Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Also I can kill you with my brain (Draco)

[member="Draco Vereen"]

It had been a long time since she had gotten to have an apprentice mostly because Leina had been in the jungles by herself living off the land.... and because as she stood there next to the large sleeping krayt dragon she didn't really get many offers or requests from people.

No instead she usually got to practice her skills with her linguistics workin to learn the language of everything she could and the universal language of all the things. She was interested in that and standing next to Fluffy junior while fluffy the third looked over them... she smiled.

"Alright lets see who this new one is and what he can do." The tattooed petite twi'lek stood at the ready with her pet dragon and on her belt she had another pet rock as she was speaking to it. "I know I should be nice but what if he is one of those who like to try and instigate?"
I walked from the Temple on Voss, home of the Silver Jedi Order, a place I had helped for a while. I had been called here to study under a Jedi Knight of the order by the name of [member="Leina Snowfire"] . I didn’t know what she looked like or who she was, only that she had been assigned to train me. She wasn’t the first master I had been assigned to recently. And she probably wouldn’t be the last. I tended to learn in a broad spectrum for the purposes of expanding my knowledge. I wanted to focus on Force Sense and the various forms of defense with the Force, and dabble in Telekinesis. Learning about it from multiple masters would be best in my opinion.

I arrived at the meeting place I had been ordered to report to, I could see a Krayt Dragon, one of the most fearsome beasts in the galaxy and a petite red lethan twi’lek, wearing a traditionally skimpy outfit. I was either crazy or about to be. “Hello, are you Leina?” I asked tentatively.
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Keina felt him before he arrived and she stood up a little. The dragon behind her snorting and raising its head as the large tail swung a little going to the side of them both before she was moving to stand a little in the center. "Yes I am Leina, are you padawan Vereen?" She said it and looked up at him while she cocked her hips to the side with a smirk. "It is nice to see you and I am glad you have some training."

She smiled now showing some teeth while she moved forward and crossed her arms. "Oh yes this is fluffy junior." She indicated the dragon behind her that gave a snort of air that moved one of her lekku as she had a smirk on her face. "And there is is fluffy the third but he is within the mountain... but we have his child Fluffy the fourth here with us. He'll be integral for your lessons and is very funny."

"So how much have you learned about the force so far?"
She explained her pets to me while I watched her. I didn’t know how she had come by a Krayt Dragon, which was unsettling to say the least, but then she was also a pretty lethan Twi’Lek. I looked her up and down, studying her as she spoke. It was rude to stare, so I kept my eyes moving up from the ground to her face. “Alright, well I am glad we have all the generations of Fluffy we will need to day,” I said removing my helmet. While the T-shaped skull painted visor was more akin to his true face, most people outside Mandalore didn’t understand that sentiment.

I smiled at her, noting her stance and that she was talking to about rocks and a Dragon calling them fluffy, but I could explain that. It was the Force within them she was referencing I’m sure. “Well, I’ve had the basics given to me in a crash course but little formal training. I am still working on my Force Sense, but about twenty meters out is all I can do, fifty if I am focusing on an individual.” I explained to her, hoping it was somewhat impressive.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina looked at him and gave a nod of her head while she was moving about the circle. Taking note of his skills or well what he knew. He was like her when she was starting out though she suspected he'd have an easier time taking on a large walker and tank. "Well that isn't a lot but we can work with that, though I will say if you mess up to much... Fluffy will most likely eat you." She looked at home with a face for a moment and then smiled.

"That was a joke, actually he only eats what the padawans bring him.... Usually. Sometimes he hunts stray creatures when going to the river to get water." She was rattling it off but also walking and making the plants on the ground follow her. The vines of the jungle growing larger near her feet as she had a gentle grin on her face. She looked at one of the trees. "You want to give me fruits.... give me all the fruits."

The tree was shaking and almost seemed to be stretching as it dropped some fruits down for her to eat while she reached up. The dragon moved a little and grabbed some of the fruit with its claws dragging them to itself while Leina was looking at the padawan. "ALright so we're going to not do what I did when I was starting out. For one you're not ten and there isn't a walker tank to infiltrate and destroy. Soooo we'll get you talking to some Jun-la's."
I watched her and listened well, laughing at her joke about the dragon eating me once she smiled and explained it. I didn’t know her, but it wasn’t the first time I had dealt with big beasties, just not in this capacity. She used some kind of weird power to surge the local fauna as she controlled them. Then she made a tree shake to release its fruit to her and her pet.

Alright, that sounds like a good idea I guess. What’s a Jun-la?” I asked, having literally no clue as to what the object she was reffering to was. I just agreed with just about anything a pretty Twi'Lek told me. It was habit. I didn’t really intend on learning Animal based skills or abilities, but I guess if it was the basics, I needed to build on my foundation that would support the rest of my abilities. At least that was how every other form of training went.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina was looking at him when he asked the question and she took one of the fruits while she ate some of it and spoke. "Oh they are behind you." The snort was there and she looked at the large four legged beast. Honey brown fur with white streaks as it had no eyes but a star shaped nose that was sniffing the air and large ears. Its tongue sticking out as it quickly lashed out with it to grab the fruit as Leina held it out covering over four meters in a fraction while the creature ate the fruit. Leina was standing there and smiled while she held a hand up and spoke. "You want to be our friend... you want to help this padawan." The creature walked forward as it was scenting around them and from her hand to Draco before its tongue came out. "Alright now just talk to it and use the force, if it licks you ah... well feed him. He won't hurt you."
I looked at the creature, studying it, focusing on reaching out with the Force and trying to enter its mind. I was new to this, very new to this and hadn’t been able to attempt mind tricks or telepathy in any capacity just yet. But if I was going to be impressing this Twi’lek I would have to figure it out in a hurry. “Alright. Give me a second.” I said to her, closing my eyes and reaching out with the Force. For a moment there was a flash bang like effect of slipping into the creatures mind, energy going in every direction, but that only lasted for a moment. Slowly it became more clear, more understandable. Simple search for survival. I gently pressed against its mind telling it that I was a friend, or pleasant, or nice. Whatever sensation I could manifest with it to keep it from becoming angry or frightened.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina was looking at him and he was doing well enough. It wasn't easy while she reached down and touched the ground placing a finger on one of the plants. It went down to the roots of the planet. She could feel it all for herself while she brought her other hand up and fluffy rose shaking himself awake before she jumped up onto his shoulders. "Alright now climb up on his back and he won't bite. Pinkiebell only likes veggies and fruits, not meat." She was looking over some of the things there while she was moving herself towards the pathway. "We'll ride them up the mountain and get you a saber."
I climbed up on to the creatures back, finding a comfortable position on the beast and let my Force Sense creep into its mind. Slowly, I wasn’t attacking the beast so there was no reason to rush or force the connection. When I felt I had a good grasp of the creature I opened my eyes and urged the animal to follow Fluffy and Leina. I had no clue where I was doing well or not, but I was trying as best as I could. I worked on being able to see into the mind of the beast and expand my awareness at the same time. It was a lot of information, and I struggled to keep focus on everything, to see the web of energy and understand how it was all connected to one another. The faint connections glowed brighter around the animals and plants, but Leina was much brighter than they, strong in the Force I assumed. I followed her up the mountain pathway to where ever it was we were going. She had said something about a saber, but I wasn’t sure what that meant. I think she meant I was going to build a Lightsaber, which was an honor, if not also confusing and seeming like it was six steps ahead of where I was at.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina was watching from the back of the krayt dragon as they were going, careful about some things but she wasn't that far gone she would give the padawan a dangerous creature... sure it could rollover on him but the Jun'la was a loveable creature who licked your face and trusted its master... or whoever was riding it. As long as you didn't stink... their hypersensitive noses able to smell accurately up to twenty miles and their speed to keep them running strong. "We are almost there." As they continued up the mountain the jungle gave way to grey rock that seemed to shift as slowly the sight of two large eyes came looking down at them. Leina looked up in awe and still wonder as her pet had grown so big since she had gotten it on endor. "We'll set up here and begin."
As we arrived at our destination, I dismounted the creature she had instructed me to ride up this far. It was interesting to say the least to touch the mind of another living being, an entirely different new and different experience. I still wasn’t sure what she wanted me to do, or what exactly we were up to on this mountain, but even still she was a pretty Twi’lek, so she probably knew what was best. She was a Jedi Knight after all. “Alright, well, what is it we are doing up here anyway?” I asked giving her a good look over. I wasn’t sure about training on Voss and even though we had reached some kind of mountain I didn’t know what all we would be doing up here out in the wilderness. I tried to remain respectful of her rank and position as best as I could, but I did feel the need to ask her about herself, “Why don’t you tell me about yourself as well. Since you are my master I might as well get to know you a little better.” I said to her, smirking a little bit, trying to be at least a little flirtatious with her.
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina was looking at him as she nodded her head sitting down as the mountain brought a rock over to her to sit down on and she spoke. "Well truthfully I haven't had a student before... not since I was ten. The jedi council thought me ready to be a knight after a week of being a padawan." She looked at him to let that sink in while she was sitting there with a small smile on her face. "So after I became a knight I kind of well didn't know what to do so I have been out in the galaxy alone trying to learn about the force4 and learned I can talk to most things in the galaxy. So I am going to try and teach you like I saw others do which is make a saber, work on yoru skills with the force and then send you to catch one of the dinosaurs we brought from the theme park in the Asobi system."
Wow, a Jedi Knight at the age of ten. That was actually impressive, very impressive from my understanding of the various Jedi Orders around the galaxy. Being able to speak to animals and other creatures was a skill I had not heard of, so I wasn’t sure how rare it was, but I assumed it was fairly unique and that she wasn’t just eye candy, but she was still eye candy. “Wow, ten years old. That’s almost one third my age, and I am just now getting started.” I told her, then I actually paid attention to the rest of what she was saying. So we were here to build a Lightsaber and try to control or catch some great beast. “Just one thing. I don’t need a lightsaber. I’m a Mandalorian at heart, so I make use of a Beskad and Mace instead of a lightsaber. They benefit my fighting style better than a lightsaber would.” I told her, sitting down next to her. “But we can work on catching one of those Dinosaurs. Then maybe dinner.” I said to her, with a smile.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

She looked at him with a grin at the mention of food.... She loved food and rubbed her stomach as she didn't want to make it so obvious she loved to eat. "Oh food, yes that is something we need and well not building a saber is fine. I rarely use mine but don't underestimate the dinosaurs. They can grow large and be pretty smart. Some even evolved enough to make their own gates for folding space." She was looking at him and then around the area while she spoke. "The main thing to remember is that talking to some of the creatures is to never lose eye contact and keep your dominance."
Keep your dominance huh, I thought, remembering that I was fairly dominate anyway, and for the most part I had trudged into battle a couple of times without hope of success. Keeping my dominance was the easy part, “Alright, lets get cracking. The sooner I learn this, the sooner I can take you to dinner.” I said getting off the ground and offering my hand to help her up. “Which beasty do you wanna try this with?” I asked, expanding my awareness to its limits, taking in the about twenty or thirty meters I could manage at the moment. If I focused hard enough I could maintain about thirty meters, but Leina was fairly distracting. As was her dragon, that followed her around and could speak with her. I had heard of crazier things happening with the Force. I knew that some people could become ghosts, walk through walls among other things, so talking to a Krayt Dragon wasn’t that far of.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Well I would recommend trying with some of the smaller less hostile creatures. If you don't succeed they won't try and eat your face." She was looking at him while she took her hand to get up. Standing there for a moment as she looked up at the large mountain that was starring at her. "Oh Fluffy the third.... do you see any of the giant lizards?" She said it while scratching her head and the mountain seemed to rumble for a time before its voice came out making small tremors on the mountain. "There are some to the east at the river." Leina looked at him and gave a nod of her head while she was looking around at the large krayt. "Alright you stay here, and we'll be back."
I nodded to her, letting her lead the way for a couple of reasons. I wasn't sure how good her telepathy was, but there wasn't much way I was capable of hiding my attraction to the Twi'Lek from emanating in the Force. It wasn't a beacon, just it was there, and I'm sure it could be detected if someone was trying to. "Alright, I'll start with whatever beastie you think is best." I told her, keeping pace just behind her as she lead me to the east towards the river. I kept trying to expand my awareness as we walked, open it up as far as I could. My Force sense was something I really wanted to train hard. It was one of the foundations of Force Powers, at least in my mind, and was important to master in my opinion, but I was still a long way to get to there.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Leina was looking at him as she walked and didn't speak... her perceptions of the world were different as one of the jedi had said. She had those rose colored glasses as they were walking and the sounds of water running down a stream came. The little twi'lek moved behind a tree as the theropods they had gotten from the moon were here. Great for scavenging and just dangerous enough for training purposes as they had been engineered. She looked at Draco and spoke. "Alright without a saber the first thing you want to do is establish dominance with them. This is best used by listening and hearing the sounds they make. Eventually a language will form and you can communicate with them." She was looking at them and motioned for him to stay there as she came out from the cover with one of the large akorec's well a baby who had been cloned and made a little less dangerous stood there and roared looking at her. Leina planted her feet and breathed in as she used mimicry with her voice coming out as his did and getting a look as the creature stood there confused.
Establish dominance huh. That shouldn't be too hard for a guy like me. "Alright, dominance, I can do that." I reached out with the Force, feeling for one of the large sauropods, trying to focus on reading its thoughts and listening to its sounds, trying to corralate the sounds they made with the surface of the thoughts they had while making them. It wasn't the easiest thing. Quite the opposite in fact, but I was making some progress, especially after watching her do it. "Alright beautiful, I think I can handle this now." I said after listening and watching for a few minutes. I wasn't scared of these things. I had plenty of gear and tech with me, and they were herbivores. What was the worst that could happen. I walked in front of one, a respectable distance away, and made an attempt at replicating its language. It was a poor attempt, even assisted by the Force. Nonetheless I was trying to emit kind and gentle vibes through the Force that it could comprehend, but I wasn't sure how it would react to me, hopefully just confused.

[member="Leina Snowfire"]

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