Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'allo all!

Greetings all!

I'm relatively new to RP, so it might take me a little while, and I am quite a busy person; but I am (obviously) a big SW fan, and thought this sounded like fun, so I thought maybe I should give it a try now and then when I have a free hour or two, though it might not be too often sadly.
Nevertheless, I'm eager to begin, once I decide what character to create

See you in the Galaxy! :)
Thank you both!

Just read up on the rules page and noticed that this site mainly rp's several hundred years after the civil war, are there any based in the Clone Wars or Rebellion also?
I understand why it's set in the future of course, probably because changing Star Wars history would probably be an issue, but I was just wondering since I do adore those classic eras.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to CHAOS, [member="Somerton"] :D
If you find yourself idle between creating a character and waiting for a story reply, do drop in the posting games forum.
There we have word games, bits of IC batter and a great way to just jump in and get posting for the fun of it.
[member="Somerton"] Welcome to Chaos. Don't worry about activity, a lot of us are busy with our jobs and other IRL-related activities. Enjoy your stay and take everything at your own pace. Let me know if you need any help getting settled in.

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