Half of what she inherited from her mother. However, she always knew in which situation and when which might prevail. An eternal struggle for balance. It was winter time now. Although they didn't talk much to Telis, they were too similar, she guessed what had turned in the man's mind.

She reached for her belt with a military gesture and untied it, the belt remaining in her hand with the two lightsaber hilts on it, and then, without looking at the table nearby, she threw the whole belt there. She clasped her hands behind her back again and stepped closer to Telis, with the same radiance that Lord Aagenti used. In the middle of the room, the same force met and strained each other. Ingrid looked into the man's eyes without any offense or emotion, hopefully closer than ever. Eventually, unintentionally, but with the same gesture, she opened her hands as the Sith Lord did.

”I have a really good tip for just what’s on your mind. If that’s how you want to take revenge for the offer, I’m here, I’m not going to defend myself. Otherwise we cannot defeat each other Lord Aagenti anyway, only by physical violence.”

Her eyes did not flicker at the man's next words, only because she did not respond to the insulting words because the man spoke of insult and bitterness. However, she did not want to personalize all this, she would have replied that the Sith Empire was also weak and the reasonable choice of the NIO would have remained an ally, the consequences would not have been interesting. Fortunately, she was calmer than that. And it's only good to think they're weak. The Overlord didn't even want to refute that. After Telis stepped back into line, she remained where she had stepped forward.

”If in your eyes the allegiance and loyalty are weakness, Lord Aagenti, then I might have to think that perhaps betrayal and stabbing others in the back these days is the advantage. It’s possible that I’m old-fashioned in that respect and that’s why I don’t choose NIO when they seem to be the strongest point in the Galaxy at the moment. And as for our strength, I don’t think either side wants to re-test who would stay on their feet in the end. We may be a small empire compared to the Sith Empire, but I would not underestimate how much you are despised and hated in the Galaxy, and how many would help us to defeat you.”

It was at most as much a threat as the man's. Ingrid did not want to blackmail the other Empire or force peace in this way, but she could not tolerate this behaviour completely. She continued to listen to how the offended man spoke and reacted. Unlike Telis, there was no emotion on her, she wasn't smiling now, she was just cold and frosty. She nodded measuredly at the end.

”It is a viable path if you accept what I have mentioned, that we are traditionalists and you do not act aggressively if there are not enough open people for your ideals.”

After that, she received a telepathic message in which it was really clear that the man was offended. Her response was longer for Telis. She hoped this would clarify the situation.

~ And I expected you not to misunderstand my apology. I don't feel pity for you, Lord Telis. I would never do this with you. I was sorry I had to hurt you while I didn't want to do that to a... friend. Because we both know little as friends, no matter how cold I look to those who have earned my friendship, I will go any longer for them and do anything for them. I know you are a Sith, a great one, and also that you can handle the pain. Even so, I didn’t feel good about having to do this to you. It was nothing more than a friendly gesture, and I’m sorry I have to explain that. Because I may be a great shadow player too, but I had no intention of betraying you. And I didn’t choose him because he’s Adrian. My emotions had nothing to do with it. The simple reason is that he is a noble an aristocrat. I know you are a noble too, but if you were noble in addition to your Imperial rank and you would deal with that, you would have been the better choice, my friend. But it's not like that, so I had to choose him. He is, because he is simply the better choice for a noble marriage, because of a strong and influential noble house behind him, it's just interest, nothing more. I have to think of my noble house and bloodline! ~

By the time she “told” this to the Sith Lord, she had already turned her full attention to her lover. The two things went to her at once. From what she saw, Adrian didn't realize what had happened to Telis. She would have liked to smile back at her lover, that is, her fiancé now, but she couldn't. She still had to look strong, and then if they stayed together, the more emotional, passionate half of the woman could prevail. Even at the beginning of the gloom of the situation, she laughed softly at the telepathic connection between them to Adrian's response.

~ Do you know this is a torture? You are here without clothes and I can do nothing with you... ~

Unfortunately, she couldn't look at the man very much after the "words," she just stepped back, back to where she stood before they "duelled" with Telis. The red-hair woman was really expecting everything, just not getting a punch under her belt so big, right from her lover. She didn’t blame him, she knew the Empire was the first for the Sith Lord, so that wasn’t surprising either. She still turned to him with a frosted look at the man's words and spoke in such a voice.

”I barely even asked for your hand, Darth Prospero, and you are already weaving ruler dreams?”

There was no resentment, anger in her voice, it was just cold and distant, as if they didn’t even know each other. It was as if the man and woman had been completely strangers to each other and not lovers for many months. She could have been telepathically flirting with Adrian throughout the trial, keeping her own interests out loud. Fortunately, she was able to easily separate the two. At that time too. And he gave her no other choice…

”As Darth Prospero highlighted this… This is a very delicate Eternal Imperial affair. It is likely that the Emperor is not in this dimension but has been transferred to another. Nevertheless, the entire STRATCOM is aware that Darth Tacitus betrayed the Eternal Empire and not just the Sith Empire. If he ever shows up again, there would be no need for Saaraishash help. I have to do this alone. However, the fate of Darth Tacitus has not yet been decided, nor what we are doing in this matter”

Since it was not an easy decision to act according to the law and arrest Darth Tacitus, they may think they want power for themselves, which was not true. Ingrid was not interested in power. However, if they do nothing, they will commit a transgression and may endanger the Eternal Empire with it.


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