Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Alone on Denon

It was a cold night, like many others. But the constant sounds of speeders and other vehicles, and the shinning signs and other lights made it impossible to sleep. At least in the back-alleys, where Zamas was sitting. He had tried to fall asleep for an hour, but even though he was dead tired, it was impossible. Thus, he had sat himself up, and tried to meditate. He was no longer a jedi, but the meditation helped calm his mind.

Only problem was, his new mechanical arm made it hard to focus. He had only barely managed to hack into the hospitals database, and write himself in to get a new arm. And then use the force to make the doctor think he had paid, before sneaking away. Therefore, it hadn't been a modern, well-made arm, with fake skin that made it look real. No, it was an old model, with no camuflage, so Zamas had to cover it up at all times so no one would see it. And it was itching on the shoulder, where it was attached to him.

After ten minutes of meditating, Zamas gave up that too. Instead, he got to his feet, and walked out into the street. Maybe an opportunity would pop up.

As he was walking through the crowded streets, keeping his hood up to cover his face, Zamas' memories drifted back to his last day as a Jedi. When he and his friend, Kirban, were to find and shut down an illigal smuggler group here on Denon. And everything had gone straight to hell. Zamas had lost his arm, and accidently killed Kirban. That loss had made him leave the jedi for good.

Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, making him snap out of his thoughts, Zamas saw Kirban down another street. His heart began racing as he threw his head up to look towards him, and he began to run. It was down a small alley he had seen him, where the light was barely reaching. "Kirban!" he shouted as he reached the alley. But it wasn't his old friend that met him there. Someone else was leaning on the wall, and this person did not look like Kirban at all. They were not even the same species. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else," muttered Zamas, and turned to leave.

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene
Bored. The word rolled around Myrin's head in an endlessly repeating mantra. Bored bored bored bored bored.

When she'd first come to Denon, it'd seemed like the planet would be nonstop action. She hadn't been there three days before that mess at Sakedo Tower had broken out, and that had been a whole platterful of fun. Then there'd been the repulsor-skate derby, keeping her pulse up and her blood pounding a little longer, and giving her another opportunity to smash some faces. But the days had rolled on by then, and new excitement had been frustratingly slow to crop up. She'd had to make her own entertainment, and that got soooooo boring after a while.

She'd been at a local hospital, slicing the door locks and sneaking in to halfheartedly ransack the drug cabinets to find something that would be fun to take recreationally, when she'd spotted something interesting enough to pique her interest and turn her frown upside-down. Before her very eyes, someone had been abruptly added to the surgical schedule - someone due for a new arm. Arms full of stolen pill bottles, she'd paused to pull up the feed of the operation. She'd been surprised to see another Sephi, the first she'd seen in a long, long time.

He had that tall, dark, and broody look that she liked. Even more interestingly, he'd managed to leave without paying.

Now that was a trick Myrin would like to pick up. So she'd kept tabs on the guy, watching him for a while. Seemed like, despite his clear talents for bending the law, he didn't have much of anywhere to go; no one slept in an alley on Denon unless they really, truly had no other option. She'd come to a decision; she would see about meeting this guy, letting him catch sight of her so that they could talk somewhere private. Maybe he'd be interesting enough to make it worthwhile on his own... or maybe her Darkwire friends would pay her a finder's fee.

Finally, the guy rounded the corner, and Myrin's boredom became curiosity. She stubbed out her cigarra on the wall she was leaning against, then threw him a lazy little wave. "Hey there, handsome," she purred, flexing her back and cracking her knuckles. "Leaving already? That's a shame. I was gonna ask how you pulled off that little game with the doctor." She grinned widely. "Slicing the patient records was a neat trick, but what the feth did you have on that guy to get him to let you leave without paying?"

Handsome? Had this girl just called him handsome? And how did she know about what he had done at the hospital? Zamas had tried to stay hidden, out of site. He thought he was good at it, too. But this girl had somehow managed to spy on him. He turned back towards the girl, and now that he got a good look on her, saw that she was a Sephi too. But it didn't matter that they were the same species.

"How do you know about that?" he asked, his voice breaking from the shock of hearing he had been spied on, finding another Sephi here, and that he had thought he had seen his Jedi friend, then realize it was not him. "Have you been spying on me? Following me around?" His voice had now changed into a form of panic, but instead of looking afraid, he walked towards the girl antimidatingly. "You want to know what I did to that doctor? I'll show you what a did to that doctor!" Zamas raised his right hand, and waved it in front of the other Sephi's face, while saying "You will leave here and forget me."

But while he was in the middle of it, the arm twitched and hit the wall, and Zamas realized he had tried to use the force with his mechanical arm. The girl probably thought he was a complete goof now. And he thought to himself that he was a goof, for forgetting about a fething mechanical arm, which this whole encounter was based around at the moment. And he couldn't exactly try to use his real arm to mind trick the girl now. He was too unfocused, and if she knew that he had tried to use the force, she could try to resist it this time.

But he still had one trick up his sleave. Zamas reached inside his jacket with his left arm, and pulled out a shiney, short, grey-looking cylinder, and held it up to the girl's face.
"You know what this is? It's a lightsaber. Now, what do you want with me? And tell me how you projected the image of Kirban!" The panic was even clearer now.

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene
Ah, feth; the guy was clearly a few jawas short of a sandcrawler. Myrin liked crazy as a rule, but the kind of crazy she enjoyed was the fun, let's do uppers and crash a speeder truck into the tax office kind, not the twitchy, paranoid kind. She rolled her eyes at his questions, making a little hand with her mouth that chattered along with him. Blah blah blah, invading my privacy, blah blah blah, whatever. Then he seemed to go aggressive, and although her nonchalant body language never changed, Myrin let her molecular stiletto fall into her other hand.

Then he lifted his new metal arm and waved it at her. Myrin blinked, then burst out laughing. So it was Jedi junk? How disappointing. The Jedi she knew were rigid as could be; made her wonder if they stored those sabers of theirs rammed straight up their exhaust chutes, so to speak. "Ooooh, let me try," she said, adopting a mocking, singsong tone and waving her hand around like a shaky death stick junkie. "You will buy me a Fathier pony and a Zeltron boy-toy." She stared at her arm in fake disappointment. "Does it only work if I smack the wall?"

Then he held out the lightsaber, right in her face again, and Myrin got quiet again. She quirked an eyebrow at him, and beneath it a disapproving glower. "Is this how your mama taught you to treat a lady? First date, hon, save the blade-play for a little later." She quietly pointed her stiletto at the place where his legs joined, determined to take something precious with her if he decided to ignite the weapon at her. "Jedi, huh? Shame. You seemed like you could've been fun." If she was nervous, she didn't show it.

She gave him a curious look as he accused her of conjuring up his friend. "I didn't project poodoo, buddy. I think you need to sit down and have a drink... or maybe fewer drinks. What'd they give you for post-op drugs? It seems strong. I'm down to share." There was something about this Jedi that made her think he might still be useful to her new friends. If he was sleeping in an alley, he clearly wasn't here on official order business... unless their code of poverty or chastity or whatever forced them to sleep outside and hate themselves? Maybe.

It was a blur as to why she chose Denon of all places. But then again, not much made sense after the incident. All she knew was that she needed to disappear for a bit. Cool off, figure out her personal life and make sure it doesn't come near work for even a second. So she took the extra step. New datapad, new commlink, new name, new everything. She even got a new look going as well, something that should help her get some people's attention and maybe get her into some of the gangs easily. Not only would getting info on the gangs be useful, it would do a bloody fantastic job of getting her mind focused on something else.

She drifted through the streets, the bioluminescent paint glimmering along her body while the mask's holograms simulated the movements of her lips. Her hands were in her pockets as she merely wandered, getting acquainted with the unfamiliar planet and its motions. One guy had already offered her some deathsticks and while she refused...she was tempted. For some reason, the thought of being reckless and letting loose seemed rather tempting...

She was brought back to reality when she heard shouting from a nearby alley. She blinked, both due to surprise and her new eye contacts still settling, and decided to investigate. She folded her hands and grasped her pistol hidden under her jacket, slowly approaching. Once she got there, she watched the standoff between the two rather sketchy characters. The girl had a mouth and a half on her which brought an amused smirk to her face, shown by the imagery on her mask. "Keep talking so loudly about drugs and half the planet might come charging in here." she quipped with a smirk as she looked at them. "I wanted to ask if the guy was messing with you, but you seem to have it under control, dollface." she commented, letting go of her pistol and leaning against a wall as she watched them with piercing golden eyes.

She focused on the male, a Jedi by the look of it. Though his demeanor was leaving a lot to be desired as far as Jedi went. She'd know. Though this guy was paranoid as hell. "This is the last place in the galaxy I'd expect a Jedi to hang out in. What are you doing here?" she asked him, resting a hand on her hip.

Zamas Nall Zamas Nall Myrin Deene Myrin Deene
This girl was playing it tough. Most people would either be afraid or show respect when shown a lightsaber. But this girl just scoffed at it, and tried to play it of. She must be crazy. Or maybe Zamas was crazy. He had, after all, just seen his dead friend. Thought he had seen him, that is.

"I am NOT a Jedi!" he stated. "They are the reason I am here, that I am what I am. And what do you mean you didn't project anything? I saw him!"

But his feelings was beginning to calm down. Something about saying he was done with the Jedi out loud had helped. He lowered the lightsaber, and looked away from the girl. "I'm not on any drugs, as you think. I just know I saw my... dead friend standing here." But while he was calming down, another person had arrived. Another woman, who had apparantly heard the two Sephi argue, and come to see what was going on.

"I am not a Jedi," he said again, to the new woman this time. "Not anymore. But it was the Jedi that brought me here. And as to this woman," Zamas pointed at the other Sephi. "It is she that is messing with me. Spying on me, accusing me of using drugs."

Even though the tension was gone, from Zamas side at least, he still held his lightsaber in his hand. These two girls could just gang up on him, or the police could come. Or maybe the Jedi had sent someone else to check on him, since he had never reported anything about the mission. And there were no droids close by that he could take control of with the force.

"Why exactly did you spy on me?" he asked the Sephi girl

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene | Tess Tess
Myrin cocked her head at the other Sephi, regarding him curiously. Did people just... walk out on the Jedi the way she walked out on one night stands? But this guy had said they'd made him the way he was... which was what, exactly? Homeless? Short an arm? Alarm bells went off in Myrin's head, and she rolled her eyes as realization hit her. This was one of those oh no, a great tragedy and / or betrayal has broken my faith, and now I must walk the galaxy wallowing in my sorrow stories, wasn't it? She just didn't get Jedi.

"Sooooo what you're saying is that you're not using the post-op drugs," she finally replied. "If you don't need them..."

Their conversation was interrupted when a purple-haired woman, her skin artistically marked with patterns of neon paint, strutted into the alley. Myrin tensed, a pair of throwing razors sliding down her sleeve to hide in her left hand; surprises in Denon alleyways were seldom good news. This one might be the exception, though. Myrin looked her up and down with an appreciative grin. "Hellooooo," she purred. "Your mother let you go out dressed like that? If so, we'd get along." Still, she carefully kept the Jedi between her and the newcomer.

Myrin made her little blah blah blah hand again as the ex-Jedi complained to a stranger that she'd been stalking him. "You should be flattered, saber jockey," she shot back. "I followed you because I thought you seemed interesting. Those little tricks you pulled back there, getting yourself a new arm for free... well, I know some people who are interested in the kind of guy with that skillset." She shrugged and sighed melodramatically. "Not the kind of work a Jedi would do, but if you're tired of sleeping on the street..."

She winked at him. "Nothing to cheer you up after a bad week like the metaphorical jingle of credits in your pocket."

The whole time, Myrin kept one eye on the woman who'd interrupted their little conversation. She could tell that this one was more than she appeared, not least because she had the confidence to go out in a shady part of Denon alone and dressed like a nightclub raver. Mai was sure that more than a few gangbangers had made the mistake of assuming this woman would be an easy mark... and paid the price. She might be someone that Darkwire would be interested in, too. If so, Myrin thought, licking her lips, she might get a double finder's fee.

Tess' eyes moved to the girl with a raised eyebrow, the corner of her mouth curling into a smirk at her comment. "You keep playing nice and I might let you see some more." she quipped with a wink. She then looked at the Jedi and the smirk disappeared. "Dude, with how you're going on right now, I'd have thought you were on a bad trip as well." she spoke as she pushed herself off the wall and took a few steps closer. "Why don't you put the laser sword away? We ain't gonna hurt you if you don't do something stupid." she suggested as she slipped her hands into her pockets.

The girl went on to mention something of a chance to make some credits. Obviously this wouldn't be legal in any sense of the imagination...but that was fine by her. Her skillset was never legal to begin with and, if she was reading it right, this girl could be just what she needed for her particular state of mind. "Creds, huh? You need an extra hand to slice a little here, sneak a little there? If he's not interested, I definitely am, sweetheart." she spoke as she walked to stand beside the Jedi, her eyes locked onto the girl's. This was literally the break she was hoping for.

Zamas Nall Zamas Nall Myrin Deene Myrin Deene
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Wait, was the other Sephi trying to hire him? Why in all the Galaxy would she do that? He was just a broken jedi, with only one arm, and who thinks he sees dead people. What could these people she was talking about do, if they needed people like that. Sure, being able to use the force was quite useful, expecially when one was fully trained in it. "You just want me for my force-sensitivity, right?" he asked. "Then I'll have to dissapoint you, darling. I've found it hard to focus lately. The doctor didn't stay convinced that I'd payed for the arm for long."

But as he was saying this, the new woman was stepping closer. And usggesting that Zamas put away his lightsaber. Not likely. He didn't know any of these women. And the way they were talking about drugs, shady work, and generally the way the Sephi spoke, didn't exactly convince Zamas that he'd be safe without a weapon.

"You do realize that I'm an outlaw, right? The Jedi will probably think I've turned to the dark-side, once they find out what happened here, and send someone after me." At least if the right Masters recieved the news. Some of them had always been suspicious about him already being on the darker parts of the force, with the way he dissagreed with them, and often acting on emotion. "And besides, money is not a big concern of mine right now."

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene | Tess Tess
"Promises, promises," Myrin replied, eyes twinkling. She certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of this eye-catching woman... in more senses than one. It was entirely possible that her initial target was hopeless, too mired in the remnants of his Jedi religion to see that the galaxy could actually be fun and interesting, but the newcomer had the look - and manner - of someone who would fit right in with Myrin and her Darkwire associates. Pretty boys were entertaining for a while, but someone both easy on the eyes and highly skilled... now that was a catch.

"You do seem like you'd be fun to run with," the Sephi said, winking at her. "I'm sure we could... figure something out."

But then the ex-Jedi started his objections. Myrin sighed again, a big, theatrical exhale complete with dropped shoulders and an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "So, let's think through your position, handsome," she said, tearing her eyes off of Tess so that she could round on him. "By your own admission, you're already an outlaw, the Jedi are probably on their way to hunt you down, and you've lost most of your mojo." She counted down the three facts on her fingers, then pause to stroke her chin. "Adds up to... you're fethed."

Then she tapped her temple and grinned, as though a brilliant idea had just struck her. "But wait! Isn't that exactly the situation in which you need someone who can give you a place to go? And also a situation where you don't get to be picky about who's helping you?" She paused, letting her eyes get big. "Maybe even... a time to not bite the hand that's offering to lift you out of the sarlaac pit?" Myrin laughed, rocking back on her heels, and blew a kiss at him as she leaned back on the alleyway.

"I'm just saying, Mister Not-A-Jedi, that you're on the wrong side of the law already. I'm offering you a chance to earn your keep, get in good with some people who can hide you from the trouble that's coming your way. You may say you don't need credits, but you sure don't have anywhere to sleep. Credits can rent a warm bed. Go to the right motel," she said with a wink, "and you can even rent someone to keep it warm for you." She turned away, taking Tess in again, letting him digest her arguments.

It boiled down to a simple truth: he was on the wrong side of the law now, the fun side, and he needed friends to survive.

She walked past the guy and leaned against the wall across the girl, a smile visible on her mask as she listened to her talk. "I would say we can talk details at my place but uh...still working on that little problem." she quipped before looking to the Jedi again. She chuckled and looked around as he mentioned being 'an outlaw'. She was about to tell the guy just how stupid that sounded on a planet like Denon, but the girl beat her to it.

She listened to her talk, holding her laugh all the way. It was rather entertaining to listen to this girl explain stuff. When she was done, Tess cleared her throat. "Like she said. You're an outlaw already. And you couldn't be on a more perfect planet for that to not be a problem. I'm pretty sure that's as normal here as...I dunno, I just got here. Bottom line...she's giving you a chance to survive. Maybe even a chance to get proper work done on that arm of yours. As for your 'mojo', you could likely find something on this planet to help you get back into the game." she spoke calmly, pushing herself off the wall to face him fully. "So here's your choice. You can either sit on your ass here and sulk over how miserable your life is, or you can get off it and do something about it." she finished with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

She looked back to the girl, her gaze drifting up and down for a second before she looked her in the eye. "You know any good watering holes around here? I'd kill for a proper drink right about now." she asked her with a shrug. This girl was a local, that was obvious. Having her as a guide at least would help a ton. Even if she had to sleep with one eye open. Then again, that wasn't new.

Zamas Nall Zamas Nall Myrin Deene Myrin Deene
It finally dawned on Zamas. He really was all alone now. No allies, no place to go. All in all, one of the worst positions one could be in. And his technological skills and the force could only get him so far. Sooner or later, the jedi, the police, or some criminals would find him.

"You are a messed up woman, you know that?" he asked the other Sephi. "But even so, you are right. I am not in a position to refuse your offer, and feel that I did the right thing. But what the kriff is this 'mojo' you're talking about?"

It would be wrong to say that Zamas hadn't been intrigued by the offer as soon as he heard it. But everything that had happened, the break with the jedi, and the loss of his arm, had made Zamas reluctant to work with others again. The jedi had never seen eye to eye with Zamas, and his temper. They had tried to control him, and make things harder with everything he did. But this new group would hopefully be better.

"I'm not very familiar with this world, but I heard some of the smugglers talk about a place somewhere near here. The Blue Flame I think it was called. We could go there, and discuss this further over a drink, as I think we have attracted some attention here. That is, if you know where it is, tattoo-face?"

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene | Tess Tess
Myrin grinned as the other Sephi called her messed up. "Oh, sweetie, you don't know the half of it." She'd never much cared what anyone else thought of her; she knew exactly what she was, a hot mess in all senses of the phrase, and she embraced it. If there was one thing that spending a huge chunk of her life in prison had taught her - actually, it'd taught her a lot of things, but this was the big one - it was that everyone had only one life to live, and if you weren't having fun with it, you were wasting it. Everything and everyone else? Irrelevant.

The Sephi jailbird sighed at the man's confusion.
"You know, your mojo, your..." She waved her hands around in random patterns, making little pew pew sounds with her mouth. "If you don't understand it, how am I supposed to? I don't have it." Myrin nodded eagerly at the other woman's suggestion. "Yes. Drinks. Always yes to booze." The other Sephi made his little snide comment about her face, and Myrin snorted. "Really? That's your idea of trash talk? We'll work on it. The Blue Flame will do, they have nice cushy stools."

She turned to leave the alley and, shooting a coy look over her shoulder, beckoned the other two to follow.

It wasn't far to the Blue Flame, and Myrin knew the way well; she never spent long in a place without memorizing every shortcut, back alley, and maintenance hatch in case she needed to make a quick exit, and that had the side effect of making it very easy for her to find the quickest way to any local business or meeting spot. It took only a few minutes to make it to the cozy little cantina. There was a small but lively crowd at the bar; more refined customers ate in the restaurant above, but Myrin had no interest in their company.

Plopping down on one of the stools with a contended little sigh, Myrin rested her elbows on the carved wood bar and ordered three fuzzy tauntauns; the mild numbing agent sprinkled on top made it slide down your throat real easy. She slid one over to each of her companions. "Don't know why I'm buying you a drink," she told the other Sephi, rolling her eyes. "Feeling soft-hearted, I guess." She let her eyes wander over to the neon-haired woman and raised her glass. "I know exactly why I'm buying you a drink, though."

She giggled and tossed back a generous portion of the cocktail. "Sooooo, names. I'm Myrin. And you two are..."

She kept quiet as the to went back and forth with each other. It was rather amusing to watch as the girl kept hurling some form of comment back at him. At least the Jedi had a name for a drinking hole for them which helped to move things along. Wordlessly she fell in behind them and followed as they walked to the Blue Flame.

At the cantina Tess sat down beside the girl on a stool with a sigh. She swivelled around and leaned against the counter with one arm as she face the other two, her other hand slipping her mask into her pocket. A smirk crept onto her face at the girl's comment as she picked up the shot glass. She held it up for a second and slammed it back, taking the drink in one go. "You keep bringing them and I'll definitely make it up to you." she quipped with a wink as she slid the glass back to her. "The name's Xan. I'm new around here. Trying to find my footing on this planet." she answered smoothly as she waved the bartender over. "Refill for me and my friends here." she ordered calmly, placing a few credits in front of him. "Enjoy it, mister grumpy. These things do a fantastic job of taking the edge off. Just relax and try to get rid of your foul mood." she said to the Jedi. He reminded her a lot of him which was the last thing she needed. But she pushed her personal feelings aside. The guy might be a douche but he was clearly in need of a hand.

"So darling, tell us about this job offer of yours." she quipped, turning her attention back to Myrin.

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene Zamas Nall Zamas Nall
The cantina they were brought to was quite nice. Not that Zamas knew about many. Frankly, going to cantinas, bars, or even restaurants, were not among a Jedi's usual tasks. Mostly, they were just doing boring stuff, like meditating, negotiating boring disputes, and fighting in small wars.

"No matter the reason, I thank you it," he said, right before downing the drink. "I'm Zamas. Surprised you don't already know that, since you were spying on me. And as you both know, I'm an ex-Jedi."

The numbing effect of the drink was starting to take effect. It felt really good, to not think, and just let the alcohol and the narcotics control his brain. Relaxing. It had been a long time since he had felt this way last. Before he came to this planet, and before he became a Jedi. He felt the mechanical arm twitch slightly, and the fist opening and closing. It would take some time before he got used to it, and got it under his complete control.

"I'd also like to know more about this job offer. What kind of job is it, exactly? And what benifits do we get?"

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene | Tess Tess
Myrin sighed, letting the numbing effect of the alcohol relax her tense muscles and drain away some of the alertness she had to keep up when out on Denon's streets. She still had to be somewhat guarded, as any woman did when out drinking with strangers, but in the Blue Flame she felt reasonably safe. The place was surprisingly reputable given its surroundings, a real pillar of the Seven Corners district, and violence would not be tolerated inside - nor would anyone taking advantage of intoxicated patrons. She could chill a little.

Myrin grinned and winked at the other woman, Xan apparently. "Now that sounds promising," she murmured. But business always came first, so she would have to resolve the whole reason they were all still talking before she could keep on shamelessly flirting. "This job... Well, it's more like a series of jobs. See, there are people like us, people who - for whatever reason - live outside the Corporate Authority's clean little rules. Some of them have deep pockets, and they want work done from time to time, no questions asked."

She paused to knock back her drink, then took a swig of the refill Xan had ordered, blowing the other woman a kiss. "And some of us have the skills to do that work, right under the noses of the Corpos. We get paid well for our trouble, and we can kick the money-grubbing sons of banthas at the top of those too-shiny towers in the junk while we do it. It's a win-win." She chuckled again, draining her second drink in one long pull. Pulling the back of her hand across her mouth to wipe it, she motioned for another refill.

"The jobs board is called Darkwire. Get in good with them, and you'll be safe from your Jedi ex-friends."

Tess ignored the Jedi for the most part, though she still kept an eye on him. The twitching of his arm was something that caught her attention. She looked at the arm then at his eyes. Her honest opinion would be to have him get the arm looked at and fixed up. But she wouldn't be able to help out in that endeavor. Her attention shifted to Myrin as she started to explain the job.

She ordered another round for them as she talked. She slid a shot to each of them and sipped at her own as Myrin finished up. "Some danger, excitement, a chance to bully some suits at the top and get paid for doing it?" she summed it up as she stared at her glass. She looked at Myrin and finished off her drink. "Hell, honey, sign me the kriff up." she quipped as she gave her a wink. "I do have one issue, though. I need a place to stay. Does this Darkwire provide that or something along that line? My creds are a little tight, a full blown apartment isn't something I can afford right now." she spoke with a more serious tone, though a smile quickly appeared on her lips again.

She glanced at Zamas then back to Myrin. "Perhaps if lodging is an issue, me and mister Jedi here can share." she suggested as she looked back to him. "I can definitely help you relax, big guy." she spoke with a sultry tone before blowing him a kiss.

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene Zamas Nall Zamas Nall
"Darkwire?" Zamas asked out in the air. "Nice name."

The discription of this group made it sound pretty good. Chance to make good money, put bad people in their place, and he would not be hunted by authorities or the Jedi. Maybe it was his crappy situation, or the alcohol, but it almost sounded too good to be true. "There any catch to all this? Big taxes on the jobs, corrupt leaders?" There was always a catch to deals like this.

"I'd be happy to share lodgings, Xan," he said, as an awkward blush crept across his face. He was not used to this sort of behavior. As a Jedi, he had never experienced it. Myabe it was just one more reason to never look back on that life. "I could definately use some relaxing."

The next round of the drink went down as soon as he got it. Something about it just made life seem easier. But it also made him more 'awake' in the force. He could feel it more clearly than he had since Kirban had died. It felt like he could feel the whole planet. And that's when he felt the other presences in the force. Other force-users on Denon. It couldn't possibly be the Jedi this fast, and if it was the Sith, him and Kirban would have been warned before going there. "Are there others who are strong in the force in Darkwire?" he asked out of the blue.

Myrin Deene Myrin Deene | Tess Tess
Myrin grinned as she took in their responses. She'd judged them right; they were perfect candidates. There were plenty of jobs to go around, and she knew she was more than good enough at what she did to hold her own, so competition wasn't a worry. Instead, getting more people to stick it to the corpos was an absolute win. After the bloody nose they'd been dealt at Sakedo Tower, the suits were reeling, realizing that their control over Denon wasn't so great as they thought. It was a perfect time to kick them in the gonads again. Repeatedly.

"Check in with their contacts," Myrin advised, "see what they can do for you. You can share my hotel room for a few nights while you wait, open invitation for one of you... or both." She shot them a suggestive smile, then sighed as she went back to answering questions. "No taxes, no trouble with the higher-ups. It's a good deal, so long as you recognize what side of the law you're on now. The Corpos don't much care for us, and there'll be trouble if they catch you and find out who you're working for." She rolled her eyes.

There was nothing that scared her about what the Corporate Authority could do, but plenty that pissed her off.

Zamas's sudden question caught her off guard, and she turned back to him mid-drink.
"Probably," she said, shrugging her shoulders and raising the hand not occupied by a glass in an exaggerated don't know, don't care gesture. "You'll meet people over time as you take jobs. Some of them might have your space magic; Darkwire only recruits people with unique skills, and what you've got qualifies." She drained another drink, feeling the tingles spread to her fingertips. "I'd take a good gun or bit of cyberware over it, though."

Myrin gave her a solution to her issue and offered a place to stay at in the meantime. Tess smiled and leaned against the counter a little more.I'll definitely be taking you up on that offer, sweetheart."[/color] she quipped, brushing her leg against Myrin's ever so slightly. Flirting this hard with people wasn't something she did normally...but she was feeling like she needed to let go a little. This was a fantastic starting point. The Sephi continued talking, explaining the risks of the job. Tess merely shrugged and ordered a bottle of cider for herself. "I'm no stranger to tricky situations. No need to worry about me." she commented as she took a sip of her cider.

She blinked in surprise and glanced at Zamas, taken back by his question as well. She kept quiet as Myrin spoke, humming in agreement at the girl's comment on her preference of gear. She took another sip of cider and turned to face Zamas again. "Why do you ask?" she asked him with genuine curiosity. Odds of other Jedi being in Darkwire was slim as far as she understood. Perhaps he was simply curious. One thing she learned about Jedi was that they could be weird when their powers came into play.

Tess quickly finished off her drink and got up from her seat. "Well I don't know about you two, but I'm thinking we better get a move on, get some sleep in and everything. Tomorrow's a big day, after all, if we're gonna be meeting our new employers." she quipped as she slipped her mask back on. The holographic mask came to life, highlighting the mischievous smirk she had on her lips. She wasn't one for sitting around and chatting all day. She was anxious to make good on her teasing and, even more important, getting started with this new direction in her life...

Zamas Nall Zamas Nall Myrin Deene Myrin Deene

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