Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Height1.7 m
Weight55 kg
Force SensitiveNo


Dark skinned with dark eyes, wears her hair medium length. Tuur wears a comprehensive beskar'gam with an integrated repeating belt-fed railgun, painted in red and yellow. She rarely removes her 'gam but will keep the helmet off except for in the field. Tuur wears the Asharl Panther sigil of Clan Rodarch proudly as the Alor of her Aliit.


Beskar'gam, Beskad, Claw and Fang, Repeating belt-fed Railgun

Skills: Killing, Surviving
Languages: Galactic Basic, Mando'a


Tuur is a survivor of the cataclysms, and an orphan raised by the aliit. Brought up in the ways of the desert Rodarch, she values cunning and patience as survival skills. She is usually quite reserved, but not afraid to speak when needed. She has very few close friends, but can easily get along with most. She believes in the ways of the Mandalorians, having never known any other Way. She prefers the wide open spaces and strongly dislikes being underground, especially the caves.


Very dangerous


Small and Light


Born on Mandalore to a Cadera and a Rodarch, Tuur was orphaned while still an infant, during the Cataclysm. The baby was taken in by Clan Rodarch, and raised in the deserts. Her young life was spartan but forged her into the woman she would become. She learned loyalty and the value of family from a very early age.

As a orphan, she had many parental figures, including the Alor, throughout her youth. She apprenticed with a small family of desert Rodarch, and traveled with them for many years. Raised among them as one of their own she learned the ways of the wasteland, how to survive on her own, and to trust in aliit.

When Tuur was twelve, her family group returned to Rodarch Yaim for the Verd'goten of many of the orphans. The Clan then was still under the rule of hidden silence, keeping itself well shadowed away from the galaxy as a whole, so it was a rare thing for such a large gathering. She acquitted herself very well, passing through all the trials, and was surprised to be offered to be formally adopted by Archimedes Rodarch, an ancient and respected elder of the Clan.

She found her place in the family unit along with her adopted brother Vaar, of the cave Rodarch, and their new shakaajir'buir, Arla. Tuur did not like or respect Arla at first, she'd only just become Mando'ad, and was new to the aliit. Arla did not like Tuur either, it seemed, and the two clashed often, with Archimedes playing referee.

As a blooded warrior, Tuur fought in battle, unlike teenagers elsewhere in the galaxy, but along with the other verd'e, she saw a lot of combat. Her first real battle of any large scale came at the Battle of Sundari, where the entire Clan went to war. That had been a significant day for the young Mando'ad. Sand people on Tatooine rode Banthas, Dathomiri witches rode Rancors, but only a rare and few vode on Manda'yaim could ride a Trinitaur, and that day she had ridden one into battle. A feat few have ever managed.

The young warrior gained a lot of recognition for her deeds, though she never sought it out, having perhaps unwittingly followed Arla's and Arch's examples of humility. Having earned their respect, Tuur perhaps hadn't recognized that she had also gained the respect of her Clan too. When the old Alor passed away, and her buir, Arch was killed at the Battle of Tion, Tuur was selected to lead.

It was a surprise to the young warrior to be asked to stand as leader of her Clan with only five years of experience as a warrior. But she had proven herself to be measured, thoughtful, and more than a capable fighter. That was enough for Clan Rodarch.


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