Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Allit - Birds of a feather...

Location: The Morut, Hoylin’s southern hemisphere.
Time: 1600 Hours
Wearing: Beskar’gram, ceremonial cape
Weapons: DE-10 Blaster Pistols strapped to his hips, no other weapons on the Alor.
Tag: [member="Careena Fett"]


Galaar’s boots crunched lightly against the dirt and gravel resting on the durosteel plating of the floor as he walked out of one of the two dormitories in the compound. Helmet underneath his arm, eyes gazing out and looking across the Morut and taking in what had been built. Light streamed in through the entrance to the cave area, illuminating the large cavern.

It wasn’t much, what the three generations had built here during their relatively short time here on Roon. A mountainous outpost, surrounded by one of the few green areas on the planet, consisting of a few small buildings outside the cavern, and the rest cluttered closely together inside the hollowed out area of the cave. From what his grandfather had said, it had taken him and his two brothers a year and a half using diggers to remove enough rock to lay down a base area of durosteel and begin work on building small structures that could function as armories, dormitories, and a mess hall.

In the 70 or so years that the clan had settled on the planet, it had grown significantly from the six members that had come here in the early days. Galaars grandfather, his two brothers, and their wives were the first to found the site and begin building it to what it is today. 47 members, both of direct blood from the grandfather and his brothers, and consisting those that had come to join with the group after hearing what they had begun. 18 or so of the people at the compound could be considered verd at this point, having passed the verd’goten in their younger years. The rest consisted of engineers, cooks, gardeners, and children, everyone needed to help a clan survive.

When Galaar looks to his right, out of the cavern, he could see the landing pad area, plenty big enough to accommodate multiple smaller ships, freighters, or even a corvette if need be. Today, it was well needed. He hopped down from the ramp leading up to the dormitory, proceeding to walk out of the cave into the blinding sunlight. Just as he did so, his helmet was lifted from his arms and secured onto his head, blocking out the sunlight and allowing him to look out onto the platform and view the activity that hustled and bustled around it.

On the very end, a small anti-air blaster turret was being prepared by multiple engineers and verds. it had not been used in years, and had only been bought by his father after prodding from his sister that they needed something in case of an attack. Galaar had told himself he needed to get it set up and working before now, but had been away from Morut for so long, busying himself with trying to add to the clan’s credit bank, that certain things like that had gone undone.

He doubted he would be leaving Hoylin any time soon, if this meeting was going to go as well as the spirits hoped it might. Other Fetts in the galaxy, those that also rejected the notion of being a part of some large collective, remaining independent, had reached out to him. While he could never be sure of who to trust, or if even to release the location of Morut to those that had not yet earned the privilege, this chance was not one to be lightly overlooked.

So he agreed, sending the location of the outpost to the woman who had contacted him, instructing that she only bring herself, a pilot, and two other men to escort her if wanted. If anything, he wanted to make sure an entire new sect of the Fett clan showed up on his doorstep with tens of new mouths to feed. These thoughts raced through his head as two of his more trusted verds, a man and a woman who he had grown up with as childhood friends, walked up and flanked his right and left. With his eyes looking up toward the sky, Galaar muttered one last, hopeful phrase as he awaited the arrival of those claiming to be of Fett. “Tsikador. Cabuor megin vi ganar yam’gotal’ur.”

C a r e e n a _ F e t t

Location | The Morut, Hoylin
Purpose | Bring Clan Fett together
Company | [member="Galaar Fett"] / Fett Clansmen

It was a time of strife and conflict for Mandalorians across the Galaxy, though it usually was, regardless of who Mand'alor was or the state of the Galaxy. There had always been many differences and grudges between each of the clans, and even those that saw disagreement within their own clans. As Careena's ship made its way to Hoylin, she hoped that it would not become the latter. Careena had spent the past decade, travelling among the stars, searching for the shattered remnants of her clan, hoping to bring them together to unite them under a common cause and goal. In the recent years, she had been successful in tracking down individuals and small groups scattered across the Galaxy who had been on the move ever since the Fetts were exiled from Mandalore and a few of the other clans following the latest Mandalorian Civil War, a conflict that had decimated a large number of the Fetts that existed. Though Koda Fett had succeeded in rallying the Fetts and becoming Alor at the time to fight and set aside their differences with the other clans for a time, their efforts seemed to make little impact against the Empire that formed when Yasha Mantis came into power.

The period that followed had created a large resentment for Koda as many had seen his lack of leadership and absence as a failing. Careena saw things differently though. She had continued to trust and believe in her Alor, because she recognized that lone operation and identity was what made each Fett strong and even stronger together. Like their trials to becoming a Fett, one had to survive the harshest of tasks and environments, for if you were to become a burden to your own clan, the rest would have to carry you. They were meant to be fearsome on their own, and an even greater force to be reckoned with once they stood together. It was this concept that drove her to pursue her goal in uniting the remaining Fett clansmen together and once more rally them to a common cause. With the blessings of the previous Alor, Careena had taken the burden upon herself to do what was expected of her. While she had those from her own clan that doubted her and scoffed at the mention of Koda, she still stood firm to her goal, and put those doubts to rest as she slowly gathered the support of the other Fetts scattered across the stars. And her efforts had soon led her to another who was Alor of a group of Fetts that had isolated themselves from the Mandalorian Empire, long before the tragedy had fallen upon them.

She found herself coming to Hoylin, with a small shuttle and only two other clansmen departing from a moderately sized frigate that held those she had gained the support and trust of as they sailed through the atmosphere. It was...Peaceful to say the least, it appeared that those who made Hoylin their home had lived a good life, if not cushioned and isolated from the duties of being a true Mandalorian worthy to the name of Fett. The one who claimed to be Alor of those residing on Hoylin had accepted a meeting with her, and summarily offered their location, a show of trust; whether or not it was weary and reluctant was another matter. The transport would arrive at The Morut, touching down on the landing pad as the ramp lowered itself. Careena would step out, her rifle slung over her shoulder, accompanied by her two clansmen as she stepped out into the light. She would step forth and pause a few feet away from Galaar before offering a greeting, " Su cuy'gar vod. It is finally a pleasure to meet you face to face..." She would raise her hands up to her helmet, lifting it off to reveal her pale face and short hair, tucking her helmet beneath one arm before extending her free hand out.
Location: The Morut, Hoylin’s southern hemisphere.
Time: 1600 Hours
Wearing: Beskar’gram, ceremonial cape
Weapons: DE-10 Blaster Pistols strapped to his hips, no other weapons on the Alor.
Tag: [member="Careena Fett"]


The freighter was..larger, than he expected in all honesty. And looking over to the small anti air turret at the end of the landing platform, he realized it really wouldn’t have done much. Though fighting in such a way could be considered dishonorable by some. He made a mental note to take some of the bank and upgrade the defenses of The Morut as soon as possible, if they were to be having these types of meetings from now on. It seemed as though they were getting too big to be hidden, as this other, possible fett women, finding him showed.

His eyes moved back to the ship as the compression vents released their steam, and the landing ramp slowly lowered until it pressed against the durosteel landing platform. A women, clad in her own set of beskar’gram, made her way down the ramp, flanked by her own pair of guards. She had taken his offer up, apparently, and he assumed one more person was left on the ship. That thought was put aside momentarily, as the woman greeted him, removing her helmet as she did so. In response, he too responded by removing his helmet, gruff, worn face now on view. He glanced down at the hand momentarily before looking up to the woman, reaching out to clasp her hand in his own while bowing his head slightly in greeting “Su cuy'gar vod.”

Pulling his hand back, he allowed a moment to pass between the pair before motioning toward the opening of the cavern, giving a soft nod in that direction. “Come. I shall not be known for being a bad host to a vod who share’s my allit.” He started in that direction, slowly enough for the a second to make sure the woman followed before walking at a normal speed. While doing so, he nodded to a pair of beskar’gram clad verd that had been waiting off to the side. They nodded back, before proceeding toward the freighter, presumably to stand guard near it.

Galaar did not watch as the men proceeded toward the freighter, only mentioning it in a reassuring voice. “They will escort your pilot to wherever he might need to go, as well as help with the refueling. I do understand that we are supposedly allit, but we have survived here for a long time due to the safeguards we have in place. I’m sure you understand, vod.” With that, the group entered into the hollowed out cavern, the alor leading them toward one of the dormitories.

He had hoped that those within the cave would continue about their days in a way that would not be looking toward the visitors. Though as they paced by, the stares were noticeable, whether they be in interest, or scowls from those that detested visitors. They were not used to visitors that weren’t traders or traveling groups of engineers. This came from the isolation from the other mandalorians, those that Galaar’s grandfather believed to be headed down the path of destruction. As long as the group remained isolated, picking their members carefully and raising their children according to the reslo’nare, then the true Mandalorian way would be preserved.

The middle aged man lead the group into the dormitory, headed down the clean, white hallways and into the largest of the backrooms, which had been converted into a meeting place of sorts. Inside, a few seats, as well as table with a collection of drinks spread out on top. Looking to Careena’s verd, he nodded toward the hallway. “This is where your men, and mine, will wait. This is a private discussion to be had.”

C a r e e n a _ F e t t

Location | The Morut, Hoylin
Purpose | Bring Clan Fett together
Company | [member="Galaar Fett"] / Fett Clansmen

Careena would firmly shake Galaar's hand before pulling it back after they finished their greeting, offering a nod as he went off about not wanting to be a bad host. She would begin to follow after him, her helmet still tucked underneath her arm as Galaar explained what his verd were doing with her ship, to which she just offered a simple Mhmm of acknowledgement. She simply nodded as she glanced around the Morut, taking note of the people and how it was set up. It wasn't very much, but it seemed to suffice for the Fett clan that resided on Hoylin. The sounds of their armored boots could be heard as they stepped into the hollowed out cavern as they made their way through to one of the dormitories nestled there.

Careena had spent a fair bit of the past decade scouring for remnants of the Fett clan following the conflict on Mandalore, but it appeared that those who resided on Hoylin had occupied and lived here for quite some time, which was both curious and a bit disappointing to figure out. While their people fought and bled, here was an isolated group of her own clansmen that never answered the call when the Mandalorian Civil War broke out, failed to stand against a Mand'alor unfit to bear the title and duties, and failed to come to the aid of their own when they were needed most. As far as Fetts were concerned, they weren't cut from the same fabric. But differences aside, she had come for a single purpose, and whether they chose to heed the call or once more ignore it would determine how she would see the Hoylin Fetts going forth.

She would pause as Galaar had halted in his tracks before he turned to face her and her verd, telling them that they would need to wait outside. They would simply nod in acknowledgement as they stood back in the hallway, aware the Careena was more than capable of handling herself if things got dicey; it was the entire reason they respected and followed her - a respectable warrior with a solid head on their shoulders. Careena would step into the meeting room as she held her helmet in both hands, gently setting it down on a table as she took a seat, lifting one leg as she rested it over the other, maintaining a rather stiff posture as she clasped her hands together and rested them on her lap. There would be a lengthy silence between them before she would be the first to speak, " It appears that all is good with your people. I am pleased to see that you are able to thrive even when far away from our true home... I suppose some formal introductions are in order as to the purpose of my visit. I am Careena Fett, Alor to the Fetts that were once broken and now restored... "
Location: The Morut, Hoylin’s southern hemisphere.
Time: 1610 Hours
Wearing: Beskar’gram, ceremonial cape
Weapons: DE-10 Blaster Pistols strapped to his hips, no other weapons on the Alor.
Tag: [member="Careena Fett"]


As the women proceeded into the room, leaving her two verd on the outside, Galaar made sure to look at both of them and give a soft nod of appreciation, before addressing his own men as he was reaching to the button to close the door. “Make sure these men are comfortable, and get them something to refresh them. They’ve had a long journey. Treat them well.” With that, and another nod toward his men, he closed the door and turned, surprised to find the women already sitting.

A thought that surprised Galaar as is came to mind was that the women, in her own, explicitly dangerous and interesting way, was quite gorgeous. She held herself in a way that the middle aged man could appreciate, even possibly come to like one day. Though how this meeting ended up going would certainly determine how long something like a bond of friendship would take to form. That was enough to bring him back to the present, realizing he had been silent for a few moments, before moving to take his own seat.

She spoke before he could, a defeat to him in his own right. By speaking first, she had the power to control the conversation and where it headed, and there was little he could do to change the flow. Allowing this fact to brush off him, he let his eyes meet hers as she introduced herself, nodding as she did so. His helmet was placed to the side of his chair before he responded, and he did so in his typical gruff, paced tone. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Truly. No matter what you may have heard about us here, we do respect the old ways, and to host the Alor to my family name is an honor.”

The man paused, momentarily, to lean forward and pull one of the cups to the side, then picking one of the various drinks. As he did so, he began to speak again, eyes now focused downward onto the table. “As for myself, I am Galaar Fett. Second son to T’vele Fett, Alor to the Fett clan here on Hypori.” Galaar paused for a moment to pour himself a drink, before sliding back to lean deeper into his chat, nodding toward the empty cup on Careena’s side. “Feel free to please pour yourself a drink. You can do so while telling me why you felt the need to come here, today.” The words were less of an offer, and more of a command, as he tried to regain control over the conversation for a few moments. Sipping his own drink, his deep brown eyes observed the women’s movements with great interest, as if he was trying to determine her motives from just her movements alone.

C a r e e n a _ F e t t

Location | The Morut, Hoylin
Purpose | Bring Clan Fett together
Company | [member="Galaar Fett"]

Careena retained her posture, carrying herself with an atmosphere of confidence and pride. Now that the two were alone to discuss freely, they could get to why she had gone through the time and effort of chasing rumors and hushed whispers of her clan members' whereabouts across the great Galaxy. She would offer a nod of acknowledgement as Galaar took his seat and proceeded to state his pleasure in meeting her. Her expression remained unchanged, retaining a stoic appearance as her helmet resting on the table just stared at Galaar as if it were its own individual.

The individual who sat before her was family, not through flesh and blood, but by aliit, and she would offer him the chance to explain himself without being outright called dar'manda, it was the very least she could do. The Hoylin Fetts while they shared the name were not ones she regarded highly, save for the small few that did come to fight during the Red Coronation and the Mandalorian Civil War. That respect was reserved for those that had fought, bled and died for the cause that the Fetts believed in, something she was skeptical of hearing from Galaar.

Galaar would finally introduce himself and state his titles. An eyebrow would perk up in interest at the name of T'vele, one she recognized that fought alongside her and te'veman during the Civil War. When Galaar offered to share a drink with Careena she kindly refused, " I do not pirur outside of celebration. Makes the times I do, that much more special though I thank you for the offer. " She gave Galaar a chance to take a seat before speaking once more, " As for my purpose here, I suppose I should start by explaining what I've been doing for the past half decade...As you may be aware, when the title of Mand'alor was taken by one that was unworthy to command all the clans, many of us rose to dispute that; Our clan rose to fight. We failed, and many of our own vod died. We were scattered across the Galaxy, and with so few of us left it was believed that we had fallen..."

She would pause as she recollected the events of the Civil War. Much of her clan's blood was shed during that time- warriors... friends... family. She would continue speaking with that in mind, " But we can never be exterminated...Even as our clan was scattered across the Galaxy, I still held faith in our beliefs and our clan, and I know I was not alone. While many despised Koda Fett, our previous Alor for their absence and lack of leadership after our clan was disgraced, I pursued our brothers and sisters, travelling and scouring systems, chasing shadows and rumors to find our aliit, to ask them to remember that our pride and honor as both Mandalorians and members of Clan Fett has been tarnished, and that we have a chance to restore it. I have gathered as many of our vods for our eventual yaimpar...And here I am, before you, asking if you and your people will join us. Your father T'vele answered the call...Will you? "

Location: The Morut, Hoylin’s southern hemisphere.
Time: 1610 Hours
Wearing: Beskar’gram, ceremonial cape
Weapons: DE-10 Blaster Pistols strapped to his hips, no other weapons on the Alor.
Tag: [member="Careena Fett"]


The man allowed the woman to continue on with her story as he sat back and sipped from his cup full of ale. Even if she did not drink, it certainly wasn’t going to stop him in this moment. If he had to wait and listen to her talk about the great war, he certainly wanted to do so with at least a drink in hand. Not that he didn’t care or know about the war, but it was a long time ago, and the men that had fallen in that conflict only brought back twinges of sorrow to his heart. If he had to go through this, a few drinks in his system would allow his stoic nature to continue.

Her desires, however, interested the man, enough so that as she started on what she wanted to do, he slowly placed his drink onto the table and leaned onto his arms, observing her with an interested gaze. The thought of bringing together all of the Fett’s, for one great yaimpar, was something that certainly interested him. It was his clan to command at this point, after all. And if this woman adhered to the reslo’nare like he believed she did, then she had all of the right in this galaxy to command a group of Fetts in battle.

There was practically nothing to hold him back at this point, and after the woman had finished her little speech, having sounded as though it was meant to convince him, he gave her a soft smile before responding. “It would be against the reslo’nare, by proxy, to deny this offer, wouldn’t it?” he paused, momentarily, before continuing with a quick sigh. “Like I said before, my grandfather came here because he believed those that tried to unite the clans before the war were leading us down a path that we would lose our identity.”

Galaar stood at this point, clasping his hands behind his back as he paced around his chair and toward a cabinet in the corner, where a blaster sat in a glass case. His grandfather’s prized pistol, left behind as he went into the unknown. The man continued as he looked down at the pistol, his voice echoing through the room. “If I was to deny your offer, it would undermine what he came here to begin. I cannot dishonor my lineage, my people, in such a way.”

He turned, leaning against the cabinet as he began to look the woman over once again. “If you have been given the leadership of the clan, the alor, then I and the warriors I have will follow you if called. You have my word on that.”

C a r e e n a _ F e t t

Location | The Morut, Hoylin
Purpose | Bring Clan Fett together
Company | [member="Galaar Fett"]

Careena's words were heartfelt and true; the one thing she hoped for above all else was to unite and restore their clans honor. Without either, it would be impossible for one to call themselves a true Mandalorian. As she finished her little speech she looked to Galaar who had been sitting quietly in his seat drinking as she spoke, now free to speak after she had concluded her time. She held her hands on her lap as she looked on with a hidden gaze of curiosity at how her words would resonate with Galaar as he spoke.

She offered silent nods of acknowledgement as Galaar spoke. As he spoke, she realized that they were coming to an agreement in vision for the future of Clan Fett. Her gaze followed Galaar as he stood up and went over to a glass case, as he continued to speak about the original intention of his grandfather. From his words, Careena saw a man, that despite having hidden and isolated themselves far from their true home, was a man of both honor and commitment; someone she could entrust with a second chance. No longer did she see someone she originally presumed to be dar'manda, but a true vod.

When Galaar turned turned and gave his final remarks, Careena would offer a smile in return. It was not a common expression she wore so it seemed a bit odd, but given how rare it was to make the woman smile, it was the best she could muster before she spoke, " Well spoken. To that I will celebrate and drink. " She would remove her hands from her lap as she stood to pour herself a drink. She'd raise her cup before speaking, " Mhi motir solus vod. "

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