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Approved Starship Ambassador-class Corvette

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Manufacturer: Hex Incorporated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average







  • Nimble: With fantastic speed and maneuverability, the Ambassador-class is extremely agile.
  • Ordnance: Primarily designed to aid in planetary operations and patrols, the corvette has several capable weapons and systems.
  • Space: Designed for landing operations, the ship has space for one squadron of starships, land vehicles, and a large number of troops.
  • Retractable: All the guns on the ship are situated in turrets that can retract into the hull of the ship for extra protection and camouflage. Furthermore, the s-foils on either side can rotate vertically and fold inward to aid with maneuvering and/or docking

  • Defenses: With most of the focus on weapons and systems, the defenses are somewhat lacking.
  • Small: The ship can easily be outclassed by bigger ships.
  • Shields: The molecular shielding's capability is significantly weaker than those found in dedicated generators
  • Support: Due to the size, the ship can’t fit many spacecraft in its hangar.

The perfect companion to the powerful Conqueror-class Star Destroyer, the Ambassador-class corvette is designed specifically to be able to fit into the hangar of the massive vessel, allowing it to rapidly deploy in any situation.

The corvette can comfortably fit a number of land vehicles as well as a full company of soldiers in its cargo hold, on top of a squadron of support craft in its hangar bay. This versatile design allows the ship to be easily thrown into different roles, such as freighters, patrol craft, or even landing vessels for planetary operations.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create corvette

Technical Information

Affiliation: Hex Incorporated
Starship Class: Corvette (50-200m)
Starship Role: Patrol
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, Glasteel, various other materials
Armaments: Ion cannons, laser cannons, turbolaser cannons, launch tubes
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 150
Cargo Capacity: Average
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