Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen


Anything less than the best is a felony

Location: Mos Eisley Cantina
Objective: Recruit teachers to academy

The hive of scum and villainy wasn't exactly the first place anybody conducted an interview. It was however an out of the way place that was easy for people to visit no matter what their affiliation was. The recruitment flyers Kat sent out were asking for teachers interested in some teaching work. The Jedi still wasn't sure her plan was going to work, but given recent events she felt she had to try.

She took a seat at a table towards the back and sipped the blossom wine she had ordered. As soon as the alcohol touched her lips she felt a strong desire to vomit. Almost subconsciously she rubbed the wound on her arm where a Sithspawn had attacked her on Coruscant. The creatures claws were poisonous and an after effect must be an intolerance to alcohol.

Pushing the glass sadly away she waited for company to join her.
It had been some time since the Empress found herself on Tatooine. The dusty hot air was torture on her skin and lungs, used to the pampering of home. Ki persisted as she pushed through the entrance of the cantina, followed closely by her son, his imposing dark figure uncomfortably drawing the eyes of many patrons.

Ki sighed, Like father like son I suppose. Her eyes caught sight of the woman who had sent the invite seated towqrds the back and motioned for Oji to follow.

The mother-son pair strode to the table, their tails drawing the ire of several tables in their path.

"Greetings, I am Kimiko and this is my son Oji. We were sent invitations from a mutual friend." she stated,"I was told you were hoping to start a school for Force Users?"

Katarine Ryiah
No stranger to harsh environments, his old, worn field poncho only moving with each step he took through the sandy streets. The lack of any sort of breeze matched his stiff demeanor, despite the handful of shots he had already downed before embarking on his little stroll. Appearances aside, the man was a bit at ease internally, a previous mission to recruit his son overall a success. It wasn't easy for to reach out or ask for help, but this was one of the few times he thought it necessary.

Scanning the weathered buildings approaching from under the dark shades shielding his eyes, a sigh escaped his lips. Antisocial to the core, part of him would have rather just sipped on a bottle at the bar, or continued maintenance aboard his cruiser. Some things could only last so long however, his self proclaimed exile proving to be too much to handle alone. So upon hearing of the offer to teach, his first mate pushed him to reach out.

Only agreeing because he knew he needed to get out of his own mental space and back into the real galaxy, was he the man here today. Pausing as the door into the catina hissed open, a hand reached up to the tattered hood, freeing the mostly brown mess of hair to fall just to his eyebrows. Not needing his eyes to see his targets, Nate moved to the bar, dropping a few extra credits for the bottle and a glass full of ice. Hands full, he moved to the table, the dark lenses of the metal shades covering the swirling infernos behind them. Setting the glass down, he pulled in a nearby stool, elbowing Oji lightly.

"Hope I didn't miss anything."

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Katarine Ryiah


"Greetings, I am Kimiko and this is my son Oji. We were sent invitations from a mutual friend." I was told you were hoping to start a school for Force Users?"

"Hope I didn't miss anything."

Two people arrived almost at the same time and Katarine breathed a sigh of relief. She was half worried this might be a fools mission, but a few people at least seemed interested in hearing her out.

"Hello, thank you for coming. Yes I am doing some recruiting for teachers. I was to open a very special school where darksiders and lightsiders could learn to work together. A place where people could come to explore all aspects of the Force, but not for war or combat, the way so many orders are today."

She wasn't sure if she was phrasing that correctly but there would be a lot of time to discuss it. She was most interested in learning about the arrivals.

"Please tell me about yourselves. Your views of the Force... your backgrounds..."

Nate Phantoms Nate Phantoms Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou

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