Alysanne Valora

Name: Alysanne Janei Valora
Species: Human... just about.
Age: Late teens
Gender: Female
Height: Wishes she was taller
Weight: None of your biz.
Homeworld: Chandrila
Faction: Independent
Rank: Troublemaker
Force Sensitive: Yes, but unknown
"Okay, where do I even begin?"
It's all a matter of expectation. The good Mr and Mrs Valora expected a sensible, polite and respectful daughter that'd make their family proud. Alysanne expected them to keep their nose out of her shit. Alysanne was never a good daughter. She never took well to rules. Or suggestions. Or much of anything in the way of instruction. Whether it was from her parents, her siblings or her teachers, Alysanne delighted in creating new ways to defy, resist and rebel.
Parcelled off to the best private school that father's credits could buy, Alysanne bided her time until she could escape. The exact details of her daring plan were never wholly discovered, but authorities are sure it involved a rancor skull, four plasma torches and a broken kyber crystal. Having finally freed herself from the tyranny of good education, Alysanne took to the stars to carve her own path.
Fiercely independent, Alysanne is a maelstrom of rolled eyes, vicious barbs and cutting insults. Too clever by half, she exudes all the overconfidence of a supermodel on uppers. She delights in finding the sharp edges and niggles of others, eagerly bringing them down to her level. However, whilst she may be selfish and brash beyond belief, she tends to mean well and wants others to stand on their own feet and find their own freedom.
What destiny awaits her lies amongst the stars, for now.
Alysanne is a fairly average young woman in her late teens, with a typically stern look and a wry, teasing smirk. She would describe her features as devastatingly handsome and the envy of all high society, though whether others would agree remains unknown. She wears her hair long but without much in the way of style or ornamentation. Her clothing tends towards the practical though she sometimes likes to slip on something more ostentatious from her stunning debutante collection.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Self-assured - It's not hard for Alysanne to believe in herself.
Quick thinker - Witty bon-mots or incredible ideas come easy.
Determined - You don't defy everything by being a limp-wristed cop-out.
Stubborn - Bullheaded isn't a strong enough adjective. Rancors are more likely to move.
Big-mouthed - That tongue's gonna get her killed, one of these days.
Arrogant - She has to be the smartest in the room. And the fastest. And the most dazzlingly attractive.
Making it all up as she goes - One day, someone's going to find out how mediocre she really is and how everything is just one long messy con.
Coming soon in more detail, but presume the following:
A ship
A blaster of some kind
A vibroblade? (She seems like the kind of girl who'd stab things for fun)
A droid
Too many clothes
Pet porg
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