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Skirmish Ambush on Eos || LAW vs Diarchy

Shooting Stars & Flaming Hearts


The factory world of Eos, once a bustling hub of industrial might during the times of the ancient Confederacy, has long been dormant, its massive factories silent and shrouded in mystery. When the Outer Rim Development Corps dispatches a survey team to explore these ancient structures, they aim to uncover valuable technologies and resources that could benefit the galaxy. However, when all contact with the team is abruptly lost, concerns arise.

Fearing the worst, the League suspects that pirates or salvagers might have attacked the team. In response, they send a Ranger patrol, accompanied by a team of Jedi, to investigate the situation on Eos. Unbeknownst to them, a far more sinister force lurks in the shadows.

The Diarchy, a Dark Side sect, has claimed the factory world as a strategic base for their dark ambitions. Intent on utilizing the ancient Confederate technology to bolster their power, they are prepared to defend their newfound territory at any cost. As the League's forces arrive, they find themselves embroiled in a deadly skirmish against the Diarchy, facing not only well-armed troopers but also the remnants of long-forgotten war machines reactivated by the neo-Imperial legion.

Recommended for Rangers, Spacers, and independents
League Rangers and Spacer captains descend upon Eos’ primary droid foundry, where the Diarchy’s stormtroopers have dug in deep. Their numbers are bolstered by an increasing number of reawakened battle droids - the Dark Siders have activated the ancient foundries. Secure a landing zone, breach the factories, and shut down the Diarchy operation.

Recommended for Troopers and Imperials
Diarchy military forces have secured the droid factory on Eos, after eliminating the expeditionary group. Word was received of a larger retaliatory force approaching. Ensure the security of Diarchy assets utilizing any means necessary. The recently reactivated droid works will add support to your forces.

POTENTIAL THREATS: Standard-issue droids are fighting alongside the Diarchy, but not all of them are as compliant; a squadron of vicious commando droids have gone rogue and are wreaking havoc on both sides of the skirmish.


Recommended for Jedi, Light Siders, and neutral Forcers
In the heart of the foundry, the Diarchy’s Dark Side leadership commands their forces and holds the facility in an iron grasp. While the League’s armed forces engage their storm troopers below, a team of Jedi and Light Siders face off against their Dark Side counterparts.

Recommended for Diarchy Sith and allied Dark Siders
The League of Autonomous Worlds’ Jedi forces are approaching the Diarchy leadership, believing their cause can triumph over the strength of the lords gathered here. Show these Jedi the folly of their ways.

POTENTIAL THREATS: Forgotten security systems have gone haywire during the attack, targeting both League and Diarchy forces indiscriminately. Autoturrets, laser fences, and Droidekas have deployed with reckless abandon throughout the foundry’s myriad control rooms and command centers.


Location: Eos Droid Factory
Objective: Let the sparks fly

Lord Reign analyzed the readouts in the control room of the droid factory. When he had received word from their advanced forces of the potential incursion and subsequent elimination thereof, he had raced back to the planet, aware of potential reprisal.

From the command center, the Dark Lord watched the enemy forces arrive, activating droids to bolster the Diarchy storm troopers and ground support already stationed in the factory. But now that was the least of his concerns. He had felt them before the tac readout had advised him… Jedi, and plenty of them.

Turning to the acolytes gathered with him, he said
“these foolish Jedi have come to avenge their fallen allies, they believe they stand a chance against the power of the Diarchy, show them how wrong they are”
Leading from the front, Reign removed his outer robe and ignited his crimson blade, the red light from his blade making the gold accents and ancient Sith symbols on his robe appear to dance. The black and gold hilt shining in his hands.

Stepping foot out of the control center, the Dark Lord encountered a group of Droidekas, when they wouldn’t stand down Reign yelled
“Destroyer droids! Take them down!” batting bolts at the shielded menaces.
Droid Factory
Ally Tags:
Sor-Jan Skywalker Sor-Jan Skywalker
Enemy Tags: Darth Reign Darth Reign

The Rubicon was the finest ship in the galaxy. Pal Veda would stand by that to the death. So when they called in the cavalry to head to Eos, the Captain gathered a team in the souped up YT-2400 and punched the hyperdrive.

Now he was barreling toward the volcanic world, sensors lighting up as soon as he broke through the upper atmosphere. “Take out those ground defenses!” he barked over the comms to the men on the guns. The heavy dual laser cannon turrets roared to life, raining down on the anti-air weapons from above. Pal cut back and forth, sometimes turning the disc-shaped vessel completely vertical, avoiding incoming missiles to prevent his shields from overloading. “There!” he yelled to no one but himself, forgetting the co-pilot’s chair was currently empty.

With a clear landing zone in sight, Pal engaged the targeting computer and flipped the switch covering the red button on his controls. “Torpedoes away!” Two concussion missiles rocketed toward the surface, instantly destroying the ground cannons guarding the platform. His gunners weren’t doing too bad either, clearing the second layer of defenses for their approach. And of course the Rubicon wasn’t alone, with other modified freighters and fighters speeding toward the same destination, looking for their own touch down spots.

The adrenaline fueled descent seemed like an eternity, but took only a couple of minutes in reality. Pal brought the YT-2400 down gingerly onto the platform and immediately lowered the landing ramp. They were right outside the entrance of the main droid factory, where the real fight was waiting.

Pal flipped some switches and engaged the shutdown sequence, then turned on the shields and automated defenses. “BB!” He called, looking around for his astromech.

Whirrr! Beep Beep! The droid came rolling in, cursing in binary as always.

”You’re coming with us.” He grabbed his small pack of thermals and extra slugs and slung it over his shoulder. “We don’t know what we’re up against, and you know I can’t slice for bantha poodoo.”

Beep beep! BB was obviously excited for a little danger. Droids obviously didn’t understand death.

Pal led the astromech out of the cockpit and into the galley, where the crew of bounty hunters and mercs were already departing. He grabbed his shotgun hanging from the wall and headed out with them.

“Nice shooting, kid,” he commented to Sor-Jan Skywalker Sor-Jan Skywalker , a new recruit that had volunteered to man the cannons on entry. “I hope you’re as good with a blaster.”
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LOCATION: EOS Droid Factory

Rellik was on the lower levels of the EOS factory listening to alarming news from his litigation droid that was overviewing droid production. "My Lord several of the droids we have produced are not listening to the functions we are designating for them. Several of the B-2 series droids we have tasked with moving heavy materials around have outright not performed the task. Including this my Lord we have had B-2 droid go rogue and attack several troopers. Luckily its armaments were not active at the time as we had it performing menial labor. Attacking with his chassis alone." The droid stated in his usual promptness.

"Thank you Onyx, I will be taking this information directly to Darth Reign Darth Reign . On his command alone re-active the droids to military standards. See to it that production does not cease, I do not see these problems alone as things we can not solve." Knowing there had already been a Corp of people sent to the planet that the Diarchy had disposed of Rellik could not see stopping production to fix this issue in case more arrived. With that he began to head to the main control of the plant.

After arriving at the heart of the factory he met with the other head of the Diarchy who was guiding new acolytes. Informing him of the information his droid had delivered Rellik sat with a few of the pupils while they studied.

It was at this moment both brothers of the Diarchy felt a disturbance. Jedi, with that Alarms began to blare as the tac readout began to inform them of ships arriving in their space. Listening to his brothers rally cry for the acolytes and the activation of the droids to bolster the forces, he watched as they walked out, only to be met by malfunctioning droids.

With that the Dark Lord tapped into the force rushing in front of some of their acolytes to protect them with his Sorezu fighting form. Showing that he valued the lives of these men in a way untypical of most Sith.

The fighting had begun.

Darth Reign Darth Reign


Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | OPEN
Objective 1: Means of Production
Location: Droid factory, Eos


From the moment they went into hyperspace right up until Pal Veda Pal Veda walked into the Rubicon’s galley, Sor-Jan’s heart had been pounding inside his chest. He was wide-eyed and still trying to catch his breath as he nodded his thanks to Pal.

Sor-Jan was up on his feet quickly, and he patted his holdout pistol in its holster. It was an antique to most, but Sor-Jan found it himself and put in many hours bringing the ancient blaster up to par with most standard weapons of 900 ABY.

I’m right behind you, Captain,” the boy said. He wasn’t sure yet just how formal these Spacer types were. It seemed to vary from person to person, which Sor-Jan both respected but also found confusing. Nomenclature aside, he was ready, and when the Rubi’s landing ramp came down, Sor-Jan was right beside Pal and the other mercs.

Spacer forces, which he learned were called Rangers, were engaged with a mix of Imperials and ancient battle droids. A few stray blaster bolts sizzled in the air overhead, sending Sor-Jan to his knees behind a pile of rubble and tarnished factory equipment. They weren’t in the direct line of fire yet, but that didn’t mean they were safe, either.

What’s the plan?” Sor-Jan asked loudly, projecting his voice over the sound of battle.



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