Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well-Known Member
Planet Template 2.1


  • Planet Name: Alvoria
  • Demonym: Alvorians
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Alvo System
  • System Features: There are two moons Alvora 1 and Alvorn. Days are 24 standard hours.

  • Coordinates: AI - 50
  • Major Imports: Recycled construction materials, food
  • Major Exports: No exports
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Oceans, Tundras, Forests, Deserts, (the variety makes this an ideal wildlife sanctuary for various types of critters).

  • Major Locations: GWF Headquarters is located on the center continent of the planet at Sanctuary City. This serves as an outpost for scientists and rangers to organize the sanctuaries happenings. There is a hangar, laboratory, garage, bar, sleeping quarters, and a small city where shops sell recyclable material goods. The city is called "Sanctuary City" and is ran on solar power. Animals that are rescued are first taken here to be processed before they are taken to the habitat they need.

  • Native Species: Humans
  • Immigrated Species: Humans and various unsentient beings that have been saved.
  • Population: Uninhabited
  • Demographics: The planet is predominately populated by wildlife. The only sentient beings on the planet are those that work for the Galactic Wildlife Foundation. It is a nature preserve, meaning they try to keep sentient beings off the planet so that the wild species can thrive without being polluted or harmed.
  • Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
  • Culture: This is essentially a planet wide zoo. At times there may be public events that allow doners or special people to come and view the sanctuary so that the faction cane raise money, but for the most part it is not open to outsiders. This is done in an effort to keep the wildlife healthy and free.
  • Government: The planet is ran by the Galactic Wildlife Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose head is called a "Director." There is a board that makes decisions by voting.
  • Affiliation: Galactic Wildlife Foundation
  • Wealth: Low - a lot of open land for free range sanctuaries but little technology or cultural relevance
  • Stability: High. Poachers are often a threat but the GWF handles them.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Very free and an emphasis on green ways of living.


  • Military: None
  • Technology: Very low technology. Some technology is used for fences or keeping the wildlife separated or for medical needs or scientific study but there is little in the way of anything that does not directly relate to the study of the animals.

Be sure to cover the following information:

The planet has not been settled long. It was an uninhabited planet that was too far out into wild space to be attractive to any type of business. When the Galactic Wildlife Foundation was founded the founding member remembered that this planet used to be a great place to hunt and fish. This is why this planet was selected.

Little is known about any events that happened on the planet since it was not an inhabited planet.
[member="Kat'ra Smart"]

Hello there,

Your GWF organization is a neat concept, good luck with that.

Kat'ra Smart said:
  • Intent: This planet will serve as a base for the minor faction being created called Galactic Wildlife Foundation. The intent is for this to be a planet wide nature sanctuary where endangered animals can come IC.Basically it's a place for our characters to do science and help animals IC.
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Canon: No
  • Links:
You can leave the image credit and link fields blank. For the latter, you would want to link something like an in-character thread, faction page, and/or submissions.

Kat'ra Smart said:
Native Species: Humans
Since you wrote this planet as being originally uninhabited, you'll want to keep this section blank.

Kat'ra Smart said:
Culture: This is essentially a planet wide zoo.At times there may be public events that allow doners or special people to come and view the sanctuary so that the faction cane raise money, but for the most part it is not open to outsiders.This is done in an effort to keep the wildlife healthy and free.
I understand that there isn't much of a civilization here because of the world's function as a planet-wide preserve, but I'd still like this section to be fleshed out a little more. You could talk more about daily living for the staff and volunteers that reside there, and the culture of the organization.

Kat'ra Smart said:
Military: None
The GWF seems to have the capabilities to at least repel poachers, so I'd like you to mention that here in some form. While it's not necessary you may want to have some kind of security for the GWF itself as the system is pretty isolated at the edge of the galaxy.
[member="Kat'ra Smart"]

I'll give you a couple more days to work on this before I archive the submission. Alternatively, I can have it moved to the Pre-Codex area where you may continue to work on the submission in you prefer.

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