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Approved Lore Alpha Protocol

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  • Intent: To justify the existence of a new character I'm making and to add some criminal RP to Coruscant
  • Image Credit: Image 1 - Big Brother UK, Image 2-4 - Game Freak, Image 5 - The Pokemon Company
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Alpha Protocol
  • Classification: Crime organisation
  • Affiliation: Itself
  • Organization Symbol: The group has no official logo but can generally be spotted by their excessive use of a teal/light blue
  • Description: In the wake of the collapse of several major players a power vacuum was created in the lower levels of Coruscant, whereby a rogue A.I reawakened and has sought to complete its final objective: galactic domination.
  • Headquarters: Coruscant
  • Domain: In the lowest levels of Coruscant, it is not uncommon to see the organisation keep a certain amount of order where law enforcement dare not venture, guarding warehouses and providing a certain amount of intimidation to unorganized crime efforts, though make no mistake, the local populace is well aware of their own petty robbing, moneylaundering and kidnapping in an effort to acquire more and more credits. Some operations take place outside of Coruscant to varying degrees of success to acquire rare artifacts, but these are extremely well planned compared to smaller operations.
  • Notable Assets: Generally they control large abandoned warehouses, though they are typically just holding facilities.
  • Hierarchy:
    Alpha Director - The Rogue AI who started it all. All orders are given on a top down basis.
  • Alpha Commander - A group of three commanders who have proven them self competent enough to offer the A.I advice. They are rarely seen on field operations, and are trained in combat much more so than the rest of the organisation's members.
  • Alpha Admin - By this stage, Admins are those who have achieved a 90% success rate in their operations, showing leadership and loyalty. Most admins are incapable of actually performing any combat, and are mostly relegated to supporting roles while pulling the strings.
  • Alpha Enforcer - A grunt who has shown combat effectiveness and loyalty. Enforcers act as a sort of secret police, weeding out potential informants for dissidents and keeping 'morale' high through incitations of fear.
  • Alpha Grunt - A run of the mill brainwashee. They are not inept in anything, and are generally incompetent when not being lead.

[*]Membership: Membership is approved on a referral basis. The A.I will perform an extensive background check, and regardless of this outcome, will design a convuluded challenge for the trainee to attempt. The challenge will likely be impossible, but attempting to do so and proving their willingness to take orders is good enough to be accepted. OOC: Alpha Protocol is a very one dimensional organisation, but if there was any demand to join PCs would complete a thread described above and be expected to maintain the general theme of the organisation.
[*]Climate: Very regimented, but an overall lack of scientific knowledge. Most members live in fear of being 'disappeared'. Force users are generally not permitted to work in the organisation and are often harassed by its members.
[*]Reputation: There is a strange sense of appreciation from locals on the lowest levels where they operate, as their strict uniform and regime often deters any transgressive behaviour where they are seen operating, and this is seen as a blessing to those living in crime ridden areas. Operations generally do not take place here as the actual rewards for doing so rarely outweigh the costs. On upper levels, they are seen as incompetent when facing even the most basic of mercenaries, operations are poorly planned and often rely on brute force rather than a modicum of intelligence.
[*]Curios: All members are expected to follow a regiment of uniform restrictions.
[*]Rules: Loyalty: This is effectively the only pervading rule. Lack of loyalty often results in members becoming 'disappeared', where their existence is wiped from public records and their body is never seen again.
  • Longterm: Galactic domination
  • Shorterm: Acquisition of artifacts, funds and influencing Coruscant's political structure.


[member=Melody] - The rogue A.I who started it all. While not seen outside of its domain much it is known to occasionally use replica droids in order to assist field operations. There is a cult of personality developed around the machine, many of whom call it 'God'

Commander Ruby - Hotheaded, bold and ambitious. She manages bruteforce operations and is extremely trained in combat. She has several bounties on her head currently for a variety of violent crimes

Commander Sapphire - Calm, collected and nervous. He oversees the limited research and development department, but due to the lack of his tasks he also manages small operations.

Commander Amethyst - ​Cunning, seductive and intuitive. She controls the 'Secret police' and maintains a high level of discipline and loyalty in the organisation as a whole.


The catalyst which brought the genesis of Alpha Protocol was truly the awakening of a former deactivated artificial intelligence, but it found its roots in the underworld of Coruscant, with a disorganized conglomerate of criminals competing with eachother to see who could get the biggest score. The repeated competitions eventually turned into a monthly ritual, which turned into a weekly ritual, which turned into a daily ritual, which eventually coalesced into the building blocks of what would soon become 'Alpha Protocol'

​After its deactivating and subsequent reactivation, much of the AI's data banks were wiped, and it found itself idly cracking a decryption key on its only command; galactic domination. It soon began its work, recruiting the susceptible peons who would eventually become the organisation's current commanders, who in turn used their former connections to the rough brigade of criminals in order to acquire enough members to perform actual operations.

Not much has changed since then. Slowly but surely, Alpha Protocol continues on its way to achieving its goals, while the AI attempts to determine what exactly its primary directive was to begin with.
Flavour images
Alpha Grunt
Alpha Enforcer
Alpha Admin
Alpha Commanders
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