Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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AMA: Factory Edition

I was talking with some of the other FJs and the topic came up about how unapproachable some of us seem to be, and how questions aren't always asked publicly to folks that could give the best answers, or folks are afraid of some kind of backlash, or any other number of reasons/excuses, what take you.

So here it is. The Ask Me Anything for the Factory. Starships, tech entries, restricted materials, new ideas, old rules; if you can think it and ask it, it will get answered by me, a Factory Judge, an RPJ, or an Admin. Ask and you shall receive.

Only rule; Keep it civil. You can ask about why things were denied, why things aren't acceptable. But don't start flaming or making personal attacks.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
[member="Ayden Cater"]

When making a piece of technology in the factory thing, when it says 'manufacturer' I have no idea what I should put. Do I have to ask someone if I can use their weapon company? Or can I just use one that exists in Star Wars already?
(Random, crazy question that has been in my mind for about a week now)
Can you create your own lightsaber crystals? I have an entire concept in mind, but can I even do it? And where would I be able to submit the sheet?
Companies. [member="Gerion Ardik"]

We have very specific rules and guidelines about development threads. So far as minimum number of posts and minimum number of writers is concerned anyway. And we each know that the more complex the submission the more 'above the minimum' each dev thread has to be. Also, the general 'content' of these threads can cover a wide range of subjects. Which is great as it gives writers a huge amount of freedom in choosing how they want to tell their stories.

Unfortunately, we don't have any specific instructions yet for the special development threads used to improve a company a tier. We, the writers, don't know if we need 30 posts or 300 posts. We don't know if we need three writers or seven. We don't know if these minimums are the same from tier 3-4 as they are for tier 5-6. We know that the story itself has to 'suitably explain' why a company has grown and become more powerful... But without specific minimum standards it's very hard to structure a thread to reach these non-specific goals.
[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Applicable manufacturers can change pretty wildly depending on what it is you're making. If it's something like a personal weapon, you might be your own manufacturer. Conversely, it's unlikely that you'll see one person making a starship or a landspeeder.

Picking a manufacturer, especially a canon one, can be a little tricky. Fortunately, we have a list of all current canon companies that have PCs controlling them. If you want to use a canon manufacturer that's not controlled by a PC, that's more than fine. Also if you decide to ask around and use a player-made company for the manufacturer, that also works.

[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Making lightsaber crystals can be a bit tricky. Part of this problem comes from balance and consistency. It is generally accepted, for example, that lightsabers cannot cut through some materials, cortosis and phrik being the two most commonly quoted ones. However, there was a game that introduced a lightsaber crystal that could suddenly do just that.

While we certainly encourage members to come up with new and exciting ideas, we have to temper those with considerations for others. Generally, the Tech Judges prefer it if any sort of lightsaber ability doesn't go above a certain threshhold or break too many other sourced abilities. Things like fire and lava oozing from the blade, or one that protects a user from all Force attacks; these are things that will have to be toned down considerably or removed all together. Whenever in doubt, it's always best to ask a Judge before hand and talk to them about what it is you're trying to make. Our general policy in the factory is working to help players make new and exciting things to use in roleplays, so we're not out to use our Denied Jackhammers (which we absolutely do not have, don't even ask) on everything. If you talk to a tech judge, they'll do their best to help you make your concept work.


Disney's Princess
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Q: What is your favorite piece of canon technology and why?
Q: What has been one of your favorite pieces of custom tech that you have created yourself and why?
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

For canon tech, my favorite piece hands down is the hyperdrive. Think how boring the movies would be without it? Everyone would have to get out and push to try and get anywhere. I always like tech like this because it opens up the audience to a much larger galaxy/universe. Sure things on one planet are cool, but it's just so much better when there's more out there.

As far as custom tech that I've made, I think my first ever tech sub was a gel launcher. It was a funny idea, and not one that I developed quite as much as I could have. But it was interesting and recently I've used it as a base for some other ideas and projects. I like it because it has more applications than just "I shoot you, you're dead." Straight military tech, to me, is boring. There's only so many ways you can dress a gun up before you end up with the same thing as the guy next to you. For me, it's the non-military tech that's the best to play around with, cause that's that stuff that can really drive a story.


This is my new favorite thread. Of all Time. Ever. +1,000,000

Q: Is there a limit to how many starfighters we can make? Can I make several so long as they all have different functions or affiliations?
Q: Can stealth be on a minor/limited-production item?
Q: Do weapon trades work on sub-capital craft as well (e.g. fighters, shuttles, etc)?
Q: Can you fit handheld drones in a fighter's weapon bay? Will it count towards weapons?
Q: Do all the other factories now officially hate me?
Q: Banana?
[member="Iris Tyrad"]
You can use MandalTech for most weapons and armor manufacturer. Just let me know.

[member="Ayden Cater"]

If I have a concept idea could I just PM a factory judge and say "this is what I want to make. How can I do it right?"
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Q: Is there a limit to how many starfighters we can make? Can I make several so long as they all have different functions or affiliations?
No. Some companies, like Incom, made most of their profits off starfighters. Corellian Engineering makes most of its profits (canonically) on freighters. The only real restriction, and it's not even real, is on elite starfighters. In general, a company should probably have at least twice as many general production starfighters as they do more minor, specialized versions. Profits are more easily had from the former, as the latter involves a lot of high-cost development and construction.

Q: Can stealth be on a minor/limited-production item?
Yes. In fact, stealth is not something we want to have put on mass produced things. In general, mass produced ships should be relatively vanilla in construction. They're usually either a base for a unique, more specialized product to be made later, or they're cannon foddor. When you're looking to make money off these, you want your costs to be as low as possible. Why spend a huge amount of money installing a stealth system on a ship that's gonna go boom after one fight?

Q: Do weapon trades work on sub-capital craft as well (e.g. fighters, shuttles, etc)?
Yes. As well, there's not generally a penalty in weapon swapping for fighters and the like, as their weapon pools are much, much smaller. That said, if a Judge looks at a fighter and thinks it's being a little too extreme in pooling everything into one weapon, they might ask for some trade-offs.

Q: Can you fit handheld drones in a fighter's weapon bay? Will it count towards weapons?
This is a little fuzzy. Generally, if something's being loaded into a missile tube, it's meant to go boom. If it's meant to be something like a smart drone or something launched at high speeds, maybe. This is something that would have to be looked and decided a bit more on a case-by-case basis, as there are a number of factors that would have to be considered.

Q: Banana?


Of course you can. On more wild ideas, or if you're not certain about how it would all work out, we certainly encourage folks to PM us with questions. Like I said. We're here to help you guys make things happen.
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Figures I get the one inquiry that isn't yes or no.

Escucha, amigo.

  • A major/immense project needs to have at least two writers involved. All dev threads do.
  • A major/immense project needs to span at least two or three threads. The longer these threads are and the higher quality the posts, the more likely it'll be accepted.
  • The major projects to tier four and five don't need to be as big as the one for tier six.
  • Examples of projects are as follows: Silk Holdings built a series of massive, expensive space trains all over the Outer Rim and Wild Space. That was an immense project. Santhe Corporation is currently in the process of building a recycling compound of gargantuan proportions on Raxus Prime. That is a major project.
    Good ideas for MAJOR PROJECTS:
    Designing a unique, one of a kind hypervelocity gun the likes of which have never been seen before!
  • Designing a defensive space station the likes of which have never been seen before!
  • Designing a particularly massive, lethal battle droid the likes of which have never been seen before!
  • Chart a hyperspace route!
  • Build an insanely large fueling depot, factory, foundry, arena, Colosseum, thing! Just make it impressive!

[*]Good ideas for IMMENSE PROJECTS:
  • Design an ultra-effective, ultra-cool, ultra-expensive hypervelocity gun and sell them all across the galaxy to dozens upon dozens of people!
  • Build a really, really, really, really huge battleship!
  • Chart a really big hyperspace route!
  • Innovate the crap out of something! Create a bacta alternative! Knock my socks off and impress me!
Factory Judge
I have had this character Zero for a long time. And when I had him during his first stages, he used a Songsteel sword. Since they were canon, and it fit my characters style, I used one. However, since the creation of the rules for having to do Dev threads for lightsaber resistant material, I was questioning if I would have to do a thread to gain the songsteel so I can create a tech sub for it? That way if someone would call me out on having a songsteel blade, I could show them that it is truly mine and whatever else.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

Gerion Ardik said:
Build an insanely large fueling depot, factory, foundry, arena, Colosseum, thing! J
so if MandalMotors, a shipwright built a stadium for the upcoming bolo ball league and helped chart/build a hyperlane these would count as major projects?
Also, could you explain why increasing revenue (I.e securing large deals etc.) with a company's subsidiary does not count for the father company? Doesn't it stand to reason that the revenue is going to the father company to be redistributed and said father company's factories or whatever they use would be the ones being used to produce said large deal? In other words, shouldn't subsidiaries be helping the father company grow as well as itself?

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