Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alpha Corp.



  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Alpha Corp.
  • Headquarters: Coruscant
  • Locations: Empress Teta, Pantolomin, Naboo, and most recently Anaxes
  • Operations: Primarily focuses on Virtual Reality simulations used for both entertainment or military purposes. Secondary interests include: Technology, Civilian Droids, and Ships

Alpha Corp. is a mostly public company that is famous for its creation of several Virtual Reality Games who's networks span multiple planets and are a host to millions if not billions of active players. Yet recently they've come under fire for investing that the money made off of their games and the technology itself into weaponized droids, ships, and blaster R&D. It has become public record that the owner of Alpha Corp. wishes to try to develop an artificial intelligence capable of using their advanced virtual reality simulations to predict enemy movements with minimum intel to thus prevent terrorist cells from causing any major damage.

Complex diplomatic posturing of making sure her name was associated with good aspects of the company and making sure her rivals were associated with failed projects and the like. Plus a little bit of Force application to sway the previous owner toward her certainly helped.


Meriga: Meriga was bought by Alpha Corp rather recently and much of Alpha Corp's military production have been shifted to Meriga, leaving Alpha Corp. more inclined towards technological development.

Nova-Viridi Green: Nova-Viridi Green is a company specializing in terraforming and gene manipulation, mostly designed to build new worlds for colonization. Yet they make a good bit of money on the side by creating custom animals for buyers, farming, and the occasional cloning project.

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