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Alterra Mining

Caesar Kenway


  • Image Source: Google Search for Star Wars Company Logos (Top Left Hand Symbol) Subnautica Devs (Main Symbol) Me (Combination)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • ​Primary Source: Original
  • Corporation Name: Alterra Mining.
  • Headquarters: Alderaan
  • Locations: Wherever there might be goods to mine.
  • Operations: Mining.
Alterra Mining is owned by Caesar Kenway, while he is a Viceroy of the Confederacy, Alterra is not loyal to the Confederacy. It does business by mining resources and minerals, then selling them. It could be said it grinds planets to dust for money, as a result of the mining, but this is not the case. It does mining safely, and mines only resources that it requires.

Caesar Kenway came to own the Alterra Mining company by creating it. He did so to earn himself money. He created it at the age of 20. He kickstarted it with money from his own pocket. He is exceptionally wealthy as he is, being Alderaanian Nobility.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: Alterra Inc.

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