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Character Alpha-89 "Vod"

Alpha-89 "Vod"



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CLASSIFICATION - Alpha-89, nicknamed "Vod"

FACTION - Previously Galactic Republic, dating back to the clone wars.

ARMY DESIGNATION - ARC (Advanced Recon Commando)




Jango Fett


SEX - Male

HEIGHT - 6'1

WEIGHT - 181 lbs

EYES - Dark Brown

HAIR - Black

SKIN - Tan


Alpha-89 is most commonly reported as being a Loner. Like most Arc Troopers, he is innately creative and lacks a lot of the conformity that most Clone Troopers possess, being highly independent. However, this makes him act colder to others, especially if they aren't important to his goals. He shares a lot of traits with most other Alpha-Class clones, being much warmer to solidarity. Again, like the other Alphas, he holds a great deal of pride for what he is, believing he and his kind are the best soldiers the galaxy has ever seen. He questions his superiors often, more than most commanders would like. This pride of his has manifested and morphed into something akin to honor over time. Put bluntly, he's stubborn. But he does hold respect in high regard, and if you gain it, then you'll have an ally for sure. This means, as with most clones, loyalty. Unlike most clones, Alpha-89 is very precise in his actions, believing every detail of every plan must be held perfectly.

Being an Advanced Recon Commando, he is adept at most things involving stealth and sabotage, also being much more physically fit than most humans. Alpha-89 himself has found his expertise in long-range combat and infiltration specifically. These favored skills mainly stem from his precise nature, making him both a skilled sniper and a valuable stealth operative. Another product of his training, he possesses a basic understanding of most weapons, and if he doesn't understand one, it wouldn't take long for him to figure it out. Being an expert operative does have a few drawbacks though, such as a lack of vehicle training, as well as unit discipline. Disciplined as he might have been on his own, Alpha-89 lacked what most of his brothers had; joint tactics. Put simply, he plays worse with others than his genetics would lead you to believe.

While certain parts of his kit might differ or change depending on the situation, Alpha-89 is almost always seen wearing his Arc armor, colored with blue streaks, indicating his lieutenant ranking. Something to note about his armor; specks of green can sometimes be spotted on it, an indication of his previous sergeant ranking. Physically, he stands a bit bigger than most humans, a result of genetic tampering. Vocally, he has a distant Concord Dawn accent, as most clones did at the time.

Yet another clone of the famed bounty hunter, Jango Fett, Alpha-89(later nicknamed "Vod") is a second generation ARC from the Kaminoan comissioned clone army. Being a second generation ARC, this makes Alpha-89 a part of the famous(or infamous, depending on your source) Alpha-Class. Breed to be a solid individual rather than the hive of an army his brothers made up, Vod himself was quite well-known to his brothers as taking this point a bit too far, even in his youth. in most tests he displayed poor, if not down right awful unit cohesion. From what most trainers could tell, it actually made a unit worse to have him in it. This gave him a bad start to his military career, making most clones steer clear of him as well.

Despite how poorly he did with others, he made up for it by being a skilled marksman and more than capable stealth operative. He also possessed a basic understanding of tactics, which he employed on a personal level. On some occasions, he was slotted to lead his lesser brothers into battle. Lead isn't the right word, it was something more akin to sending them forward while he sat back with a rifle in hand, all the while he would feed them orders through their helmets. Habits like this were what led to what name he'd eventually take. Most clones under him calling "Ori'vod" meaning "big brother" in Mando'a. This name was eventually shortened by his Alpha-Class peers to simply "Vod", meaning "brother".

While Vod only served for about half of the Clone Wars, he fought alongside a number of different clone armies, such as the 501st, 327th, but fouind himself working alongside the Galactic Marines most often. While nevering meeting any of the leading figure of these groups personally, he did serve alongside them on many occasions. Someone he worked with often was Alpha-77, Captain Fordo, being a part of more than one of his squads. But again, they never knew each other beyond face value. Vod was allegedly a part of the ARC team that was sent to save three Jedi from the Seperatist general, Grievous, being the cyborg's first appearance as well.

As said before, Alpha-89's service was cut short. After being mildly injured in a battle, he was put in a stasis chamber and transported back to Kamino. While making its way back to the ocean planet, the venator he was abroad was subject to a suprise Seperatist attack. After the rather quick battle, which better fit the description of a massacare, the ship fell to the nearest planet, Rishi. Crashing into one of many valleys of the tropical planet, some of the back up power stayed operational, keeping Vod's chamber in full working order. Assumed dead, that is where he remains to this day, until he's found by either scaveger's, pirates, or who knows what.


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