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Public "Alone" in the Force

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
[Expansion Region]

Traveling in the vast amounts of space, the Jedi Master was on his own personal mission. Years of solitude made him crave for interaction. To find an companion within the Force, regardless of morality. Regardless of practice.. The Light Side, The Dark Side, the Jedi, the Sith. He didn't care, as the Kage treaded his own path. A path not tied to the endless conflict with the dual ideologies, a path truly embracing the Force. Years and years of failure should show that they were wrong. Hopefully more individuals will be able to see that. They needed to see it. Maybe he would be able to save the new generation from such a terrible fate.

Snapping from his train of thought, Kavessk found himself in an asteroid field. Despite taking to extreme maneuvers, he was too little, too late. Changing course to a nearby planet, his ship began to be engulfed with extreme heat. Thinking fast, the Kage Force pulled the starfighter's front to slow them down. The next thing he saw was black.

A few minutes later, Kavessk awoke to find himself on the ground. His first sight being his ship crashed by the branches of nature's gift. Suddenly consumed with rage, the Dark Jedi took his frustration among anything nearby, using the Force for such deeds. The mood slowly began to pass as he was calm once more, sighing to himself.

"Damn this ship."


Ravenous stood adamantly among the flaming debris of the freshly crushed starship its embers scoring his already roasted flesh. His cloak billowed in the wind ash and cinder being caught in its already ragged composition. The expansive regions had always been an inquisitive nature to the dark lord so any chance he got to venture out there came as a welcome pleasure to himself. His knelt down to pick up a piece of charred metal its body turning to ash in the intense heat.

The fallen Sith held the piece in the air the rough draft of Emberlene. Its ashes descended southward never to be heard of again. The dark lord rose his hand stroking his chin hairs in deep thought. The ship crashed around 5 minutes ago and came in at approximately 60 degrees so the ship most likely still had some sort of control when it crashed but not enough to avoid plummeting to the dirt. Logistically the wind affects the angle of descent and thus the ship should be south of the crash site.

The dark Jedi spun on his heel an inquisitive look adorning his face as he stared over the horizon. An eerie sinking feeling washed over Ravenous the shadow of death was felt in his mind as the Force cried out in agony. A fellow Force user, This just got ten times more interesting. Ravenous raced towards his speeder bike his figure blasting off towards the ship's progenitor.


OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
Standing among his own death and destruction, Kavessk was free of his high emotion for now. Everything becoming clear once more, to where he immediately sensed the speedster headed right towards him. His first instinct was to react, before realizing the form of the driver. An Force user. This was good news to him, even though they clearly were a potential theat. Adjusting himself in position, the Dark Jedi waited calmly yet ready for any situation.

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Ravenous arrived atop a lush green hill with small dandelions and the trickle of a spring shower. The skies had turned from their coy blue to their more oppressive grey color and the air became moist as the Dark Jedi was pepper with the drops of water. He grimaced as he dawned on OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk sitting among the grassy field seemingly at peace with his surroundings. The life around him had perished the blades of grass that once lied there now a jet black color as if they had been set ablaze. Ravenous hopped off his speeder bike contemplating whether or not it was potent of him to approach the man below.

He closed his eyes and peered into the mind of the being trying to read his intentions, His mind was shielded of course as this was only natural when it came to Force-sensitives, Still what he was able to gather told him of a dark, vengeful spirit. A volatile spirit...troubling. Ravenous' dark figure trotted down the now muddied hillside his Crossguard in his right hand. His black hood was shrouding his face from his company but it wasn't enough to hide his orange glowing eyes.

"Greetings Dark one. I am Superiex Ravenous of the Emergence empire and I have come here after sensing your intrepid aura. But I am getting ahead of myself, Who might you be?"

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
His yellow eyes of intent matching eye to eye with Ravenous's orange. A figure also to the Dark Side, although very different paths. Kavessk didn't need to use the Force to acquire that. Noticing the crossguard, the clone would have to resort to more traditional means to figure his intent. The Jedi didn't look too friendly with the dead around him, so it made sense.

"Kavessk Ziracch, as I sense yours."

Becoming lost in thought while waiting for Ravenous's answer, he began to wonder of the "Emergence Empire." Is this now the name of the Sith in hiding?



Ravenous clenched his Lightsaber tightly as the Dark Jedi rose from his seated position and expressed his knowledge of his dark presence. So he was doing the same thing he was? Trying to sense his aura. It seems they thought similarly in nature, trying to assess potential threats before they have a chance to react. He was unsure about whether this man's paranoia was his practicality, a personal defect or a side effect of the dark side's power. Either way, it presented some form of familiarity in the situation.

The light drizzle falling from the skies turned to a violent torrent immediately drenching the ground around the two. Ravenous reached for his metal mask its power dangling from his back. The dark figure dawned on the mask a shadow of the spirit of Nihilus flowing through him as he did. The orange glow in his eyes dissipated reverting back to their natural brown color. Ravenous continued to approach OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk his lightsaber still in hand.

"I grow weary of always reaching an impasse with potential allies so I'll get to the point I wish to address. What exactly are you Kavessk Ziracch? I recognize that you are not a Sith lord of any nature, but I can't exactly call you a Dark Jedi either, while you may still technically fall under the criteria I am unsure about whether or not you are as dark an entity as you make yourself out to be." Oh yes. I KNOW what you are, but what I don't fathom is what YOU claim to be and what power you seek to claim. Yes. I KNOW you are after power of one kind or another, it is simply the "Ravenous" nature of the dark side of the Force."

Arrogant, cocky, Overzealous yes he was all these things but it never bothered him, Ravenous simply attributed his condescending demeanor as one of the many burdens of knowledge.

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
A lot of questions for an assessment. Although the mask immediately concerned him, instant recognizing it's nature. One of the Dark Lord known as Darth Nihilus, most able to conceal power with the Force to a mere apprentice. It proved that the man before him wasn't the only one with the Dark Side, as the Sith clearly triumphed with the galaxy. Vice versa for the Jedi, a lot of work cut out for him. Going back to the situation at hand, as his arm slowly began to lower near his concealed lightsaber. The rain began to trickle down his golden aesthetic, a contrast among his dark skin.

"Dark Jedi.. I am curious about you as well Ravenous. A Sith of the Dark Side donning the mask of the Dark Lord known as Nihilus. So much pain, so much power compared to a mere assassin and yet I still live in your view. A old Jedi Master."

Sometimes you knew people, and sometimes you didn't. He has a lot of do after he repaired the Wanderless, but this man was still something to assess.

"If you're going to strike down a old man after talking him down, I suggest you do it now as the rain falls among us."


A hard grimace formed on Ravenous's face as OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk began to lecture HIM on the power of Darth Nihilus. Imbecilic but then again it's not as if he could have known about his past with the dark lord prior to now. In truth, Ravenous could care less about the old man's insipid judgment what really ignited his rage was a combination of his misunderstanding of him NOT being a Sith and the fact that even though he had managed to suppress Nihilus inside the mask he donned his sheer power and presence in the Force persisted to eclipse his own meager strength.

This was...Enlightening yet indescribably infuriating at the same time.

"You...Didn't answer a single one of my questions you senile old bastard."

It was no use trying to turn back now his rage had been ignited and its fire will take time to burn itself out. With a steady hand, the dark Jedi ignited his crossguard lightsaber its unstable blade shooting bolts of energy from it.

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
Kavessk began to smile a bit, managing to prompt to what appeared to be a duel. But his face quickly went serious, understanding the rising anger of the user. His interpretation was wrong, quickly jumping to conclusions due to the mask. This man was not a Sith. His darkness was very akin to Kavessk, a being like him in some forms of nature. In that case, he must've not been all bad.

This was not the time for that, as the duel was now inevitable. Pulling his concealed lightsaber to his hand with the Force, it was ignited. Entering his own unorthodox stance, his hands in the air near to him, similar to an ancient Jedi. The rain trickled down his face, the purple light glowing on him among the stormy darkness. He waited for Ravenous's attack, knowing he had to last until the Dark Jedi gave out. Easier said than done.
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A smile...

A huge grin conjured behind Ravenous' mask as his adversary drew their weapon preparing themself for a duel. Immediately his analytical mind took flight reasoning our ways to defeat this Dark Jedi he was old and his mind was a chaotic mess to try and read so he was probably insane as well. All in all, he was most likely going to be slower, more unorganized in his strategy and movements which was exactly what Ravenous needed. The rain turned into a raging storm as the wind picked up and the water turned to ice from the extreme cold that suddenly befell the world.

Sparing no time Ravenous used Force speed to virtually teleport behind OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk his blade now raised above his head.

Ravenous' left leg was extended outwards while his right knee was bent putting him in the right position for a stab to the chest. He pressed his attack bringing his blade adjacent to his stomach before thrusting it outward's aiming for OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk chest.

A whisper escaped his lips bland and objective.

"Tatakai Sis Tu Seniai Zioplys." (Fight you old fool.)

More of Nihilus survived in Ravenous than either of them hoped to belive as his will broke through in the form of the Sith tongue
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OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
And like that, Kavessk was ready. For now he would have to defend, hoping not to resort to his rage to match the Dark Jedi's power. Raising one hand, he force pushed the remants of the spread lightning back at Ravenous. With barely any time to spare, he pushed himself with his other hand away to resort to stance.

The snow fell among his robes, the storm brewing behind them. Kavessk took a step forward, charging an similar strike.


Ravenous growled his rage filling his mind as OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk leaped away from his stab, He was more graceful than Ravenous would expect or like to admit but for an old man he was fast. He would have been impressed if he wasn't immediately flung backward by a bolt of Force Lightning. In the instant that it hit him it coursed through his body tearing and burning his flesh while paralyzing him in unison. His sorcery didn't just produce physical pain but also brought out the worst depths inside the mind as well forcing you to briefly suffer tragic moments in your past and sometimes future.

Nyla Sawn...If she isn't already dead...

He will have Her blood on His hands. No...He won't let that happen...He'll find her and bring her to his side. Yes...That's how he'll save her If he can just get her to see things his way...He may save the sheep from the slaughter.

Ravenous landed on the ground hard, tearing his cloak and scraping his skin. The cortosis material of his cloak saved him from death but didn't protect him from the subsequent Force push. He rolled onto his back and stood up brushing the dust off himself as he prepared to continue the duel. He had launched off a grassy hill and now looked upwards his opponent assuming a defensive stance...Time to test this unfamiliar form.

With haste in his stride, Ravenous made his way up the hill his crossguard in hand. Once near inches from the Dark Jedi he raised his hilt above his head and summoned his indigo blade its firey might slashing down upon the old man only to be met with his blade. Ravenous pressed forward his strikes coming from all angles Feet, Arms, Neck, Stomach, Ankles, Hands even hips. Instead of slowing down the Dark Jedi only grew in speed his precise strikes turning him into a storm of Purple and black.

"Zinot j'us Jok Lausk iv Anulomas Nun? Ax Valia j'us simply lay Kalv your edge ir Mrias?" (Have you any hope of defeating me? Or will you simply lay down your blade and die?)

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
Kavessk felt a bit lucky that the lightning didn't strike him in that moment. The pain inside would've brought out the worst for sure. It was what he would've needed to even things up a bit, but he wasn't sure if he could control it.

As the two began to meet blades before the continuous attacks, Kavessk began to promptly defend himself the best he could. Saber meeting saber, it got harder and harder. His opponent's speed was increasing tremendously, to the point it was unnatural. The Dark Jedi knew that the mask was the target, must strike it down. Only able to do so much in a defensive position, Kavessk got overwhelmed to the point a few slashes landed on his back. Small amounts of insanity rage coursed over him, causing an Force push all around him. It would seem the Kage would have to fight fire with fire, at least enough to hit the target.



Ravenous wasn't letting up as his attacks only got stronger and faster, his opponent was old and possibly fatigued from the crash they endured earlier so breaking their block shouldn't be difficult. His instincts were correct as his opponent's blade finally fell allowing the now blurred Dark Jedi to land 3 hits on OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk 's back. His speed prevented the wounds from being cut very deep but they were enough to stagger his adversary allowing him a small window of attack.

Nyla...He was gonna finish this battle and then he was coming for her...Before anything else did.

The Dark Jedi hit the ground sprinting aiming for a fatal blow to the man's back.

"I've got you now!" His declaration of victory proved premature as he was thrown back by a massive Force Repulse which caused him to drop his saber upon being hit by it. Ravenous skidded along the ground his garments and skin being torn as he did. As if unphased by his injuries he arose bloodied and covered in dirt. He stared at his opposition their rage emanating from them like a blast furnace. Kavessk tapped into his own darker feelings in order to produce that repulse which means his mind was most likely to clouded to formulate a plan of attack. Perfection.

The hailstorm around the two began to pick up in intensity as thunder and lightning began to crackle around them as well as the addition of a mudslide. The mudslide didn't affect the two since they were on high ground but the fields around them turned to a muddled wasteland. With the Force Ravenous called his weapon to him igniting its blade and picking up an attack stance. With his free left hand, the Dark Jedi sent a jolt of Force Lightning through the water that drenched their boots, electrifying it and forcing the two to either get off the ground or be electrocuted.

He took this chance to leap into the air and prepare to attack his adversary. A reddish black aura formed around his left hand as he prepared to use an empowered Force Drain on Ziracch.

"Nu told Tu. Mrias." (I told you...DIE.)

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
One thing that Ravenous didn't count on was Kavessk's experience with rage. After forty long years of on and off impulses, the Dark Jedi learned how to utilize some right after. Noticing the lighting from below, it indeed cause the Kage to jump. In only a few seconds to spare, he threw his ignited lightsaber with full Force towards the mask. The mask needed to go, and Kavessk couldn't react properly in such distance after his crash. Still, it was the best choice of action, any attempt would leave a window for him to blast his fellow opponent with lightning.



Ravenous grinned darkly as OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk his plan seemingly coming to fruition but his smile soon turned to a grimace as a purple Lightsaber came barreling at his its blade headed directly for his face. Reacting quickly the Dark Jedi dissipated his Force Drain and extended a hand towards the saber its blade being shit off with the Force. With his hand still, open Ravenous grabbed his opponent's weapon and ignited it providing himself two Lightsaber's instead of one.

"Thank you." He said sarcastically.

He landed back on the ground the Lightning attack from earlier now gone from the water. Using a small measure of the Force Ravenous cleared a small circle of land around him, freeing it of any signs of water. He took up a defensive stance two blades now guarding his mask against further attacks.

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
Kavessk was put inside a corner, losing his very own blade in a battle. Landing back to the ground, it would seem that he could no longer be on the defensive in a weak state. And so the area was around him seemingly felt extremely cold, as his tone went deeper.

"Rage for one minute."

His golden cybernetic aesthetics suddenly latched to his skin entirely, the color fading to sliver. Anger began to overwhelm the Dark Jedi, as his rationality was replaced with insane savagery. Nothing to hold back. To demonstrate such anger, he let out a Force scream all around him.


Ravenous smiled as his opponent seemed to undergo some sort of transformation his implants turning to a silver color. His rage his TRUE rage had been unleashed though it was still strained as if being purposefully limited, Maybe he was unable to control his emotions or perhaps his rage was too strong and would consume him if ever belted out. Either way, what he was experiencing was foreign to himself and thus interesting, Still Ravenous' interest in OOC of Kavessk OOC of Kavessk wasn't enough to save his head from losing its shoulders.

Ravenous entered a steady pace which became a jog and then a full-on sprint. His speed was unnatural its power being fueled by the dark side and all its ethereal strength. His eyes were orange glowing darts and his Lightsaber's dug a trench in the ground they scored their blades distressed and lost in the depths of a combination between the power of Nihilus and Ravenous. The Dark Jedi used his momentum to launch into the air his twin blades spinning around him in a torrent of indigo and violet.

Ravenous landed behind his opponent his two blades in a prime stabbing position, His spun his Lightsaber's around one striking downwards above his head and another coming in for a side strike. A formidable attack that left his opponent to dodge one attack or the other. Ravenous' endurance was still left unphased this far into the duel allowing him to engage Ziracch in a battle of attrition, one he would surely lose.

OOC of Kavessk

Nothing to See, OOC coming through
(Oh my lord, I didn't get no notification for this. I am so sorry.)

Kavessk was now exactly as he was all those years ago, before intervention saved him. Held him back, as this was the original face of the Dark Jedi. Not just a face of rage, a face of sorrow, but now a being of insanity. He felt excited that he got out, wishing to defeat this random Dark Sider by any means. It was like a different man, as he utilized the Force to speed himself out of the trap. Then followed right after with a strong storm of lightning out of his hands, aimed right at the back of Ravenous.

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