Altus Venadris
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Knight, Leader of 35th Battalion, Alpha Company
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 160 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Student of war: Beyond his training as a Sith, Altus grew up in a military family and lead a life geared toward service to the Empire. He's been studying war tactics, involved in the military from a very young age. As such, he's become familiar with the inner working of an army, from day to day to basic and key tactics.
+ Passionate: Everyone's emotions are intensified during wartime but even more so for Altus. He uses it as fuel, remembering his dedication to the Empire long before his force powers showed themselves. His passion and feelings for the Empire would lead him to gladly die beside any of his imperial brothers or sisters.
- Scrawny: Altus, despite his best efforts, is very slim and cannot seem to build more muscle. As a result, he can't rely on his strength during engagements and has to find other ways to make up for it.
- Volatile: Being easily lead to anger and violence runs in the Venadris family. He's often found himself on the wrong side of a blaster, or getting in trouble from superiors for his ill temper.
Altus was born to a prestigious military family, a legacy he's tried to live up to his entire life. His ancestors were warlords and their grandchildren great military leaders themselves. There was a clear target set out for him at a young age and he was determined to hit, a mindset he's brought in every aspect of his life.
As the years have passed and Altus continues to prove himself. His first accomplishment was joining the officer program, then getting selected for the advanced classes, which eventually landed him in the 35th Company. There his life changed forever. Not only was it his first time experiencing real combat but it was then the force showed itself to Atlus. A great power awoke inside him and he took leave to seek guidance at the academy in Korriban. Even more time was spent catching himself up to where he needed to be. Mentors and studying, constant training, the task ahead at times seemed unattainable. Altus was reshaped during the process and when he arrived back into the military he had a new perspective on the galaxy. He had the same goals as always but with passion reinforced by his new teachings. Right and wrong was clear to him, order would reign above all.
Named leader of his company upon his return, Atlus has more to prove than ever. He now readies his men and himself for battle, preparing do to what needed in the coming years.