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Approved NPC Alwyn Mawrhydi, King of Erida

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Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch

Intent: To create an NPC King for a custom planet, Force Order, and Faction

​Image Credit: Artist here

Role: King of the custom planet liked below.


Age: 53
Force Sensitivity: Master
Species: Near-Human
Appearance: Alwyn looks old even for his age. His hair has turned completely white and has a wrinkled scarred face and body. He wears a patch over his right eye having lost it in an uprising caused by the previous king's son demanding right of succession over someone more suited. He wears black robes or pants and tunic with an eight colored sash to show his dedication to all aspects of the force and his people. He stands a an even 6' tall and is of a stocky well muscled build even at his age. His one remaining eye is slate grey.

Name: Alwyn Mawrhydi, King of Erida, Foremost among Servants, Father, and Son of the Force.
Loyalties: The Order of Erida and The People of Erida above all things
Wealth: Very Low after a planetary cataclysm.
Notable Possessions: One black bladed ceremonial lightsaber seldom even carried.
Skills: Force Empathy (for aid of people), Protection Bubble, Force Illusion, and Telekinesis, also, knoweledge of psychology, battle tactics, various meditation techniques and is trained in advanced lightsaber dueling forms though has not used them in nearly 35 years outside of training.

Personality: Alwyn is a quiet man who prefers the simple things in life. In public he is the epitome of the wise ruler cliche. He listens long and speaks only when it is important to do so. He is responsible for the mental, emotional and spiritual health of his people and reflects this by working to be the example for others. He is an honest direct sometimes blunt man who often works to get others to come to the right conclusion themselves rather than stating an answer directly. Incredibly patient and observant he often knows as much about a person's personality after the first five minutes as they know themselves. The former queen died six years prior to the cataclysm that killed his people and against his wishes the people asked that he remain King and take a newly chosen queen as his wife. He obeyed their wishes but has as of yet not treated the new queen as his wife but rather an equal in service to the people.

Weapon of Choice: Force imbued stright sword and Force illusion

Combat Function: In combat he commands his troops often adding force illusions to the battle as a means of distraction while using tactics to defeat his enemies. In single combat he uses niman dueling form with a straight sword and force push and pull.

Combat Strengths and Weaknesses:

+Niman dueling form (Modified for use with Sword instead of lightsaber, slightly slower)
+Force Illusions (Expert)
+Fight smarter not Harder (He tends to try and get an enemy to make a mistake and expend more energy)
-Blind to right side flanking and peripheral vision.
-Can not use force illusion while dueling.
-Lightsabers are sacred (Seeing a lightsaber used casually or without reverance makes him angry and may cause him to be rash in his dueling.)
-Aging, while he is still strong and skilled, he his not as strong and skilled as he once was and may be slowly and less agile than a younger opponent.
-Will tire faster than a younger opponent when on the attack, tends to attacks sparingly.
-Other lives matter (No matter how you look at it he will always value another life, He will hesitate to take a life and Hhe will put himself in harms way to save the lives of his people. He will however not hesitate to take a limb if need be. )

Alwyn Mawrhydi was appointed King of Erida by the people after twenty years of serving as a Brother of Erida focusing on mental aspects of the Force. He was appointed and married to a fellow servant of the people. Together, he and his wife became more than just fellow servants and grew to love and care for eachother even as they loved and cared for the people. The queen died some years later of an undetected heart condition and Alwyn blamed himself for not sensing it himself.

During the cataclysm, He was locked inside a force stasis chamber with the new queen where they were in a form of hibernation until 851 ABY. Now as they emerged from the massive loss of life they gather their strength and reach out in the force to try and find people willing to learn from him so that the truth that the force is for the sole purpose of bettering peoples lives in all facets and not a weapon for subjecting others that do not have a connection to the force.
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