Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Amelia Zin


MusicNever Fade Away
AliasesAm, Amie
Personality TraitsBrave
Natural Leader
Lifestyle TraitsPunk Fan
Free Spirit
Failed Bonsai Cultivator
Secret Plushie Enjoyer
Force SensitiveYes
Height5ft 10'
Template CreditOrn'om

    Being raised on Hapan in a family of minor aristocracy, much was expected of Amelia Zin since she was a baby. Growing up, her rebellious attitude got her in far more trouble than it should have. Alas, the ceremonies and readings and dresses (ugh) was absolutely not for her, and the moment she turned 18 she left in search of adventure, using some of her family assets to buy a small gunship and gather a humble crew, and setting off for a fantastic adventure without much plan about anything.

    Her headstrong and eager need for adventure brought her into considerable trouble before she had the chance to really get started, and she was captured by pirates across the Hapan Cluster and sold into a secret slave ring. The following year, she doesn't like to talk about.

    It took a lot of calculation, Amelia's natural leadership, an endless fire of determination and the support of a few other strong souls to finally break free. Having to start again from scratch, she reluctantly reached out to her family, who were simply relieved to hear from her and wired enough credits to get her back to Hapes. Faced with the decision to either return to a life of Hapan politics, or to have one more go at living free, she took her chances with the latter.

    Buying another, far humbler ship than before, and setting herself up with a new crew, some of which being former fellow slaves, she set out into the galaxy taking on odd jobs as a privateer and gun-for-hire for the Galactic Alliance.

    • Brave & Unyielding - Nothing can keep this girl down.
    • Kind - Amelia will do anything for those she cares about, especially her crew.
    • Extroverted - Like, seriously.
    • Excellent Alcohol Tolerance - She will drink you under the table.

    • Night Blindness - Being Hapan, Amelia struggles to see clearly in the dark and low lighting.
    • Repressed Memories - Some things she's just not yet ready to deal with.
    • Impatient - Amelia wants all the things right now, and this can sometimes get in her way if she's not careful.
    • Boisterous - Sometimes, Amelia can get a little too carried away in social settings and can take over the conversation quite quickly.

    • The hum of her ship ("It helps me sleep")
    • Being busy
    • Punk and metal
    • Singing very loudly
    • Guns
    • More guns
    • Coffee
    • Brandy
    • Coffee and brandy
    • Stargazing
    • Silver hair
    • Toothy, her Krayt Dragon plushie >_>

    • Dresses
    • Being tethered to anything
    • Politics
    • Authority
    • Tea
    • Quiet
    • Bonsai plants ("Ugh, don't ask.")

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