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Approved NPC Altered Corporate Protectorate Spies.

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  • Intent: A specific type of spy or secret agent utilized by the Corporate Protectorate and Vran’Ti

  • Image Credit: Link

  • Role: Infiltration, Exfiltration, Data retrieval, hidden assassinations, espionage

  • Links: The Corporate Protectorate, Vran'Ti, Nexus Krae.

  • Unit Name: Physically Altered Secret Agent

  • Affiliation:The Corporate Protectorate, Vran’Ti

  • Classification: Secret Agent/Spy

  • Equipment:

  • Whatever allows them to blend in with the rest.

  • Possible suicide drug (may be contained within fake tooth, pen, or ring)

  • May utilize poisons or hidden blades.

  • Biological Medical Reconstruction Device (BIOMED) (most do not keep this on them, some may have head pieces for brain scanning, but it will always be kept somewhere far from investigation unless actively in use)

  • Encrypted long range communicators.

  • Description: The Protectorate’s altered spies are a specific subset of their intelligence agency, they serve as the perfect infiltrators. Using varieties of technology, but most commonly the Biological Medical Reconstruction Device (BIOMED) has been used to alter their very species, dna, and even add memories and aspects in order to solidify their identity. They then infiltrate either by working their way in, or by replacing another, and carry out order as given acting out their part as originally discussed with in depth details.
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.

  • Unit Size: Medium

  • Unit Availability: Uncommon

  • Unit Experience: Trained

  • Function: The Altered spies first obtain their new identity. This is usually either a highly in depth creation of the Protectorate from identity cards to backstory and family members, or they kidnap, scan, and replace an existing individual. They are not a combat force of themselves, but can be used to preform assassinations, damage equipment, or simply gather or alter information of the enemy.

  • The identity: A spy must enter a new identity, as a result they are extremely good liars. Many even have their biology altered so they can have the effects of telling the truth or lying as they choose. They have considerable data in order to rely on to prove who they are meant to be.

  • Replacement: When replacing an individual the scan they preform using a BIOMED allows them to perfectly resemble their body, memories, and generally emotions, to the point they can go without being noticed even by the keenest of eyes.

  • Information control: They are taught how to secretly transfer information either through physical data or using their communicators, or in person. Allowing them to get plans and decisions back and forth in secret.

  • Target achievement: When necessary a spy is taught how to destroy machines like engines, shields, life support, etc, or may even be required to preform an assassination. Most of the time these things are done with discreet poisons or virus’s, things that won’t be noticed. Most spies normally don’t do this unless their escape has already been planned, as it’s a risk to ones secret identity.

  • They can be almost any sentient species, and sometimes even not ones. So long as its organic and the BIOMED can transform them. This would include species that are universally force sensitive, such as Miraluka, Anzati, and sith purebloods and copying an individual who is a force sensitive biologically speaking is possible, though they cannot gain their specific connection with the force, so unless all of their skills are biologically based/accessed they would only be able to mimic them through their own training or the memories of someone they were able to take them from.

  • Equipment: The spies often do not possess very advanced technology beyond the biomeds and communicators, which even then they can’t always have access to. As a result they have to be very careful how they decide their actions.

  • Combat: In part with their lack of superior equipment according to their kept identity, most spies possess minimal combat training outside the normal for when their from. They will be taught some about assassination usually, but they are not soldiers. There are exceptions to this, as some members are from the Corporate Protectorates military and as a result may have training, and some individuals are from Vran’Ti and tend to have a natural melee skill.

  • Dangerous job: It can be difficult sometimes for a Spy to get their work done, getting in and out discreetly. It is also always the possibility they could run into issues when not keeping their identity safe. Or force sensitives with abnormally good telepethy.

  • Force sensitive copying: It’s more difficult to copy talented force sensitives. While they can become a force sensitive species, mimicking trained force sensitives is both difficult in that it is difficult to catch them and to properly mimick their synchronization with the force.
[SIZE=9pt]Upon the joining of Nexus Krae with the Corporate Protectorate, and his station becoming that of SpyMaster, he understood he could apply the technology and abilities of Vran’Ti to greatly increase the effectiveness of the Protectorates intelligence agency. Creating a sub-set within their agency known as Altered Secret Agents, these individuals received medical alterations, extensive backgrounds, and new identities, that made them the perfect clay to mold the actions of chosen enemies, or should it be necessary, allies. Or simply to obtain important information. Because many of these agents may even change species entirely in order to fit in perfectly to where they’d headed, and to prevent suspicion, they can be anyone, anywhere. And as a result of using BIOMED’s they can even take the place of captured individuals if the agents play their parts correctly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The actual process these agents undergo is kept entirely secret, even their very existence is carefully managed by Nexus and very carefully chosen individuals. There are certain codes and methods they know to get word to Nexus if they happen to be captured and require a way out because their cover is blown or needs to be blown.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]While a good amount of the Agents do possess combat knowledge, primarily their training will focus on each individual mission. As a result they are immensely focused in deception, information control, secret transfer of information and data, manipulation, acting the part, infiltration, and exfiltration. Most spies usually end up with a mechanical or electronic/slicing knowledge in order to sabatoge an opponent if necessary. And in the case an assassin may be necessary, they typically deal in poisons, explosives, or silent weaponry that can allow them to do their job without it being easily traced back to them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]They are anyone, and anything.[/SIZE]
Good Morning [member="Nexus Krae"],

This is an interesting sub, and the idea of spies who can change their form is going to offer a lot of really really cool RP option for you to play around with.

There are just a few points I'd like to raise with you before I move it on to approval.

Nexus Krae said:
Force sensitive copying: It’s more difficult to copy talented force sensitives. While they can become a force sensitive species, mimicking trained force sensitives is both difficult in that it is difficult to catch them and to properly mimick their synchronization with the force.
Are you saying that these spies are force sensitive? If so that should really be mentioned as a strength along with how well trained they are.

Also there is a little discrepancy I spotted with the Unit experience. You state in your write up that they are,

Nexus Krae said:
Unit Experience: Veteran

However, later in the weaknesses you claim the following.

Nexus Krae said:
Combat: In part with their lack of superior equipment according to their kept identity, most spies possess minimal combat training outside the normal for when their from.

Which seems to be reinforced by the description which says,

Nexus Krae said:
While a good amount of the Agents do possess combat knowledge, primarily their training will focus on each individual mission. As a result they are immensely focused in deception, information control, secret transfer of information and data, manipulation, acting the part, infiltration, and exfiltration.
This does not seem like a veteran unit to me, could you please provide some clarification here?

Of course, I am happy to approve the submission as it currently stands, my queries are just points where clarification might be useful to prevent any future issues.

Please tag me back when you've decided what you want to do.
[member="John Locke"]
Thank you!
In regards to the force sensitivity I have added this:

This would include species that are universally force sensitive, such as Miraluka, Anzati, and sith purebloods and copying an individual who is a force sensitive biologically speaking is possible, though they cannot gain their specific connection with the force, so unless all of their skills are biologically based/accessed they would only be able to mimic them through their own training or the memories of someone they were able to take them from.

It is not that they are naturally force sensitive themselves, merely that when they copy and are reorganized to the body of one who is force sensitive they gain those same traits within the physical limitations it offers.

The veteran ranking is in regards not to their combat experience but their spy experience. Like comparing a typical liar to a professional liar. Is there a better way I could phrase that you can think of or some alteration to it?
[member="Nexus Krae"]

Thank you for adding that, but this is where I'm confused. Not everyone is force sensitive in their own right, so how can they replicate a connection to the force unless they're force sensitive before hand. So that leads me to ask are all the spies force sensitive? Or just some of them?

In terms of the veteran rank issue, I'd put the rating down to recruit or trained and include their skills as spies as a strength. That way you can emphasis they're not meant to be head on combatants but spies and assassins.
[member="John Locke"]
I'm sorry not sure how much else to explain it. The Force can be species wide, and as a result, physically speaking, someone can be transformed into that species and then as a result possess force sensitivity. That's what the BIOMED is for.

I'll now edit the veteran thing for that, thanks.
[member="Nexus Krae"]

Perhaps it might be easiest of you specify which species the spies are drawn from? Not every species has total force sensitivity, which is where my confusion is coming in.
[member="John Locke"]
I think you might be mistaking how that part works. A lot of this all revolves around the Biological Medical Reconstruction Device (BIOMED), which can change a beings very species. Whatever species they are before being changed is kind of irrelevant, as as long as the species or particular genetic design they change into is force sensitive, so will they be. And vice versa, even if a Shi with the Vo organ changes into a Twi'lek, they don't keep that Vo organ unless they are specifically designed to keep it.
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