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Approved Starship Altorius-Cargo Class Frigate

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Manufacturer: Order of Wonosa Engineers, Sanguine Defense Works
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average
Prophet of Bogan
  • Intent: Finally sub a cargo ship for my fleets
  • Image Source: Modified slightly from this
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Altorius
  • Secure Transit: A combination of physical defenses, weapon arrangement, and special features such as the SLAM engine allows for an effective and safe transportation of essentially anything that the Altorius line may be tasked to carry. The modular cargo bays additionally allow for varied storage capacity without fear of needing to retrofit or modify the ships all that much, allowing cargo to be swapped out fairly quickly and seamlessly in order to reduce the time spent at port.
  • Evade Evade Evade: The armaments of the Altorius greatly favor evasion and defense rather than offense, with a significant portion of the features packed into the vessel being meant to ward off and mislead foes rather than engaging or destroying them. As such it is simply not ideal for usage in combat and works best when evading battles and conflicts rather than fighting them.
The Altorius had cast an almost mythical legacy in the ranks of the Order of Wonosa, having been the vessel which had not only saved the cult in its early days but had served as its home for quite some time. It was modified and retrofitted over the years as its rank evolved and grew but as the ability to produce warships of their own, as well as effectively crew and make use of salvaged or captured ships, became a reality it did fall to the wayside somewhat as a relic of the past. But the respect and reverence of the mighty frigate which had survived the fall of an empire only seemed to grow as new generations of Wonosans were born or brought into the cult and told of its story.

To this end it only seemed natural that when the need for cargo ships of their own design became prevalent the Altorius would serve as the basis for them. The Altorius-Cargo Class Frigate would be the spiritual successor to the heroic Altorius itself, being that of a transport and freighter above all else. There were two major influences from its predecessor that the Altorius line would incorporate in particular which would come to define the design as a whole, that of its surprisingly intricate communication suite and its dedicated defensive measures. Everything about the frigates would be geared towards defense and evasion, keeping enemies at bay or far away and as such guaranteeing the safety of the transports and their contents.

Transportation whether it be of simple cargo and materials, personnel and equipment, or more exotic cargo like gasses or rare materials, was a high priority due to the needs of the varying operations and outposts of Wonosan influence and as such a simple yet effective system of cargo modularity via multi-purpose and varied containers allow for the Altorius line to carry almost anything one might need carried. Additionally, inspired by their namesake, particular emphasis would be placed upon the transportation and housing of people as well as cargo which allow for it to also serve well as a transport for large forces or groups without any real modification needed.

Due to the extensive communication suite and the availability of space and storage, some Wonosan outposts have completely uprooted to live on their Altorius frigates not unlike the cult as a whole did in the past. Coordinating and leading convoys is an easy task for the vessels and as a result they are perfect for migrations and refugee fleets as well, or as simple mobile homes and bases for smaller groups.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Finally sub a cargo ship for my fleets
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sith Order
Model: Altorius-Cargo Class
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Freighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Alusteel, Transparisteel
Armaments: 6 Point Defense Laser Cannons
4 Ion Cannons
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 15
Optimal Crew: 25
Cargo Capacity: Large
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