Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ami Dracov

  • NAME: Ami Dracov (Amisjeva Dracovia)
    FACTION: Brotherhood of the Maw
    RANK: Sorcerer of Rhand
    SPECIES: Dathomiri (Force mutated)
    AGE: 53 (Appearance: 26)
    SEX: Female
    HEIGHT: 5'8
    WEIGHT: 175 lbs.
    EYES: Gold.
    HAIR: Blond
    SKIN: Pale
    SHIP: N/A

  • unknown.png

    Ami is a beautiful young woman, quite well built and agile. She often wheres dathomirian robes or battle armour. She has blond hair much like her sister, and enjoys attending events. She is kind to those she trusts but feels a great hatred for those who oppose her. She also carries 2 shroud sabers she stole from a dead warden, though it is customised.

  • Ami Dracov was born on Dathomir, and born as a witch. She had always been strong with the force like her sister, and her magical abilities led to many opportunities. When she turned to the age of 6 her mother took her away from Dathomir to explore the galaxy with her and her sister, it was on this trip Lena found out she had been mutated through the force at birth, for her mother had feared for Ami and Lena's life as a which.

    When visiting a planet, her mother was discovered as a witch and murdered, forcing Lena and Ami to flee home to Dathomir. There she trained in the arts of the Night Sisters and learned their ways. Whens he was 10 her sister left to get revenge on her mothers killer and didn't come back. She had learned that her mutations affected more then just her speed and strength, but her life span, she had no idea when her death would come. She also found she was able to regenerate quicker than most.

    She was filled with rage at her sisters betrayal and left Dathomir, joining the Brotherhood of the Maw and becoming a Sorcerer of Rhand. She vowed to kill all who opposed her, even her sister. Since then she has been trained in the dark side, becoming a lethal killer and a feared enemy.

    -Night Sister Magic
    -Martial Practices
    -Mutations (Life span, speed, strength)

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