Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Amaris Tanenat

Cataline Holt



Image Credit

NAME: Amaris Tanenat

NICKNAME: Amar, Amara

FACTION: Friends and Family

OCCUPATION: Slicer, Mechanic, Scavenger

SPECIES: Felacatian


AGE: 22

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 6’0”


EYES: Blue

HAIR: Reddish-brown/pink

SKIN: Light complexion, very short white fur (generally hard to see, soft to the touch)




Significant Other: Single

Sexual Orientation: Straight


+ Techy/Handy – Amaris is skilled in slicing, computers, datapads, and repairing mechanics. She picks up the knowledge quickly and easily and is able to apply it to fast.

+ Vision & Biology – Due to the feline in her, she has excellent eyesight, including in the dark. Likewise, she has superb balance, fast reflexes, and speed.

- Abandonment – Her first memory is that of her mother giving her away. This has left a lifetime of why’s, what if’s, and other theoreticals. She can’t quite get over it and it impacts in her every day life and relationships.

- Shaky Control – It was hard for Amaris to gain control over her morphing. She has not mastered it while feeling angry, and she has a huge fear of shifting while in hyperspace. As such, she often takes shorter trips despite it being more costly and taking more time.

- Sensitive senses - While her vision, smell, and hearing are more intense & stronger than a regular human, it also means bright flashes, loud noises, or repugnant odors effect her more harshly. A bomb exploding, for example, may cause her ears to ring and a natural reaction to protect her ears - resulting in her lowering her defenses for a few seconds.

- Genetic Quirk 1 – She was a furless baby, and while it grew in, her fur coat still is barely noticeable. This led to some confidence issues, especially as she was growing up around other Felacatians.

- Genetic Quirk 2 – Similarly to the above, anytime she shifts back to her normal state, she gets very fatigued and usually cannot (unless it triggers without her control) willingly switch back without a period of rest.


There are some easily noticeable things about Amaris that would catch someone’s eyes.
  • Her own eyes are like a cats – the pupil is diamond shaped.
  • Her canine teeth hang slightly over her bottom lip.
  • She has two, medium sized cat ears
  • She has a tail
The rest of Amaris is typical – she has a reddish-brown/pink color, blue colored eyes, and a light complexion. She also has a very fine, barely noticeable white fur that covers her body. If touched, it feels very soft but generally is hard to see.

As a Felacatian, she can transform into a feline predator. In this form, Amaris is about the size of a tiger. Her eyes are yellow, her claws are sharp enough to cut through durasteel, and she has spikes dotting from her shoulders down through her back.


It was bright.

That was the most Amaris could remember from what seemed, or felt like, was the worst day of her life. She couldn’t have been more than 4-5 years old. She didn’t know if it was on Felacat or not. She was handed off to another person, an older woman. A human she'd end up spending the rest of her young life with.

Amaris looked back – the most detailed memory she kept, the face of her mother looking in her eyes. A kiss on her forehead. And then, she was gone.

She wasn’t sure what happened, but she felt her body ripple as tears began to stream down her face. The old woman looked sad, too. "I'm sorry," the elderly woman said. Or perhaps she imagined that bit. But Amaris did remember pain from the hit.

She woke up several hours later, seemingly back to normal on a small bed. Several other beds with other children – all like her, it seemed.

And mere minutes later, she found out she was at an orphanage on Lutrillia that sat upon one of it’s Eastward moving cities. Why there? Apparently, the old lady wanted cats but was allergic to all of them. There wasn’t a species of feline in the galaxy she wasn’t allergic to – except for the Felacatians. And so, she decided to open an orphanage for people like Amaris. Weird.

But the old lady cared, and loved, each of them. There was no horror story in Amaris life at the orphanage, unlike every holoshows and movies that always played the worst of circumstances. She was fed well, educated, and even was immensely trained in controlling her morphing tendencies. She was probably the worst out of her batch, but… She could handle stressful situations. It was anger that broke her, most of the time.

At 14, though, she found out she had a special talent for computers and repairing mechanical parts. The young girl managed to slice into a variety of servers – although too afraid to actually do anything, she would exit the server right afterwards. The point, though, was that she could do it - and that made herself proud. At 16, though, is when she found out she was a tinkerer. An emergency breakdown caused the platform hosting the city to nearly stop moving. It was a full alert, and she decided to make a chance move by getting involved.

It ended up landing her a job. She helped find the a piece in the moving mechanism and had to reset the system, albeit with some help from the engineers. A prodigy, they said. And so, she found her first, part-time job. She’d begin this position full time at 18. But at 20, she had an itch. She wanted to get out and see more of the galaxy. Wanderlust and all that. She had saved a ton of credits, too, so… She packed a big backpack of clothes, essentials, some holophotos, and began jumping from planet to planet. Mostly, she took odds and ends jobs – slice this, scavenge this. Repair xyz on the xyz thing.

2 years out, she wasn’t sure where she wanted to land. Go back to help her foster mother for a while? Continue the same ole? Find a new adventure? Time would tell…
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