Allora Viper
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Species: Twi'lek
Height: 1.78 m
Weight: 120 lbs
Skin color: red
Eye color: orange
Force sensitive: Y
Age: 20
Strengths and weaknesses
+Force push/pull
+Archane magick
-A knowledge of ancient Nightsister techniques, from poisons to medicinal treatments for minor injuries. Other spells are used to temporarily subdue enemies by clouding their minds, forcing them into sleep for several minutes, or small tricks to the senses that would cause them confusion.
+Agility with the lightwhip
Acrobatic form with whips
-Light-sided worlds
Her powers are weakened on worlds where light sided individuals congregate in large numbers.
-Unable to perform Force lightning, Force choke, or anything related to speed.
Her Force powers are limited to lifting and throwing things.
Black cloak
Lightwhip (not made yet)
Allora's origins are as mysterious as those of the Nightsisters of Dathomir - forever linked together in the schemes of the stars.
It is under rare and extreme circumstances that s child is handed over to tribe of Nightsisters, and it is always with the understanding that the parents will never see such a child again.
Under extreme conditions, Allora's parents handed her over to a trio of Great Mothers, as they fled Nar Shaddaa from a man who had trapped them in years' worth of debt. Although these Mothers probably could have intervened and protected them, they did not, as they believed mercy could lead to weakness.
Fortunately they saw no weakness in Allora, as they might have abandoned her as well. She was a very bright and adventurous child, and it was not long before the witches detected the Force in her as well. They all agreed that they would teach her the old ways of Dathomir magick, in the hopes that she would one day perpetuate their clan.
The Mothers taught her many arcane secrets that could only be accessed from the dark ichor that flowed from the planet's soil. Whether by a connection to the Force, or to something even deeper, she learned how to adapt.
She spent her childhood assisting the Mothers as they worked as midwives and healers for the unfortunate souls that came to settle on Dathomir. The witches spent their days poring over herbs and medicines, pulling from the soil to create solutions to everyday ailments.
Adaptation would become the cornerstone her life was built on. The day eventually came that she would have to move on and find her own answers in the galaxy, as there were many things the Mothers could not teach her. She left them on Dathomir with the understanding that they would spend no more time raising her, and that she would have to form her own coven one day.
The easiest opportunities came to her when they were illegal, and she found she had skill for the underworld jobs anyway. Her bewitching abilities made her a regular contact for high-profile criminal empires, until she was able to buy her own ship and materials.
Despite her success as a thief and smuggler, her mind has always wandered back to the Great Mothers…and the idea of forming a coven….
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