Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amadalia Vyrn

Amadalia Vyrn


NAME: Amadalia Vyrn
FACTION: Omega Protectorate
RANK: Observer
SPECIES: Human (seemingly)
AGE: late thirties (seemingly)
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 145lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale white
FORCE SENSITIVE: No ( seemingly)


+ A shrewd businesswoman and good mental barriers to prevent probing of her mind.
+ Well informed in current business trends regarding politics and trade.

- Seemingly not meant for combat.
- Her good looks tend to make her appear as if she isn't smart at all.

Amadelia Vyrn is an Omega Protectorate Observer, who typically does her rounds for reviewing Omega Star Corp's assets. She is a tall, willowy woman with a kind of lethal sensuality just behind her crimson smile.

This is an alias of Cira; while she uses her she is maintaining Quy'tek meditation and has shifted to appear so using her Shi'ido abilities. It is very difficult to discover as she is not using the Force to shift, but racial abilities, and as such, would take an intimate familiarity of the Lady Protector to determine it is her.



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