Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amelia von Sorenn {Redux}

3,680 BBY
Elder Sanguinius Vampirika - Epicanthix Hybrid
1.9 meters
79.3 kilograms
Golden-Yellow Eyes
Black Hair
Alabaster Skin
Force Dead
Confederacy of Independent Systems
High Marshal of the Capital Armada
Shorter than the average Epicanthix, she still towers over many others whom she has come across. Her height often coupled with her cold demeanor and stare has proven to keep others from harassing her or even thinking of lifting a hand against her.

She pulls back the veil of the world; seeing it through a pair of nearly luminescent yellow eyes. While those hues alone stand out, she furthers their appearance through the utilization of dark cosmetics. Blacks and deep blue tones shown her eyes as if they are stars blinking upon the darkened void of space. Though beyond a pale lipstick she uses little in the form of cosmetics. She was lucky enough to have been graced with beauty from birth; a fact that she has accepted and often flaunts.

Those few though that take a moment to look closer upon the features of the woman will begin to reveal secrets of their own. Unlike many others of her kind, she finds it uncomfortable to keep her teeth hidden, rather she keeps her canines exposed. Piercing yellow eyes also further reveal that she is not what she appears upon the outside, though many are too often looking elsewhere beyond focusing upon her slight features. Thus even with bits showing, she still manages to hide her vampiric heritage from those around her.

While much of her face is unmarred, as she was always careful to ensure that was left unscathed; the same is not said for her form. Scars otherwise mar her alabaster skin, and while many others would be ashamed or even desire to find a means to remove them, for her they are all a tale - a mark of which to be proud. The most noticeable is that which was also the closest to ending her life; the scar running from the upper right hip and terminating just below her left breast.

In terms of clothing she has often come to prefer the close comfort and caress of her full body-glove; though upon this is often worn a set of armor which she has become accustomed to wearing at all times. In those instances when a gown is often deemed necessary - as armor would be seen as a cause for concern - she drapes herself in clothing that would be just as at home in a Zeltron's closet. The colors of which range in a small variety of her favorite colors, mainly purples, blacks and reds.


Cold and enduring; as a rock that has weathered storm after storm and yet in all that time the cracks, if there have been any, have never shown. Her life is one that should have been different, she should have not found herself upon the road she was forced to travel. Yet her mind has become honed to the point that she now believes there hath been no other road for her to travel. No matter had her life been different, she knows that she would always go down the path which she has found herself.

There is no room in her heart for anything more than contempt and coldness. Those whom seek to come closer find themselves rebuked and shunned. Those whom attempt to see themselves beyond anything more than a friend or associate are left wondering what had just happened and why they are missing a hand. Those few whom she permits to come that close to her are of her own whim and even then they do not often last by her side for more than a night.

Her own actions of keeping others away are a result of that which she has witnessed. Her parents bankrupting themselves to flee the reign of a tyrannical despot that sits upon the throne of Pantha. Her sister, so naive in her abilities as one night she lashed out in a nightmare - slaughtering all before Amelia herself put her down like a rabid dog.

There is always a moment when one's own mind is no longer capable of handling the woes of the galaxy at large. With so many missteps and mistakes made, she's closed herself off to many that she had once seen as friends - and in many ways - has come to the realization that perhaps she has no place in the galaxy; nor will she have what many consider a 'home' among the stars. Of all those that she held close at one point, there's only one - her daughter Imperia - whom she still looks upon and treats as any dotting and worried mother would.

Rather she's come to the conclusion that she must shed all that she once held close in order to ensure that there is nothing to be used against her in the future. Those that still follow her do so out of their own reasons - and even they understand that the past few years has caused the woman to further close herself off; effectively loosing any kind of progress she once had in opening herself to others.


Born of two worlds, inheriting traits of both her mother and father, and ultimately it was those traits that permitted her to survive for as long as she has. Her Vampiric Heritage; passed down from her mother's side granted her heightened senses (increasing her depth perception, sense of smell, hearing, and providing her with natural night vision). This heritage also manifested in enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. Much like those of her kind, she also posses increased endurance and durability, permitting her to accomplish feats on par to a Force User who is aided by the Force.

Additional inheritance of her vampiric heritage is the acquisition of accelerated healing, permitting her to recover from many wounds that would otherwise be described as grievous. This healing can further be enhanced provided that she feed from an individual, which she often restrains from doing due to the resulting death of the individual that occurs (she has however found no problem feeding upon force users).

Like many other species and certain oceanic species, she is essentially biologically immortal, showing no signs of aging or from the effects of toxins, disease or pathogens that other species succumb. However she is not to say, 'immortal', as excessive physical damage or mortal wounds can be fatal; resulting in death.

An oddity of her strain, the culmination of various factors, has resulting in the development of a unique capability that she refers to as 'blood memories'. This capability permits her to focus her accounts and actions, the sum of her life into a cohesive and comprehensive timeline which then can be passed onto others through the ingestion of her blood. Likewise, she is capable of forcefully recovering information from other individuals by ingesting their blood, though this often results in a chaotic and often misplaced sense of time.

Thus we come to the inheritance of her father, the male that fell for the woman that was her mother. From him she was granted the natural immunity that all Epicanthix are born with; an immunity from force assisted mental tricks, including influence, domination and mind reading.

Another gift bestowed upon her by her father's side; was that of being born Force Dead, and much like the Vong themselves, she is incapable of being sensed through the Force.

For all her strengths, there are just as many weaknesses that have been present since birth, or that have developed over the years of her existence.

Of all, the most prominent is the highly aggressive and acute form of photo-sensitivity that her kind share; the result of which is an allergy to ultraviolet radiation, causing her great pain when exposed to sunlight which manifests in burns and blistering upon the skin (she does not burst into flames as some fictional tales recount). Likewise, she finds it extremely discomforting to look into indirect sunlight as it strains her eyes. This can be overcome with the proper protective measures, specialized armors and equipment to prevent ultraviolet radiation from being absorbed, though the most common preventative measure is relegating all activities to night. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation effectively negates her healing capabilities, requiring medical attention.

Many species are what can be described as hemovoric, or as having a hemovore diet, resulting in the need to feed upon the blood of an individual. This is likewise a required need; and though she is capable of suppressing the need, she finds it difficult to do so for extended periods.

It is this hunger that can at times cause her to lock herself away from others, or to ensure that there is a 'sacrificial' individual near to prevent her from what could be described as 'turning feral'. Most times she ensures that her hunger is sated by devouring those that she defeats in combat, primarily force users.

While most activity is relegated to the hours between twilight and dawn, or the general activities aboard a vessel in the void of space; what little sleep she does manage to garner is often interrupted. For even her, at one time had a family, and that sleep is interrupted by the constant night terrors of an event she relives; the destruction of her sister by her own hands. This has resulted (even with her capabilities), in general fatigue and loss of sleep, though the primary affliction this has caused is a lack of connection. She can not, as many can, form lasting bonds (also resulting from her continued biological immortality).

Though she is capable of imparting her gift upon others, it is an occurrence that happens rarely due in part to those that agree often dying with an hour of being bitten. There are only very few individuals who are capable of surviving the process, and she's not met any whom are capable.

Strangely enough she has developed an allergic reaction to silver. While many 'silver allergies' are in fact nickle allergies (from the process of silver plated jewelry), hers is definitively a silver allergy. Much like the allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation, prolonged exposure to silver upon unprotected flesh results in irritation, rashes, or burns depending on the exact amount of time that has passed. However these injuries are not as easily healed, requiring immediate medical attention (if treatment is not administered, this can leave to Silver Poisoning and ultimately death).

The rage of a mother is a terrible thing to witness, though in the case of Amelia it is one that is unleashed upon others. If she was to see Imperia become injured, be it something minor like a cut, or a major wound; her rage would claim her senses. Tearing into the enemy, she would focus upon the singular act of reaching Imperia just to protect her little girl from further harm. Even ignoring any injuries she would take in the process.

While she is highly resistant to a variety of toxins and poisons, there is one that has a great effect upon her, be it ingested or introduce to her blood stream. While Nightshade is highly lethal to a lesser individual of her species; it causes paralysis in Amelia, with higher doses extending that paralysis. Additionally, an oddity of her species is how Spice (any variant) would affect her. If she is introduced to it, it effectively shuts off her healing capabilities for a few hours. Prolonged exposure to Spice would effectively shut off her healing capabilities until it were flushed from her system.


At a young age she left Panatha, barely able to even remember the family home; her parents having sold every last thing they had to flee what would prove to be a tyrannical ruler. Slowly they ran across the Galaxy, from one world to the next, always a step ahead of some war or invasion that would break out. Each time they would lose just a little more hope, a little more of themselves until the night when an individual claiming to be a Jedi approached them.

Her sister was said to have a gift, one that few in the galaxy could use or were even touched by; a gift that was special for their species due to their own immunity. Of course her family couldn't bare the thought of parting with their youngest, and refused the offer, rather choosing to remain with her and travel to the next world. Though such a decision would prove fatal as one night she lashed out; terrified of some nightmare she killed those around her, all the while she screamed in her sleep even as their parents tried to wake her to no avail.

The largest scar upon her body was gained in the following moments; when she approached her sister whom lashed out once more, nearly cutting Amelia in twain. Loosing blood, and purely running on adrenaline; she killed her sister as she slept, strangling the girl until her voice cried out no longer. It was not until the next morning was she found, slumped over and nearly dead, the blood in a small puddle beneath her. It was only by the grace of a thief that she survived, and now as she healed in a makeshift hospital of some invading army, she was alone in the galaxy.

The true story begins in this simple little field hospital on some back water world; the light filtering in through the sheer linens and sheets that made up the structure. A passing nurse saw the girl writhing in pain, her skin burning and breaking out in rashes. The only help that could be offered came when they moved her into a dark little house, at which point it was clear as to what she was. Her life could have just as easily ended there as the superstitious gathered, claiming she had slaughtered her family, and she would do the same. If it were not for the the protection of an elderly doctor, she would have not come unto the sorrow that was still laying before her.

A girl alone in the galaxy with preying eyes falling upon her. She survived her ordeal only to be thrown to the wolves, and on that battlefield she would learn all that she would need in order to survive, including the art of killing. For her, each time she brought another down, the same image flashed upon her mind of her sister killing their family. It was also during this time she learned that there was no one for her to care for, nor should she.

Any friend she made one day was gone the next, lost to some explosion or weapon. She shut herself away from the galaxy, allowing none within. For years she lived this way, moving about from battlefield to battlefield; until a very fateful day pushed them across the path. She did not care whom they were or what they called themselves, they fought sword upon sword and to her they were both enemies. As she watched this Jedi and Sith clash, she could only remember what her sister did and how that one being calling himself a Jedi had tried to take her. She knew within that this was what would have happened to her sister, just another weapon claiming a life.

Without a thought, be it on pure instinct or from some desire, she squeezed the trigger. With a cacophonous roar the ground shook and the air split, and as fire and smoke bellowed she lost sight of those that had been before her. It was not until the smoke cleared that it revealed both laying before her, dead on the same battlefield that had taken so many others from her.


So much death and destruction, her mind clouded with the horrors she had seen in the past many years. First her own family slaughtered by her sister. She almost becoming kindling for some back water worlds bon fire, and the many friends and acquaintances lost to war. The galaxy was too violent for her, even for what she was. She wanted nothing to do with it, thus she sought out technology to keep her from the Galaxy.

Carbonite, one of the few things in the galaxy that could keep an individual alive; frozen in time. That was what she sought out, and what more, she sought a place in which she could slumber. On some back water world in the Outer Rim, she found a cave, a place in which she would be left alone. It was not some ornate tomb, or some gaudy crypt. No, it was a simple cave dug out of the rock, and at the pit below, she would lay.

She was left there, frozen in carbonite, and over the years the location of this cave was forgotten. Those that had been part of her burial had passed down the story to their children. Though for hundreds of years it passed into myth of a creature that decided to lock itself away from the Galaxy. Time would soon show though, that sometimes stories become legends, and legends become myth, yet there is always that grain of truth hidden within that shows that it was not always a myth.

From the Darkness of the Outer Rim Territories an individual rose, an Umbaran who stepped away from the Jedi Order and the Galaxy. Disappearing from the public eye, he would reemerge as Darth Ruin, and with it came the rise of a New Sith; a new series of war that would continue the conflict between the Jedi and the Sith. It was during this conflict that the cave, lost to the years and nothing more than a myth, was discovered by those few that sought the truth.

Deep within the pit they clambered down into, they found it. A monolith of carbonite, sitting quietly in the darkness. The signs of whatever lain within showing strong, with curiosity getting the better of those that had found what they sought. For a moment she was blinded, her breaths came heavy as she fell from the carbonite, revealing that she was ancient from the armor she wore alone. The hunger though that had been buried with her emerged, and her first act was to slaughter those that had freed her from her slumber.

She would awake and leave that place only to find the Galaxy tearing itself apart with a new conflict of wars between Jedi and Sith. This war, this age of the New Sith Wars would prove the guiding hand in her feeling of those that used the Force. She watched as countless worlds were torn apart by the Jedi and the Sith in their conflict. She watched as normal people, much as she had been, fell to the despair and the darkness that rose from the conflict.

For her own part she desired some form of condolence, a means to at least help, and she did. Where ever she went, she at least tried to make the suffering and pain eased for those afflicted. For a time she had even joined with a group of mercenaries, and it was with them that her past, her training as a warrior returned to her. She revealed in the blood and destruction of war; her hunger sated each day as she wade through the battlefield.

In time though she saw anyone she had associated with find their end in battle, and watched as those few that did survive withered due to age. Those few she could call friends were soon no more than dust, whilst she endured. The final end came at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan; and though she was not on the world, she saw its effects across the galaxy. A thought bomb tearing apart the souls of those that used the Force, it was clear that the effects would ripple through the galaxy for years to come.

For her though the time was coming to a close, and peace was beginning to establish itself once more. She understood that without conflict she was nothing more than a target to those that fear her. Thus she returned to that little forgotten cave, the skeletal corpses of those she had devoured upon her release lain strewn about. The machine though was intact even after all that time, and with the simple press of a button, she was lain to slumber once more.


As peaceful as it sounds, slumbering for hundreds of years was nothing if not torturous to her mind. Her hunger grew, even if she couldn't sate it; her mind focused upon those that she lost. In the years that followed as she slumbered the galaxy changed. The peace that had been won, that had cost so many their lives was beginning to change.

The Republic which stood for thousands of years had become corrupt. There were worlds that sought out a means to distance themselves, and as she slumbered, corruption spread. Soon there would come a time when war once more gripped the galaxy, and even as she slept, she had a feeling that her awakening would come.

What terrible existence it would be for you to have the face of a man whom was not you, to share that face with countless others and to have no concept of a you. Looking into the mirror all you saw was him, nothing different beyond your hair; a means to try and convince yourself that you are you, unique, and yet you are nothing more than the copy of a single man. To live your entire life following in the footsteps of war and to fight as he did, to have no choice in what you would do.

Unlike those that she would face, she knew who she was, what she was. For her those that were before her were nothing more than a target, a potential meal to sate her hunger. She watched as countless beings in white armor marched upon the metallic constructs of those that had brought her forth from her slumber. She felt obligated to help, though even she cared not for the agreement that was forced upon her.

War it seemed was once more thrust upon her, and she found herself tearing apart the same man again and again. Save for those few times when she had a different face to look upon, a Padawan or Jedi that came marching into battle; it was all the same. Her eyes falling upon the same face as she tore helmets apart or removed them from the dead after a battle.

The Clone Wars marked a point in the galaxy in which history was to change. The Jedi that had reigned as peace keepers for thousands of years finally fell. Known only to a few, the Galaxy fell within the hands of the Sith, reigning from the center of the galaxy, Coruscant. For her though, she cared little for the politics, and it was only her usefulness that kept her alive in the years to come.

When she was born the Galactic Republic had reigned across much of the Galaxy, though mired in war, peace came again and again. For thousands of years as she slumbered and awoke in a continuing cycle, it was always the same, the Galactic Republic stood. Though that came to an end upon the actions of Lord Vader, and the proclamation as the government was reorganized into the First Galactic Empire. Even as thousands applauded the action, there were those that saw it as going to far.

There will always be rebels, those individuals feeling that they are fighting for a right and just cause. There will always be those saying they are bringing peace, and all that comes in their wake is tyranny. The Galaxy fell within a new war, one in which those Rebels faced again a massive war machine of the Galactic Empire. She though wanted nothing to do with either side, even as she found herself falling into the favor of the Empire.

Her actions during this time were lost to history, perhaps best kept that way for even she does not speak of what happened during this time. For all the wars she came across, for all the fighting she was part of, she considers this the darkest point of her life; a point she refuses to revisit. As always though there came a time in which she spirited herself away, losing herself to the darkness and returning to slumber; though for how long?


Luck was finally on her side as she slumbered, for as she did, the Galaxy fell to conflicts which she would desire to be of no part. Entire worlds were torn apart by the actions of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Sith, though destroyed would once more reemerge, pressing the Galaxy beneath their boot, and even worst, a single individual would release the most destructive plague upon the galaxy that would wipe out billions of lives. These events would take place as she remained silent, slumbering, though it would not be forever.

As always there are those that go searching for a myth, and there are those that stumble upon them. Prospecting for minerals and resources became the life of many in the Outer Rim, and for a few they found an ancient monolith, the form of a woman frozen inside. Rather than step away, curiosity claimed their minds as they released her, and that curiosity claimed their lives as she devoured those beings.

Though now she was in a galaxy that was mired in conflict, continued conflict. Peace did not reign for there was always war. Even as she emerged into the galaxy once more, she found the galaxy fighting a being far worst than anything she had come across, and it was just the tip of the iceberg.

The culmination of all that she witnessed upon her awakening and in the years that followed saw half of the galaxy torn from this realm and thrown into turmoil. Billions found themselves into the netherworld a place were only the dead should even tread. The being behind this some ancient princess slighted by some ancient lover.

Chaos reigned as countless worlds saw their populations dwindle, cut in half by what was known as the Netherworld Event. During this time she could do little besides fight, and thus she fell into her usual routine. She found herself folding into a mercenary unit, finding a new family, even as she attempted to keep herself from forming bonds.

As always, those that she came to know were there one day, and gone the next.

For much of what would become known as 'The Omega War', she had kept her head down and saw fit to never really enter the fray. During much of this time her focus had come upon an individual that she kept close at hand, one that had their own reason to dislike Force Users and one that had become the closest to her in years - though it was by her own hand that Amelia pushed the woman away and effectively lost her. However, the end result was the birth of a daughter that she holds so dear to herself, and would slaughter entire worlds to keep safe.

There were those other times though in which she thought to act or aid some small group here or there in the coming conflicts. Though she always ensured to keep her roll minimal, save for a few mishaps and missteps - for the most part she deemed the galactic events to be of no interest or concern for her, even going so far as to sit by and watch as an Incursion of some strange force emerged across the Galaxy. Rather her only concern was ensuring that her daughter was safe.

As the Core Worlds fell to further Chaos, and Galactic Governments began to fall or rise in turn, she looked upon the galaxy and figured it was time for her to act. Now with the Galaxy Spiraling into ever burning conflict once more, she's found herself in familiar territory and worlds; the Confederacy of Independent Systems - though not exactly as she had remembered during the Clone Wars - has proven to be a rather welcoming home.

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