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Faction Ambush over Kynachi

Kanollic II Vethres


Kanollic II Vethres
Chief Inspector
Patriarch of House Vethres
Minister of Bal Talmshaa

Location: Orbit of Kynachi
Tags: Open
Post Number: 1


The soft glow of hyperspace dimmed as the First Model Pellaeon Class Star Destroyer 'Telvast' moved into the System of Kynachi on her last mission. Although considerably old when she was built for the Fel Empire underneath the Reign of Roan Fel; her demolition was halted by the Imperial Navy until now. The Imperial War Machine needed as much resources as possible in order to quell the recent chiss insurgency and the brewing conflict with the Galactic Alliance. The small orbital fleet protecting the system was seen ahead from the bridge of the destroyer. A clicking sound was heard as fingers typed into the small terminal within the Captain's Quarters and the glow of the screen casted itself on the lone occupant within the room. Chief Inspector Kanollic II Vethres had come to this world for a personal investigation into numerous raids on imperial shipping lanes. All the information gathered pointed to this exact system due to the empire being occupied elsewhere at this moment in time.

The hiss sound of the door was heard which drew the attention of the Chief Inspector's whose brown weary looking eyes gazed ahead at Senior Lieutenant Quellard Vurr who was the assistant to the current captain of the vessel. "Excuse me, Sir. We have just exited hyperspace around the system of Kynachi and are making our approach towards the orbital fleet." : The Senior Lieutenant explained with a formal tone. "Very well; Senior Lieutenant. Inform the captain that I will be heading up to the bridge." : Kanollic replied with a slight grizziled tone due to being 76 years old; reaching up on the desk to grab his officer cap which was then placed upon his white hair. "Yes; Chief Inspector." : Quellard replied to the man; moving away from the door towards the lift down the hall which would transport him to the bridge of the aging vessel.

The Senior Lieutenant would make a fine officer one of these days if not for his uncreative thinking when it came to battle tactics; the man was easily predictable even in model simulations. He mused that even a tatooine bantha would make a better officer for the Imperial Navy. He moved with some slowness due to his age but arrived at the lift and inserted his code cylinders to allow him access to the bridge. After a short ride; the doors would open up and allow him onto the bridge as the Navy Troopers on board gave him a salute. While his rank wasn't particularly high within the Imperial Hierarchy it did carry some weight in order to fulfill his duties to the Imperial Inspectorate. After a short distance on the walkway he arrived next to Captain Tullo Juarg the lead commander for this vessel before she was retired from service permanently.

"Has anything appeared on the radar, Captain?" : Kanollic asked folding his hands behind his back to gaze ahead. "Nothing as of yet; Chief Inspector. Although our communications have been inflexing." : Captain Juarg replied in a formal tone; having been a personal friend to the Vethres Bloodline for a considerable while. This was supposed to be a standard patrol mission to defend against the Brotherhood of the Maw should they send a force through the side of the empire. Although no such activity had been reported since they arrived. "Captain; we have hyperspace signals incoming." A person replied as the scanners indicated several vessels coming out of hyperspace on the eastern side of the planet. "Are they Imperial?" : Captain Juarg asked having turned around to semi-face the technician down below; although only receiving a no in response. "Blasted it all; this vessel isn't equipped to fight a modernized fleet head on." : He further added to the sound of alarms signaling across the vessel.

"Pull up all information on the fleet;" : Kanollic replied moving away from the head of the bridge to look on the screens. As the information came back after scans to show the enemy fleet and confirmed that they were well equipped pirate vessels due to the symbols on the side. The Telvast had considerable firepower but due to its age; it would be totally destroyed by a modernized fleet that had upgraded weaponry and shielding. The Pirate Fleet wasn't considerably large but they posed enough of a challenge.

"Brace for impact " : Captain Juarg said as a full powered volley of heavy turbolaser fire struck across their shielding along the hull decreasing it to around 90%. "Turn the destroyer towards them and recharge those cannons. If it is a fight they want than it is a fight they will get. We are the Imperial Navy!" : Captain Juarg later added to rally his men as the Telvast began to move rather slowly towards the enemy fleet where its heavy turbolaser batteries could inflict a considerable amount of damage. "Get those TIE Fighters out of the hanger now!!" : He later said as the TIE Fighter Crews were swiftly assembled and exited out the hangers to the signature roar from their ion engines through space. Another round of turbolaser fire from the enemy fleet pounded into the long angular front of the destroyer which disabled several batteries on the vessel and further brought the shielding down to 87%. The Telvast had manaed to turn just enough by now to begin unloading their own heavy trubolaser fire which struck a Paranoda Class Assault Frigate and nearly crippled it.

"Attention; all Imperial Vessels nearby. This is Chief Inspector Kanollic II Vethres of the Imperial Inspectorate. We have been ambushed by a considerable pirate fleet near the Kynachi System. We are requesting immediate aid from all Imperial Forces nearby to quell this threat to the system" : Kanollic said into a secure transmissions line although it started to fuzz due to communication interference from the pirate fleet. Moving away from the monitors and onto the bridge once more as the firefight between the Telvast and the Pirate Fleet only intensified. It was only a matter of time before the vessel was destroyed by the more modernized pirate fleet and he only hoped that assistance would arrive in time.

  • I will be controlling the Pirate Fleet through this account; but separating it from my dialogue with another divider.

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