New Member

NAME: My name is Amaris Saar. Saar is not my given name.
FACTION: I have no faction, but a loyalty to the dark side and the sith.
RANK: I am a sith, even if I have much to learn.
SPECIES: While I do not know my homeworld I am half Kiffar.
AGE: I do not see why this matters but, if you must know, I am twenty five by galactic standard.
SEX: I am female, and that is all you need to know.
HEIGHT: I stand tall at five feet and nine inches.
WEIGHT: You ask infuriating questions, but I will humor you. One hundred thirty seven pounds.
EYES: Can you not see them? Clearly they are red and gold.
HAIR: My hair is black with red highlights.
SKIN: My skin is fair, but with a hint of tanning.
FORCE SENSITIVE: I am, though I had thought that would be obvious.
I am what you see, but not entirely what you perceive. While my mind may be tainted and unhinged, my body is refined. Unlike those who took me in as a child I am prone to violent thoughts and actions. Though this may be, I am proficient in using weapons and my body as a means of avoiding repercussions for my outbursts; most of the time. While it bothers me little to admit it, I find myself unable to resist the temptations to love and envy the things others have that I do not. Power, love, desire, I will not hesitate to kill for those things; and kill them if I cannot have them.
While I may be proficient with a blade and the use of martial combat arts, I find the Force to be as much an enemy as an adversary with a blade. I have learned my share of minor powers, such as telekinesis and lightning, but I am far from capable of using them extensively. In part this is due to my not having a master, however this is also due to my inexperience with use of the Force. Perhaps another flaw is that I simply do not care for the emotions of those I've hurt. It's quite the opposite if I love someone or something, however. Everything and more for that which I crave.
Force Lightning
Form II Makashi
Form VII Juyo - Untamed

Take a good look and hopefully you won't forget. At an early age I was a scrawny, long haired brat with little to show for my stature. Now, decades later, I've grown into my body. However, unlike what you would likely expect, I did this to myself. Numerous piercings to accompany scars or simply display my desire to embolden myself, they all fall under the same reason I dress and wear my hair the way I do.
I like my hair short, but for an edge I shaved it completely off the left side of my head because it appealed to me. You might say that was the same reason I died part of my hair red. As for my clothing? If what I said above isn't enough for you, perhaps I might entice you to come a little closer and explore the reasoning for yourself? Unless you're too shy, then perhaps another time. I dress to represent my feelings and desires, because if I like to get what I want. Besides, it makes me feel bold and powerful.
If you need a list of materials perhaps you might say I prefer leathers, chains and cloth to go with my boots and gloves. The more I expose the less likely you are to take me seriously. Am I mistaken?
And so begins the sad story of a girl who thought she could be me.
Amaris Kyral was born on the planet Kiffex to a Kiffar scavenger and a human former slave, an odd combination to say the least but one that did not escape the watchful eye of the Jedi Order. For months she lived happily with those parents, like any child should, until her father was approached by a string of Jedi Knights seeking to take his gifted daughter away.
With no way to feed the child, she being the newest of five, he gave her up willingly to give her a 'better life'. Perhaps the choice was the right one then, but in time others would come to learn the mistake. For it was not long after she had been indoctrinated into the Jedi Order that she began to show signs of yearning and desire to distance herself from those who sought to teach her.
As the years passed the girl took a keen interest in a much older, much wiser Jedi Master. A man who, by all means, was not only easy on the eyes but powerful beyond words. With great interest the girl took to attempts to impress the Master; the man she desired so greatly to be hers. But with each advance and display she only found him drifting further and further away. And so, rather than focus on the disbelief and shame of being abandoned, she turned to friendship.
The girl met another girl, a human, and sought to remedy her pains with the joys of moderated companionship. A remedy that lasted for some time as both girls grew to understand the lightsaber and the Force, but one that would not completely suffice as a filler for the gaping hole in her heart for the Jedi Master she craved. In fact her friendship with the girl only fed into the jealousy and envy that would bubble over in the years to come.
For, when it came time for the Master to make a final decision of which padawan he wanted to take as his own, he chose the human girl. At first the girl was devastated, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Within days she became unable to cope with the reality, falling victim to the twisting effects of jealousy and envy of the girl who had taken everything she desired most from her; even if unwittingly. For several days the girl allowed for this Master and apprentice bond to flourish and unfold it's measures, hoping that she might still be able to win his heart.
However, a terrible reality came in the form of the man doting after his apprentice in ways she wished he would do with her alone. An atrocity she could not forgive. Forgetting herself, her love, her compassion, even her friendship, the girl stole into her former friend's room in the night. All that could be said of the incident days later was that the girl had disappeared and the Master's apprentice was found dead in her bed; apparently beaten and strangled before she could fully rouse herself to call for help.
In the years following the incident, the girl sought out new avenues to learn the ways of the Force. Darker, more seductive ways. It was during those years that she met and came to tutelage under a wandering Sith. He did not give her his name, nor did he grant her even the hint of something that might bind her to his allure. Instead, he taught her what little she needed to know to become the most basic of warriors and left her to survive on her own.
For a time the girl struggled to come to terms with what she'd become. Often times turning to her blade work to make the time pass when she could not muster more powerful abilities from her connection to the Force. Settling on the work of lightning and telekinesis the girl focused her efforts on perfecting her ability with a lightsaber; eventually constructing a variety of sabers from crystals she had stolen from the Jedi Enclave and her former friend. Though she had little in the way of written knowledge and spoken word, she found enough in the lingering avenues of the galaxy to teach herself the art of lightsaber combat.
For a time she disappeared, not a trace of her whereabouts and endeavors to be found. But in time she returned. As lustful and eager as she had ever been, but with a skill and drive she knew few could possibly understand.
She would need a master. A true master. Only then would she be able to fully realize her power in the dark side of the Force.
While it is not my preference I fly a hyperdrive and shield equipped imperial TIE Phantom.
As for equipment I have two red single bladed lightsabers and an unstable red double bladed lightsaber.
None as of yet.
None as of yet.
To come...