[member="Joza Perl"], [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"], [member="Serana"], [member="Jakkor Kess"]
Her hoverchair offering a soft hum as it pushed itself along on repulsorlifts, Teynara found herself at the entrance to one of the larger training rooms the Temple offered, one designed for sparring and some of the more physical forms of lesson available to students within the Order. Since she'd found herself on the wrong end of a Sith lightsaber, it hadn't been somewhere that she'd had much reason to visit: that was more for people who could walk, as far as she was concerned.
Still, there'd been a notification of a class here that might be useful to her, and it was for this reason that she was now arriving. Those duties of a Healer weren't so easily pushed aside for training, however, and the blonde knew she was running more than a little late, since she had been giving an examination at the time the class was due to start. And it turned out to be little more than a simple sprained ankle during jump training, too, she thought wryly. Wasn't anything that was difficult to deal with - in all honesty, most Jedi learned how to field-dress a sprain in basic med classes.
Turning the corner as the doors opened on her approach, the young woman raised an eyebrow in surprise at the scene before her. One Jedi, a woman with shockingly pink skin, more colourful in that respect than that of a Human, stood working away at a table, her back turned so that Teynara could neither see her face, nor what it was she was working with on the table. There were several others within: some of whom she recognised, most of whom she did not.
"I apologise for being late, Master," she said softly, projecting her voice outwards just enough that she might be heard. Truth be told, Teynara didn't know who was providing the lesson - the notice she had read simply gave a date, time and place - so it was best to be non-specific. "I hope I haven't missed anything too important," the blonde added with a smile.
Moving further into the room, the Healer offered a polite nod to those inside, about as much of a bow as she was capable of, given that her body was ensconsed within her chair from the waist downwards, and was designed to keep her immobile in one respect while offering her mobility in another. Her grey-blue eyes watched the others within, feeling the play of energy inside the room, hinting at application of the Force in varying capacities.
One dark-haired young man, far younger than she; one being that appeared to be (but couldn't possibly be!) a Tusken, though whether male or female was impossible to determine under the head wrappings; a rather rare specimen of the Del-Ya species, with a colouration even deeper and darker than that of the pink-skinned woman that Teynara had observed on entering; then a dark-haired Human-looking woman who currently had her eyes closed in concentration.
Interesting group, Teynara concluded. Hopefully they won't mind adding another misfit to the pack.