Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ambroys de Saintraille

General Information
Name: Ambroys de Saintraille
Aliases: The Mad Count, Count of Mania, Lord Kiria
Gender: Male
Age: Five Hundred
Species: Human
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Dark
Location of Birth: Coruscant
Faction: The Sith Empire
Rank: Lord

Height: 5'11
Weight: 155lbs
Physical Build: Lithe
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin: Caucasian

Psychological Information
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Morale: Unshakable
Mental Health: Mad

Strengths & Weaknesses

Age is just a number: Thanks to the countless body swaps, stealing of life force and other life-preserving techniques, Lord Kiria has been around for an extensively long amount of time, five hundred years to be precise. This provides the Lord with substantial banks of knowledge of yesteryear and countless years to perfect his craft and his mastery of the Dark Side of the Force. Whilst this all sounds well and good, he's perhaps not the most reliable of sources for history or teachings for reasons that should be more than obvious when meeting with the Lord of the Sith.

Cheese! For everyone!: A fractured mind playing host to mania, insanity and perhaps just a little bit of dementia is bound to have some problems down the line. In simple terms, Lord Kiria is downright nuts. Utterly unpredictable and can change from song and dance to joyful torture with very little intervention at all. This isn't to say that the Mad Count acts foolishly with malicious intent and swaps sides every other day. To the Sith and probably to everyone who sits in just cause within his eyes probably won't have any of this happen to them and will probably just see him as well, mad.

Mind over Matter: Lord Kiria is not primarily a saber duelist and prefers to rely on his roots with the Force and its abilities rather than taking to saber-versus-saber dueling. Whilst he still carries a Lightsaber to signify his place within the Sith and isn't a complete novice with utilizing it, a master of the blade will probably have a very easy time defeating him if the battle came to 'my stick versus your stick'. This also carries over to his physical strength, relying on other Sith that possess higher physical strength than himself to handle heavy lifting and other such tasks; it's what they're made for, after all.

Equipment & Unique Items

Lightsaber: A standard construct Lightsaber utilizing a red crystal, mostly used by Lord Kiria as a identity of rank and reserve weapon when utilizing the Force as his primary weapon fails.

Clothing: Typically Lord Kiria has access to a rather exquisite array of attire. Mostly suits and formal attire, he of course has the other bare essentials such as a rebreather and simple armor for when fighting on the front-lines.

Force Abilities

Force Sense - Level I
Force Stealth - Level II
Force Push - Level II
Force Pull - Level II
Force Lightning - Level III
Animal Bond - Level III
Force Drain - Level III
Dark Transfer - Level III
Force Horror / Force Fear - Level IV
Tutaminis - Level IV

Additional Information

Backstory: Before the Gulag plague ravaged the Galaxy as a whole, numerous tales began to surface of a Sith. This Sith was as common as any other, guided by his passions and his desires and, throughout the ages, followed his pursuit of knowledge like an animal follows the scent of its next dinner, but by no means was this Sith barbaric. No, this Sith had a sense of regency, of class, one that stood him in good stead when it came to diplomacy and charisma. Many a tale exists where Abroys de Saintraille spun webs of lies and deceit to get past even the best of the Light but instead of destroying them like many of his other brethren could only dream of, it was used to sow the seeds of corruption. Jedi fell to the tainted bait only to find their allegiances stride to the Dark Side and the Sith kept their power among the Galaxy with a tight grip.

One would think that this achievement was grand enough, the knowledge to completely swallow the Light with lies and deceit would be more than satisfactory for the noble Sith though this assumption was far from correct. Seeking more power, especially with age creeping up on the Sith, he sought new and deeper understandings of the Dark Side of the Force. A moderate curiosity soon became addiction and with the more he obtained, the greater the greed came. It was unsurprising that this downward spiral would spell the end of the Sith, consumed by the very thing he sought... Only fate would not be so kind as to simply let the great Ambroys perish and his name become simply a part of history.

His search led him to Oricon, a place where the legendary Dread Masters had once called home in ages past. For the duration of the Gulag Plague as it swept through the Galaxy, the Sith was safely hidden away within the halls of the Dread Fortress, studying the accumulated knowledge there as it washed over him. Regency was soon muddled with a fractured mind; a perhaps overlooked circumstance of the Sith's desire for the darker knowledge he sought. Mania, Dementia, overall Insanity. Finally the Sith with a sense of royalty had a title; the Count of Madness... Though it was clearly self-appointed.

With the Galaxy's healthy recovery, it soon became time for Ambroys to leave the safety of the Fortress and began to travel the Galaxy and see just what the recovering state had to offer. Riddled with the fracture of his own mind, he sought out a Court headed by himself. It took some time, considerable amounts to be exact to find people willing to follow such an outlandish ideal yet he succeeded and, within the walls of his own cocoon on Oricon, the Court of Saintraille was established. Over the years, plots were foiled, souls were absorbed, life force stolen. Just as he had created it, it died by his own hand to sustain him.

Never abolishing the title of Count of Madness, he finally left Oricon for good, travelling the Galaxy as part of his 'Grand Vacation'. In truth, there was no real telling what his plan was.

Ship: Star Courier


Notable Relations





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