Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alright, But You Owe Me

Darth Cinis was between missions and stopped by Dromund Kaas before returning to Bastion. He decided to take a walk around Kaas City. He thought about his last mission to Klatooine and the Csilla invasion. Before his eyes he saw memories of lightsabers swinging and blaster bolts flying. For a change it was nice to have a break from all that.

Just then he heard shouting, it sounded like some sort of street fight. Cinis force jumped onto a high ledge of the nearest building for a better vantage point. He ducked down and watched for a few seconds to gauge the fight.

It appeared to be a group of civilian criminals attacking a young woman. The attackers were armed with blaster pistols and vibro-daggers, though they didn’t appear to be using them yet.

Cinis could sense the force in the woman and wondered why she wasn’t using it to fight back. Maybe she was untrained. He’d have to save her. She was a fellow Sith after all. . . and it would be nice to have someone owe him.

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
She was still relatively new to using the Force when she wanted to. Often enough it still slithered out of her fingers and tonight was one of them. No matter how much Aren tried, it eluded her. These times were getting far rarer, but they still happened. Usually, it was when she was stressed out or feeling pressured. Having this group of thugs around her when she was grocery shopping was getting to her.

The observations made by Cinis were accurate and they were armed with these weapons, but they hadn't drawn or started using them. At the moment, they were more or less taunting her and pushing her around a little.

One last push and the girl went down. Groceries rolled out of the bag she was carrying and they made their move to subdue her when she was on her knees. A stun batton came out and was aimed at her rump and if it connected, then she would be out for the count.

[member="Darth Cinis"]
He stared down with a sigh as one of the criminals pulled out a stun baton. Then the assassin faded into invisibility as the thug was about to strike Aren with it. Suddenly a crimson lightsaber stabbed through the bastard's neck from behind. The blade was inches away from the back of the womans head. It exited the wound just as quickly as it entered and the corpse collapsed. With his weapon giving away his position Darth Cinis uncloaked and gazed at his enemies with fiery eyes.

"Chit! A Sith!" one of the degenerates said, fear in his voice.

He thought they'd run, but the assailants must've realized that wasn't an option against their Sith overlords. It was either go to prison or die and they wouldn't be going to prison.

The one who yelled out unsheathed his vibro-dagger and started walking toward Aren. Cinis jumped between them and shot lightning from his free hand, sending the gangster flying. He was crushed against a nearby wall, which cracked from the impact.

The last of the delinquents cocked their blaster and pointed it at Cinis' back. He turned around and gave them a look of confusion and disappointment.

"Really? Pulling a blaster on a Sith. You think you're going to kill me with that? That's insulting."

The fool fired and Cinis sent the bolt away with a swing of his lightsaber before cutting off his shooting arm.

"Ah! You bastard! My arm!" the filth screamed in agony.

With the welp at his mercy the Sith used a downward slash to end his life. It cut him down the middle, starting at the shoulder and ending at the stomach. His mutilated corpse fell to the ground.

With the last of them dead Cinis turned his attention back to Aren. He pulled his mask down around his neck and took his hood off, revealing his black hair. Then he strecthed out his hand and would help her to her feet if she took it.

"I'm Darth Cinis. We should get out of here before I have to save you again."

If she agreed he'd lead her in the direction of a Sith temple.

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
There actually had been a fourth attacker, but he had some cybernetics and Aren had disabled him. Not dead though, just taken out of the fight and he witnessed his friends deaths and remained silent and hidden.

The quick and brutal method employed by Cinis to dispatch her attackers caused Aren to just sit on her rump until he held his hand out to help her up.

"Aren D'Shade. Thank you, Darth Cinis."

Giving him a bow of respect when she was on her feet, this was one of the first times she had out of the tower she stayed in. By the time she got back to her master, Aren would be in trouble. At least he wasn't as violent as some others might be.

"I will follow you. But there is one more I disabled just on the other side of that trash heap."

[member="Darth Cinis"]
[member="Aren D'Shade"]

He helped the woman to her feet and respectfully bowed in return.

"You're welcome. And just call me Cinis."

This girl obviously needed his help with her combat abilities. He stared at the disabled cyborg with a scowl. He had an idea for her first lesson. It would be to show no mercy. He looked at Aren and handed her his lightsaber. ( )

"Then kill him and I'll take you to the temple. If you spare him he will remember this and return to kill us."

Cinis looked back at the bionic thug and waited to see what Aren would do.
Why he bowed to her she couldn't figure out. Aren was barely more than a simple girl here and had only just begun her own training. That should have been clear from the scuffle that just happened. She didn't have full control of the Force yet and it still slipped away from her at times. He requested he just call him Cinis and she nodded.

Accepting his lightsaber, she twirled the hilt around in her hands as he spoke his order. Chewing on her lower lip, she looked between the thief and him before nodding a little.

The man was still disabled and not aware his life was about to end. Something felt a little off within Aren though. He might come back to try and kill them, but he might also decide not to tangle with them again. This was a difficult order for her to go through with but decided he was probably right. Igniting the lightsaber, she walked over to the man on the ground and made one thrust into his chest.

Tears came out of her eyes, but she didn't notice she was crying.

[member="Darth Cinis"]

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